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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/23/2016 11:46:28 PM

Preparing For First Contact

sue-lie-sharmanBy Sharman the Pleiadians—Through Sue Lie

Chapter 27 ~ Accepting the Fifth Dimensional Energy Packages

Greetings, I am Sharman, here again with an important message regarding the accelerated changes on Earth. These changes are primarily occurring because of the fifth dimensional energy fields that are flowing deeper and deeper into your atmosphere, as well as into Gaia’s core.

It is primarily those who have calibrated their consciousness to the resonance of the fifth dimension that are able to consciously experience these fifth dimensional, perceptual fields. We, your galactic family, ask that those of you who are able to perceive these fifth dimensional waves of reality assist Gaia to ground them into Her planetary core.

We also remind you to document the manner in which you can perceive these fifth dimensional, and beyond, energy fields, so that you can assist others in remembering how they can perceive these fifth dimension energy fields.

It is through documenting your inter-dimensional perceptions, and sharing them with others, that you greatly contribute to the process of recognizing the shifting frequency of the myriad energetic flows that are NOW occurring within your daily life.

These shifting frequencies are similar to swimming in a natural body of water in which there are warm patches of water and colder patches of water. Since it is the water, you will not see an outline around these different temperatures.

It is in this manner that you will perceive a difference between the third, fourth and fifth dimensional energy fields. Also, your body, your thoughts, and your emotions will innately resonate to the frequency of these energy fields.

For example, when you enter into a fifth dimensional energy flow you might suddenly feel very happy, loving, and feel as though someone is trying to communicate with you. Then, as you move through that energy field, you may fall back into your “normal” 3D life. However, the more that you consciously experience these higher dimensional flows of energy the less the third dimension will feel normal.

In fact, as you experience more and more fifth dimensional energy packages, which are wafting into your awareness like a sweet breeze or a ray of sunlight that moves across your face, the more you will consciously or unconsciously seek out these fifth dimensional energy flows that are increasing day-by-day.

As these energy fields increasingly intermingle with your third and fourth dimensional energy fields, humanity will increasingly become aware that “something is different.” At first, only those who have expanded their consciousness to encompass the fifth dimension and beyond will be aware that these higher dimensional energy waves are flowing through, and intermingling with, your daily experience of reality.

However, the term “reality” will take on new definitions. Within a third dimensional reality, one does not think of their “reality.” Instead, they merely call it life.

On the other hand, as you begin to have more multidimensional experiences, you will increasingly perceive that there are many versions of “reality” that are all occurring within the same NOW.

We ask that you take a moment in your busy day to consciously acknowledge these higher dimensional waves of energy. We also request that you share the most intimate parts of your ascension process with others. Yes, you are indeed within the active process of planetary ascension.

But, within the NOW, you do NOT need to be a famous leader or a martyr. Within these current waves of ascension, as there have been many ascension waves in preparation for this NOW, you can stand tall within the ever-expanding knowing that Gaia is Ascending.

Within this NOW, you do not need to be a leader or any form of a “special person. NOW it is the “regular people” who are feeling the energy fields of ascension as they move through their “regular life.”

Unfortunately, many humans are not aware that what they are experiencing is an ascension wave. Instead, they may suddenly experience a feeling of deep, unconditional love, a growing sense of responsibility to help others understand and accept what they are experiencing, and/or an inner call to accept, integrate and share their experiences with others.

More and more humans, and of course, ALL the plants, animals, insects, etc., are beginning to consciouslyfeel the energy fields of ascension. These ascension energy fields are calling you to “Let GO.”

Primarily, you are being asked to “Let Go” of your attachment to the third dimensional dramas of physical life. On the other hand, these dramas, problems, disappointments, and mistakes are the foundation of your ascension process, as they represent that which is being released.

Hence, we ask that you Let Go of judging your self or your process. There is no “better way” to move through your ascension process. There is only “YOUR way.” Remember that Gaia’s operating system has been based on forming strong individuals.

Now that the fifth dimensional energy fields are increasingly wafting into your daily life, it is the NOW to release all self-judgment and to unconditionally love yourself. If you find there are any portions of your personal life that you cannot love unconditionally, then please transmute them with the Violet Fire.

The reasons for your “self-judgment” came while you were lost in third/fourth dimensional energy fields. In fact, you will increasingly be called on to differentiate the third/fourth dimensional energy fields of polarity, separation, time and space from the fifth dimensional energy fields of unconditional love and unity with all life.

