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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2016 11:43:27 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Truly, Despite All The Conflict Arising In The World, All Is Well

Jesus postingJohn’s audio reading is available here.

Chaos and confusion appear to be increasing across the planet, but in fact what is happening is just the rising to the surface of humanity’s consciousness many long held beliefs and judgments which are being acted out; it’s just part of humanity’s awakening process.

All the negative and judgmental ideas and concepts to which humanity has been clinging for eons have to be released in order for you to awaken, and in some cases, as you can see, they are being engaged with and acted out, often very violently.

Many of you Light holders have become aware of this and are working steadfastly to let go of all your own unloving thoughts and beliefs that you have discovered buried or denied deep within yourselves, which are now arising into your awareness and, in many cases, shocking you. All humans have buried and denied unloving thoughts and desires, they are all aspects of the illusion, of the state of separation from Source that you chose to experience.

The state of separation – which as you have so often been told is purely illusory, unreal – by its nature sets you against each other as you struggle for survival in a seemingly hostile environment. But in this incarnation, where it has been your intent to be loving and assist in humanity’s awakening, it is extremely unsettling for you to have thoughts, even desires, to harm others. You judge them unacceptable.

But remember, you need to stop judging, especially yourselves. As these inharmonious thoughts or desires arise just observe them: “Wow, I didn’t realize that I had so much buried hatred, anger, and resentment against . . .” and release them without judgment!

Often those feelings or emotions are not yours, but are from the human collective, they are what you incarnated to assist humanity to release, and that is what your loving intentions do. However, when they come to mind your egos automatically attach them to someone you know or knew.

Before you can release all that buried and denied debris you have to acknowledge it. There is nothing wrong in your thoughts or desires, they are, as it were, just there flowing and floating around seeking attention. They have no meaning whatsoever until someone engages with them or acts them out.

You, our dear readers and listeners, are doing absolutely sterling work as you set your daily intent to be loving in every moment, and in every situation. Those intentions are extremely powerful and effective because you are divine beings, One with God, and it is His Will and yours that humanity awakens. Therefore you will awaken. But, no one will be forced to awaken, Love never forces.

The small minority of humans who choose to delay their awakening because they are not yet ready to cease playing games in the illusion, will continue as humans within the illusion following paths they have chosen. This is not a wrong choice, it is just the choice they are choosing because it appears to them to be completely appropriate.

Remind yourselves frequently that there is only Love, all else is illusory. No one can be lost, let alone damned! All are God’s beloved children and all will return to Oneness. It has, of course already happened, because, in fact, you never left that state. Therefore do not worry about loved ones who seem totally uninterested and uninvolved with spirituality, who have no apparent awareness that there is a Reality apart from the one you experience as humans.

There is no one who is separated from Source, because separation is impossible, there are just some who, for whatever reason in this present moment, choose or refuse to become aware of that. They remain eternally in God’s loving embrace, and when they are ready, and they will become ready, they too will undergo their own awakening process and return to the joy of Oneness.

Truly, despite all the conflict and confusion arising in the world, all is well. Keep reminding yourselves that your experiences as humans, while often painful and giving rise to intense suffering, are unreal. You cannot be harmed or damaged in any way. Yes, your bodies can and do experience intense pain and suffering, but they are temporary vehicles that you chose to inhabit, and that is their purpose, but when you have learned your lessons, lessons that you each personally chose to learn, you will discard them, with grateful thanks, and awaken.

Being One with God for all eternity you have no need of physical form, but while you do have a physical form it is only sensible to treat that form with loving respect, care for it wisely, and enjoy the pleasures it can provide. Remember, God always and only wants you to be happy, joyful, at peace, and content.