If you find yourself engaging in a third dimensional energy field, please remember to Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire to transmute all shadow into Light, Light, Light. Then you will assist Gaia greatly in Her process of planetary ascension.

If you align your personal energy field with the incoming fifth dimensional energy fields, you will begin to consciously perceive the incoming fifth dimensional energy fields. Then, be sure to ground these perceptions into your physical form, as well as in the physical planet of Earth.

We ask that you direct your attention toward the higher dimensional energy fields because, “Where your attention is, there YOU are also.” The more you have conscious interactions with fifth dimensional energy fields, the more you will become accustomed to the resonant feeling of the fifth dimensional.

You have remembered that if you align your conscious attention with a fourth dimensional energy field, you will enter that fourth dimensional resonance of reality. In the same manner, when you align your conscious attention with a fifth dimensional energy field, you will enter that reality.

Within the NOW of the fifth dimensional HERE, your choice of perception is directed by your state of consciousness. Simultaneously, it is your state of consciousness that sets your choice of perceptions. Yes, YOU are choosing your state of consciousness and your state of consciousness directs your choice of perceptions.

You could not be aware of this fact while fully immersed in a third dimensional reality. A third dimensional reality is based on time, space, and the various forms of cause and effect. You having a third dimensional reality has appeared to be caused by your thoughts and emotions.

Your third dimensional consciousness is not able to realize that YOU can choose your own thoughts and emotions, much less that you can choose to create the frequency of reality that you chose to perceive.

Your third dimensional expression of self is not able to recognize that YOU are creating your “outer world” by your frequency of thoughts and the frequency of emotions that you chose to accompany these thoughts.

Fortunately, more and more of our grounded ones are expanding their consciousness beyond the third/fourth dimensions of time and space, and into the fifth dimension of “Here and NOW.”

With no “time” to deeply ponder your choices, and no “space” for you to travel in order to achieve your goal, the fifth dimension if often perceived as a fleeting idea, a blink of an eye, or an idea that flows through your mind more quickly you can understand it.

There are many “updates” within the third/fourth dimensional operating system that are preparing your physical system for the full download of your fifth dimensional operating system. More and more humans are remembering how to activate their innate fifth dimensional operation system and interface it with their earth vessels.

When you download a new operating system into your computer, or if you even download new updates into your computer, your computer must adapt to these changes. If you do not adapt to these changes, you will not be able to use your computer to its greatest ability.

If you do not download the updates, your computer will not be able to merge with and use the future updates. This is where the “letting go” comes in. In order to fully update your consciousness to recognize, read, and integrate the fifth dimensional “upgrades” that are flowing into your transmuting reality, you must “let go” of your old manner of perceiving your self and your reality.

When you accept these “downloads,” you are no longer just a 3D human because you have initiated your conscious return to your “multidimensional human.” However, you must release your old programs before you can fully embrace your new programs.

If you cannot release your attachment to your third dimensional expression of self, you will not be able to perceive and “fully download” the fourth dimensional upgrades that are flowing into your reality.

Then, when a fifth dimensional upgrade comes into your reality, you will not be able to download it, as the needed foundation of the fourth dimension is not available. Fortunately, all fifth dimensional energy packages, or downloads are free of time and space.

Hence, the download of the fifth dimension does not need to occur during any particular time period or in any particular sequence. On the other hand, your process of thinking often needs to follow a time/space format because that is how you were taught to think in your third dimensional reality.

As you know, there are many savants and/or geniuses that have been able to break through the third dimensional time/space barrier and expand their daily awareness into the fifth dimensional HERE and NOW. Furthermore, many of the new children that are being born are already calibrated to perceive the fifth dimension as their primary reality.

It is the challenge of the parents of these children to recognize that it is their child that will teach them as much as they will teach their child. We Galactics are volunteering to assist humanity’s ascension process by taking earth vessels at an ever-increasing rate.

In fact, we are offering special instruction for humans wearing a three dimensional earth vessel who choose to visit our Ships in their night body or during their meditations. Many of these humans are not consciously aware of these visits, but they often wake up with “unusual dreams.”

Then, as they go about their day, they begin to realize how their state of consciousness greatly influences their perception of reality. For example, a low state of consciousness will put one on alert to “guard against what may go wrong.”

On the one hand, a higher state of consciousness allows one to relax into the safety of remembering that they are eternally guided and unconditionally loved. This sense of safety creates a higher state of consciousness. Then, these higher states of consciousness create conscious perceptions of higher frequency realities.