When you are not in that state it means you are thinking egotistically i.e. you are focusing on things that could go wrong in your lives and thus drawing them to you. What you think about becomes your intent, so be careful what you think about, and focus on joy in every moment. You should be in joy because you are eternally One with God, and that state can never be altered.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

“Jesus: Truly, Despite All The Conflict Arising In The World, All Is Well,” Channeled by John Smallman, September 28, 2016, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2016 11:59:32 PM

U.S Government Nears ‘Shutdown’

security-brief-us-government-shutdown-adobe-hacked-388659-2-350x263KejRaj: Are we finally there? I think we are. They may make it seem like a ‘shutdown‘ is occurring because of disagreements in the senate on the ‘water’ crisis. But in truth, what is happening is the ‘changeover‘ WE have all been waiting for. The ball has been rolling for quite sometime, and it has increased its speed and in size, like a snowball down a hill, it has gotten so big, and now, it is about to explode in the next couple of weeks. Be in a state of joy as we move forward, stay heart centered, and remember, WE are the newleaders, and we must NOT let greed lead us astray. Let love be your intention in everything you do.

Continue reading the article below…

The federal government may soon be underwater, with the Senate divided over, well, water. The lack of funding for Flint’s lead-contamination crisis kept a temporary spending bill from being passed, and now a government shutdown is mere days away.

On Friday at the stroke of midnight, the US government will be officially unfunded and move into shutdown mode, unless the Senate and House of Representatives can recover from what took place Tuesday.

In a 45-55 vote, a continuing resolution bill to fund the federal government through December 9 failed to gain a bare majority in the Senate. It falls far short of the 60 votes necessary to overcome a filibuster.

The bill also included over $1 billion for Zika virus research, including vaccine funding. While that came as a result of negotiations and attempts at compromise from both sides of the aisle, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) lost the support of many conservatives. Democrats predictably voted against the bill, long demanding aid for Flint, Michigan, where for two years residents have struggled with a lead-contaminated drinking water system.

The Senate approved $220 million for Flint earlier this month, but it was not included in the continuing resolution.

Republicans have promised to fund help for Flint in a water resources bill that would come in November after the general election, or even as far ahead as December. Currently, that bill does not include text concerning Flint though.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) isn’t having any of it, saying, “‘Trust me we will consider Flint later’ – that’s like nothing to me,”according to ABC News.

Democrats insist Flint funding belongs in the continuing resolution, pointing to the fact that Louisiana and other southern states affected by recent flooding have $500 million set aside for them. The response from Senator McConnell has been that he may take the natural disaster relief out of the continuing resolution and attach it to the water resources bill.

“It’s almost as if a few Democratic leaders decided long ago that bringing our country to the brink would make for good election-year politics,” Senator McConnell said on the Senate floor Tuesday.

A House version of the water sources bill is being debated Tuesday, but it will not include Flint funding until later, Republicans say. Monday night, Representative Dan Kildee (D-Michigan), whose district covers Flint, was blocked from putting his funding measure up for a vote.

The Obama administration supports Flint funding, but has not been specific about what legislation it should be included in.

“Congress should quickly pass targeted funding to support Flint, Michigan, whether in the Water Resources Development Act or another vehicle,” the White House said Monday, according to the Washington Post.

A previous point of contention in the continuing resolution was a spending cut of $400 million. That, ABC News reports, is “no longer controversial” since other language in the bill to exclude Planned Parenthood from Zika virus funding in Puerto Rico and deregulate the Clean Water Act’s pesticide rules were tossed out.

The continuing resolution would also increase the next year’s Department of Veterans Affairs budget by 4 percent.

Friday also marks the last day the full Congress will be in session until November 13.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2016 12:02:57 AM

There Is No Loss

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

You don't want to make too much of what you may call signs. Let's say you lost a story you wrote or you lost a chord of music you heard playing inside you.

Is a loss meant to be lost for some unknown reason? Was the story meant not to see the light of day? Was the chord never to be heard? And then come the why questions, and you ponder more.

Dear Ones, you don't want to second-guess Life. You don’t need all the answers. It's perfectly fine to be without all the answers.

Signs can become a preoccupation. You begin to wonder around the clock. So busy are you listening to signs from above that you divert yourself from living life right here on Earth. Or, it could be said, you live life predominantly from a perspective of analysis which is hardly the point of life. Why analyze your life away?

In a sense, your life is what you think of it. What you think of your life is what you make of it.

Oh, My goodness, there is no end to speculating on life and wondering what this means and that means or what this could mean and what that could mean. With analysis, you wear yourself down to the ground. You may well make too much of that which does not bear making much of at all.