On the other hand, fear creates a downward slope that lowers your state of consciousness, which creates more fear, which creates a lower state of consciousness, which diminishes your higher dimensional perceptions.

If you can be consciously aware of the energy fields that you are choosing to download into your consciousness, you will be more and more able to “choose” the reality that you wish to experience.

There is no right or wrong way to interact with the third and fourth dimensional energy fields, except to BE CONSCIOUS of the frequency of energy that you allow to merge with your aura, and hence, your third dimensional earth vessel.

Your earth vessels need extra attention within this NOW because they are in transition. There is an innate message that goes off in your minds that is saying, “Ascension has begun.” Your body can receive that message long before your mind, because your body does not “think” like a human.

Your body perceives reality via the same unity consciousness as Gaia’s plant and animal kingdoms. All of Gaia’s beings and plants live in unity with their environment. Therefore, they have NO sense of separation.

Yes, there is predator and prey, which are organized in third dimensional patterns of “fight or flight.” But, the animals do so for protection of self or others, or for survival. On the other hand, many humans go into “fight” to get money and have power OVER others.

The plant and animal kingdoms, as well as the ascending humans, are aligned with all of Gaia’s creatures to expand the frequency of Gaia’s resonance into the fifth dimension by recognizing, accepting and downloading the fifth dimensional energy waves into their physical form and into the physical form of Gaia’s Earth.

There are many reports of how predator and prey are forming intimate bonds with each other. What do the animals know that people do not? They know how to read the energy fields. “How can an animal “read?” The answer is that plants and animals FEEL, perceive, know, and live within the flow of the ONE.

Because they live within the Flow of the ONE, they automatically accept all the higher dimensional downloads without thought or judgment. They are ONE with the planet. Therefore, they perceive no separation between themselves and their planet.

In fact, many members of the plant and animal kingdoms perceive the connecting energy fields that connect all life. They perceive these energy fields because have NOT been told that they should NOT, or could Not, perceive them.

For many, many millennia humans who remembered their true multidimensional self and dared to give service to others were burned at the stake, outcast and harshly judged becaue they could perceive what others could not perceive.

Why did this occur? Why were humans judged and harshly punished for perceiving the higher dimensional energy packages? The answer is to this question is that people who could perceive, interact and communicate with their higher expressions of self, could not be controlled by the dark ones.

Therefore, the dark ones had to kill those who could perceive the higher light. They chose to kill them in very public fashions to warn the others to never expand their perceptions into the higher dimensions of reality.

Because of their dark history, humans have learned to doubt what they see, hear, smell, or touch. Therefore, many humans lost their instincts, and lost their ability to perceive the myriad versions of reality that resonate to the fourth dimension and beyond.

There has been so much “power over others” over humans, by the ruling hierarchy, that many men and women have lost their true Sense of SELF. Without a strong “sense of self” a human does not have a history that pulls them into the “ONE” of all that he or she has gathered during their myriad incarnation.

Each incarnation is much like a page that is written into your “Ascension Book.” Whether or not your ascension book is physical, does not matter, as your Ascension Book is written within your own multidimensional aura and eventually copied to a third dimensional earth vessel.

With the mental focus of meditation, as well as the unconditional love that you send to yourself, you can perceive, understand, and even enter into these fifth dimensional energy fields. Please remember that you will perceive these fifth dimensional energy fields in the same manner as the plants and animals perceive them.

The perception, recognition and acceptance of these fifth dimensional, and beyond, energy fields will pull you into the ONE of all LIFE and the HERE of the NOW in which YOU are writing your own Ascension Book.

As you write your Ascension Book please share it with others, practice living what you have written and loving what YOU that has remembered to perceive. Flow into your own process and assist others to enter the ever-increasing fifth dimensional waves of Light, Love and Hope.

Blessings, we your Galactic Family, are always HERE within your fifth dimension NOW!

Call us, and we WILL answer.

Sharman and your Galactic Family

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2016 1:03:09 AM

Dreamer of the Dream II

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God said:

Do you believe Me? I am asking you if you believe Me, not do you believe in Me? It may be easier for you to believe in Me than to believe what I say.

Do you believe that you may be actively living in Greater Dimensions and still be speaking from the 3rd Dimension? You could be behind the times in such an area where it counts so much. Why would you delay yourself when you could be speaking from the 5th Dimension as well as anyone? Get on with it.

Even in years past, before the term 5th Dimension etc. was a household word, there were Great Ones who spoke from Great Heights, why not you?