In the instance of the lost story or a lost chord, the point is that it got lost, and you are to live life. You know, the best you can do is to take one step after another. With a story lost, you are left with other choices than when the written story is still available to you. There are always new chords left for you to discover.

When you lose something important to you, no matter how important its meaning to you, you go on, one way or another. If you lose a horse you are riding, obviously you find another horse to ride. And then you get on the new horse. Or, you hitch a ride, or you walk. Is this tragic?

In the case of a lost story, you decide either to try again and reconstitute it, or a new story starts to inspire you. What you are definitely not to do is to moan and groan about it. You are to move on. Progress.

You could try to rewrite the story, yet the creative juices are gone. So then you go on with a new story. Or, you decided not to try to write the lost story from scratch. Later, you feel an impulse to give it a try again. So be it.

When you lose a loved one, attached to the world as you are, you mourn in one way or another, and then, sooner or later, you get up from mourning.

Get up from all the losses. Life traded you another experience from a former one. Even the loss of a dearly-loved one makes room for something more for you. Beloveds, the sun is always shining somewhere. It is for you to find out where.

I could say there are no losses ever because you don't own anything in the first place!

I will also reaffirm that, in the case of a loved one whose body dies, your beloved does not appear only in one room of your house. Your loved one will appear to you again in every room.

When you are able to remember Infinity, you are not limited to time. In Infinity, timelessness exists. There are no minutes. They are no hours. There is no absence of anything at all.

Absence, no matter how powerfully you may feel it, is an impossibility. You will be reunited.

There is a double-entendre regarding the concept of the past. I can say you and your loved one will be reunited. I can also say in truth that there never was a separation except in your thoughts. You thought your thoughts were true, yet the premises your thoughts were based on were untrue.

A physical presence went off-stage. Souls touch Infinitely. This is not an idea to scoff at.

The physical is a beautiful expression of Life. Enjoy your time in the physical world. Do not think that you did not ask for Life in the World, for you most certainly did. Life in the World is not meant to be a pall for you. Watch your attitude toward Life in the World.

Now I would like to tell you something else to the point. Annoyances, irritation, pain, etc. are not possible without the physical. Without the physical, there is no pettiness. There is no getting angry. There is no feeling alone. Without the physical, there would be no habits. There would be no reliance on time. Without the physical, you would not age.

Without the Presence of Earth, you would not even have the concept of unhappiness. Without the physical, what could annoy you? Without the physical, there would be no noses to blow, no tired feet, no fingernails to file. Without the physical, you would be in a different league.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/29/2016 5:37:05 PM


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Virgo (New Moon in Libra, September 29 at 8:12 pm ET)

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: blaze your heart fire

True Alignments: satisfying, the spirit of adventure, spreading warmth, grieving a loss, making space for the new, courage, overcoming a feeling of failure, time for reflection, calmness, ability to adjust, welcoming, the heights of creativity

Catalysts for Change: fear, restless, difficulty adjusting or changing, isolative/loneliness, abandonment issues, superficial, off course, selfish, bitterness, self sabotage, drama queens, rushing in to something or rushing something, moody

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows" (seeing beyond duality/divide and conquer, integration, transcending difficulties)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (the renaissance of humanity, transcending difficulties)

The eve of the New Moon, the one named Black, the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi leaves us with a stroke of beauty.

The touch of the Goddess, the Sacred Feminine, pervades the energetics today. Venus is discharging "the Moon shining across a lake," giving the day a reflective quality. Venus is in trine to Neptune, an exalted combination of creativity and beauty.

A sustaining energetic of warmth comes with the Sun discharging "a blazing fireplace in a deserted home." Unseen guidance and protection is always available, but today it demonstrates itself. It is evident. We can proceed on adventures, knowing that we can always return to the inner home -- where the fires of heart and spirit roar.

Things or conditions that appear to be "dying out" or going downhill or not going the way we would like them to are actually the embers that begin something new or take things in a different direction.

Mercury, the Messenger, leads the way to new adventures, discharging "a caravan of cars headed for promised lands." We move on. We align with like-minded people. We seek out something. We run down a dream.