Changing your thinking is not exactly something you decide. Easily, by a gentle intention, without making any great investment, you, in the world, wonder what this Dimension called the 5th might look like. You might ponder:

"What if I looked up to the sky at it, what might I see?"

How happy you would be!

Lift your eyelids up by hand if you have to. Open your mind to the idea that life is limitless. Life does not have to be crumbling old vestiges of old thinking.

If you can dance a waltz, you can also dance a salsa. If you can think an old worn-out thought, you can also think a new one. If your eyes can be closed, your eyes also can be open.

C'mon, dear ones, I see you shrug your shoulders, and perhaps I hear you making statements like:

"That's the world for you. That's how the world is. The world never changes."

I might hear you say:

"Oh, the surface appearance of the world may change, yet the Truth of the World never changes. Yes, there are jets and computers now, yet, in terms of humanity, we are left with the same old world of each man for himself. When push comes to shove, people stay the same. That's how it is. You might as well face it."

Listen, what would 5th Dimension refer to but the evolution of the world? It is not the evolution of Heaven. Heaven is Heavenly as always. Heaven doesn't change, why would it?

More mist from Heaven is reaching Earth. More mist from Heaven is reaching you. You inhale, and you are breathing Heaven in. Transformation exists. Change your tune. You are alive now. You are no longer in the Dark Ages.

As Consciousness of human Beings grows, so does the world grow. The world is in the midst of a great breakthrough. You are in the midst of a great breakthrough as well. A break-through can be great, and yet you may not see it right before your eyes. You are oblivious. Greater exists than what you may let in and acknowledge.

Are you still looking through the lens of 3rd Dimension eyes?

Are you? Can you admit that that are times when you do? Honestly, why would you hold on to what is behind you? What's in it for you?

Then there are times you can answer yourself conclusively:

"I am not looking through the lenses of the 3rd Dimension any more. At least, not so much anymore."

There are times when you can say to yourself: "I am letting a little more light in."

The time is coming when you will be able to sing out: "I am beginning to see Light."

Now you can admit: "I do exist in the 5th Dimension…or the 7th…"

When you allow the possibility, you open your windows wide. Now you burst into song and sing:

"I am Light. I AM Light! I am Light in a New Dimension."

And all sing: "Hallelujah."

And so you open the blinds of the world.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2016 6:22:57 PM


Monday, October 24, 2016

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise; realign

Moon in Leo

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings; Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Elias, God of the West, God of Alchemy

Skill: look beyond appearances or outbursts to see a deeper cause or value

True Alignments: balance, skillfully navigating the emotional field, creativity, inner changes bringing outer results, the essence of things, appreciation, reallocating, interpretation and innovation, achievement, ability to shift and adjust, influential, re-framing a situation or changing perspective, seeing through

Catalysts for Change: imbalance, overload, disappointment, impatient and trying to move things forward while they are still in process, over-disclosing or disclosing in an unsafe environment, looks good on the outside, but..., outbursts, tension, nervousness and anxiety, insomnia, thinking one knows it all, uncontained, unleashing, lashing out

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "three masters hanging in a special room in an art gallery" (light reflected on life; expansion of perceptions; linking mind, body, and spirit; vision and visionary)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending difficulties; transcending the unraveling control paradigm; fantastical experiences)

When Elsie Wheeler channeled each of the Sabian symbols to astrologer Marc Edmund Jones in Balboa Park in San Diego in 1925, she did not know which degree of the zodiac she was channeling. Jones recorded the images as she saw them, shuffling and reshuffling index cards with a pre-written degree of the zodiac on each as they went along.

She did not know that the symbols for 2 Scorpio and 2 Taurus, the degrees of the Sun and Earth today, respectively, were the same energetic, relatively. Scorpio and Taurus are opposite signs, with 2 Scorpio being opposite 2 Taurus in the zodiac. But the themes for both of these degrees are very much the same. This happens with several of the symbols, with their opposite degree being a similar energetic.

(It also happens with consecutive symbols, as we saw last week when Mercury discharged 18 Libra, "two men placed under arrest," and then 19 Libra, "a gang of robbers in hiding." These are variations on a theme.)

The energetic that the Sun and the Earth are releasing through 8:00 pm ET/midnight UT is the energetic of things reaching their breaking point. Things that have built up or concentrated suddenly rise up or burst out. The Sun is discharging the degree of "a broken bottle and spilled perfume," and the Earth is discharging the degree of "an electrical storm." Both symbols relate to things snapping, lighting off, breaking loose, breaking apart, splitting up, spilling out, and spilling over...