Where we "go" and what is "shown" or "evidenced" to us today may be mind-blowing. The Earth is discharging the energetic of "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind." This is the degree of the next solar-lunar year, which begins in March 2017. Today's events may foreshadow what is in store for the upcoming year. This symbol implies the need to adjust to exterior or outer forces and circumstances.

This lunar month has been about seeing something that was formerly shadowed to us and transcending it, with the energetic of "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows." Looking beyond darkness is not easy (because truth is revealed), but it is always rewarding.

As beauty unfolds around us today, a tinge of bitter sweetness may occur as the Moon opposes Chiron (exact opposition at 12:43 pm ET/4:43 pm UT). Something may feel like a three ring circus. Three's are important today, so be on the lookout for signs and synchronicities that appear three times. This is very vital information for you. (If something surprising or disruptive occurs today, do not rush to judge or act or decide. In fact, consult with someone who is an expert or someone insightful that you trust.)

We started out the month in darkness, looking out and beyond shadows. We end the month today with the blaze of a home fire. And so, wise owls, we are not headed into a "Black" New Moon or month. We are headed to a special place, a place of light, with the New Moon energetic of "three masters hang in a special room in an art gallery." The Masters of Light are upon us.

The Wisdom Goddess Shodashi bids us adieu today after aligning us with the path of what is in our highest and best interests. This time around she lead us through shadows in order to align us. We are well prepared to begin the Libra lunar cycle, the mid-point of the astrological year, and the time when the most light is available (because it is like a month-long Full Moon in the natural cycles). Let's blow her a kiss.

The mindset we hold on the eve of a New Moon determines, in large measure, the way we will experience the upcoming month.

The mindset to hold is the one that trusts that a greater story is underway -- a masterpiece, in fact.

SPECIAL NOTE TO WISE OWLS: If you would like to continue following "the story" with me, please note that as of October 1, in response to the handover of the internet, I will move the Oracle Report to subscription.

This means that the daily report will only be available privately, emailed directly to you and also available on a separate platform and forum, where I will also post my audios. The top portion (the True Alignments, etc.) will be posted publicly, free to everyone.

Subscriptions are $5.50 a month, which may be one of the best deals going, considering the rate of an hour of psychotherapy, a cup of coffee, a magazine...

This is the EARLY WISE OWL SPECIAL! The monthly subscription rate will increase to $8 with the New Moon in Scorpio at the end of October.

Those wise owls who are already subscribers, the daily report will automatically come to you starting Saturday, with the link to the Academy where new audios, including the New Moon in Libra overview and some special reports await.

It has been a deep honor and privilege to play my small role in the awakening of humanity for the last seven years. When I began, I had no idea that my daily "love letters to the world" would become what they have. I have endeavored to honor my oath to the Wisdom Goddesses to deliver spiritual messages to the best of my ability, but truly it is YOU who have made the difference. The parliament of wise owls are trailblazers of consciousness.

Now, we take this magic carpet ride to the next level and jump to light speed!


Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
9/29/2016 5:43:49 PM

GaiaPortal 9-28-16… “Standard bearings are inspected and cleansed”

gaiaportal_logo260Well, there’s “standard bearers“, and this one says, “Standard Bearings” (“A standard-bearer is a person (soldier or civilian) who bears an emblem called an ensign or standard, i.e. either a type of flag or an inflexible but mobile image, which is used (and often honoured) as a formal, visual symbol of a state, prince, military unit, etc.”). Perhaps this refers to those who are bearing those “standards” are now examining what they are carrying (or “bearing”) these standards for. “Why are we standing up for (e.g.) USA CORP/Empire when they have been meddling for centuries in other countries’ affairs?”, they may be asking.

“Messianics are released” perhaps implies the “Someone else is my Savior” idea is being released, and could also imply that the ture “Messiah message” is being recognized within each and every human on this planet.

For those wanting more detailed interpretations, I suggest going to Rosalie Parker and/orJustin at SitsShow.


Standard bearings are inspected and cleansed

Standard bearings are inspected and cleansed.

Night missions are completed.

Messianics are released.

Fluorescents ignite the show.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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