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2016 9:05:46 PM

The World is Waking Up and it's Magic to Watch

will's picture

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

It’s inspiring to witness many of the earth’s people, especially in the Western world, becoming aware of the deep corruption in our social system, particularly because society is building its innate capacity to actually do something about it.

More and more people now understand that we are ruled via a corporatocracy where the money supply, banking, governmental policy and other vital public infrastructure has been hijacked by the oligarchs and the corporate elite. In addition, public discourse and the official narratives are dictated by the corporate media who are owned by the same people who control macro public policy via their political puppets, as well as the unprecedented wealth they have at their disposal.

Their ultimate agenda is of course ultimate power, which is dressed up in a pretty dress of “let’s save the planet!”. Of course the degradation of our natural systems needs a fresh approach, yet their covert game to win a planetary control-system has been brilliantly exposed for the world to see.

In stride, the people are fighting back in both explicit and subtle ways. Some examples include:

  • Independent media has exploded, where more people now get their news from it compared to the propagandized mainstream press;
  • The information which exposes the lies of the ‘programmed beliefs’ is increasingly circulated by an awakening populace;
  • Global and local action groups are forming to reverse the sellout of our system;
  • Greater numbers of people are growing or sourcing organic, chemical-free food and are personally filtering any contaminants out of their water supply;
  • Parents are home-schooling their children in greater numbers, or at least giving them more holistic and healthy information as their core education;
  • Conversations of substance are increasingly occurring at pubs, supermarkets and community events, making it harder for the sleeping masses not to face the uncomfortable truths about our sick system; and
  • Individuals and families are unplugging from the control-grid the best they can, as well as reconsidering and re-prioritizing what’s truly important in life.

That’s a good segue into the other dimension of the waking up process. A great awakening is occurring in terms of the deeper layers of reality, including the way the scientific philosophy on life has been intentionally designed to keep us disempowered and disconnected with our true nature.

Exit scientific materialism. This theory has long been debunked by the quantum and parapsychological sciences because human consciousness has clearly been shown to play a co-creative role in the manifestation of our interconnected reality.

Not that this hasn’t been known in one way or another by basically every culture on earth since the beginning of time.

Yet, materialism is still the dominant philosophy of not just the dogmatic discipline we call mainstream science, but also of many minds within the truth and freedom network. When it’s pretty much common knowledge that medical, energy and other corporate-related science has been distorted and suppressed for the benefit of the control-system, why would it be any different when it comes to the philosophical implications of scientific exploration and its associated evidence?

After all, we know that the elite use ritual and symbolic spells to achieve their goals, so clearly they themselves believe beyond the adolescence of a matter-based reality. And when we consider how successful they’ve been, obviously they’ve tapped into the energetic dance in a productive way, at least for themselves.

The fact remains however that there is a huge network of people who are becoming conscious of the nature of consciousness itself. A term to describe this is spirituality, but in summary it’s simply about understanding the connection we have with each other and reality at large, as well as rediscovering the various layers which make up the self.

If you haven’t viewed through this lens in your quest for clarity, you’re unfortunately missing a profound piece of the philosophical puzzle.

In any case, the awakening community is doing some amazing work, even if it’s split between the system-focused and spiritual-focused mindsets. There are of course many balance-minded individuals and groups who are doing both, but for the time being this remains the exception, not the norm.

That will change though. The veterans of truth-seeking, as well as the newly initiated to the conscious society, are energetically primed to create a balance between these two areas of exploration. After all, there is always an opportunity for the magic to be at strength with the madness, just like the positive charge is equal to its negative counterpart, in accordance with natural principles.

That’s duality, in one action.

To reflect on which ways in which you’ve personally woken up, watch the following short documentary.

About the Author

Phillip J. Watt lives in Australia. His written work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook or visit his website.

This article (The World is Waking Up and it’s Magic to Watch) was originally created by Phillip J. Watt and is re-posted here with permission.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/24/2016 9:10:43 PM

GaiaPortal 10-24-16… “Alabaster columns of Light support the New Inner Gaia”

gaiaportal_logo267This just came out. Here is a definition of “cordon“: A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.

For those wanting more detailed interpretations, I suggest going toRosalie Parker and/or Justin at SitsShow.


Alabaster columns of Light support the New Inner Gaia

Alabaster columns of Light support the New Inner Gaia

Cordons of elementals stand with those aligned.

Selectives are empowered.

Harmonics are embraced.

Forces of Higher Life prevail.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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