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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/7/2016 11:06:18 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: 2016 ~ Creating From the Platform of Inclusion and Love

Byzantine painting of Archangel GabrielGreetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be in your presence at the beginning of this brand new and exciting year. We honour you for coming to anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.

These are glorious times, indeed! You have achieved so much on your planet. So much so, that you have stepped up onto a brand new golden platform to create and experience this year from. There is a marked energetic shifting into a much higher vibration from the energies of 2015 into the energies of 2016.

This golden platform that you find yourselves on is incredibly significant because it is allowing you a brand new vantage point to create and navigate your lives from.

You have been in a cycle of purging, of letting go, of releasing, many, many lifetimes’ worth of lower vibrating energies, of old belief systems, of wounds. You have been assisted by the planet that you live on, you have been assisted by outer planetary influences, as well as having the active assistance of your guides and highest self.

You have been hit with wave after wave of transformative energy, leaving you lighter and lighter, and leaving you with space to fill now that you have purged out so much. This is allowing you to stand on this brand new platform looking forward as never before, and we call 2016 “The Year of Creation Through Inclusion and Love”. Allow that to sink in for a moment – inclusion and love.

Many of you have been conditioned to be on the lookout for what you do not want. You have been raised by people who have experienced lack and war, who have struggled to have enough and survive. Because of the harshness of their realities, they felt very disempowered and powerless, and this put them on high alert for the next crisis. They were, through their conditioning and victim consciousness, unconscious creators, ever vigilant for the unwanted.

As you began to evolve, and experiment with your role of creator, you created by contrast, by identifying what you no longer wanted to experience and deciding what you wished to exclude and release from your energy bodies and your lives. Contrast played a very important role, allowing people to get very clear on what they did not want and then, from that place, choose differently.

Creating through contrast can be quite uncomfortable. The experience of what you do not want by creating unconsciously can be painful, to say the least. Mass understanding of the law of attraction has done much to help people start to change their awareness, and from the many shifts and downloads that you have received, you have been becoming far more aware and far more conscious.

Living through exclusion was very old 3d energy. This is what has been going on, on your planet for a very, very long time – seeing yourself as separate from Source, seeing others as separate from you, trying to navigate your life by avoiding what you did not want.

And now here you are. You have stepped forward onto a platform that looks at things completely differently. You are all beautiful vessels ready to be filled and you are now choosing what you wish to include. You are choosing to navigate through inclusion and love, the great connector and the great amplifier.

You will no longer need to navigate through deep discomfort. You will not need to create huge crisis in your life to get your attention. If you are creating consciously, your focus will shift from what you want to let go of, to what you wish to fill yourself up with. You are far more empowered when you start to create by what you wish to experience.

Feel the energetic shift as you feel into what it is like to now navigate through inclusion and love. When you make the shift from exclusion to inclusion you are making the quantum shift from separation consciousness to unity consciousness. Do you see?

Evolving beyond exclusion means you no longer feel the need to protect yourself from other people’s energies. It means that you simply hold your light, your alignment, your preferred energy wherever you go. You set the energetic tone. In other words, you embody your preferred energy in an empowered way, rather than powerlessly being affected by whatever energies you may be exposed to.

It is allowing you to accept others for who they are. You are including them, you are loving them, because you are able, through this new energetic platform, to recognize their divinity and mastery, and honour that they are exactly where they need to be.

Of course, people are at different stages of their journey, but for those of you who have been diligently doing your work, who have worked hard to move into awareness, you are ready to navigate in this new empowered way.

This does not mean that you will throw your heads in the sand and ignore what is wrong on your planet but you will no longer try to engage with what is wrong by pushing against it. You have learned that that is not a good use of your focus and will only keep you further engaged in what you do not wish to experience. You will simply know that the best use of your energy is to embody what is desired, and that is being of your highest service.

You will create through awareness and consciously choosing the energies that you wish to include in your life expression. It is embodying your choice because it is in alignment with your truth. We will tell you that no conscious human being on the planet would choose war. Conscious human beings include and honour each other and choose peace. The fact that you are now poised to see each other with love and acceptance and inclusion will pave the pathways for peace.

Accepting and honouring others and embodying your truth will allow you to experience patience like never before. You will experience patience not by pushing against impatience, but by embracing the foundation of acceptance. It is acceptance that breeds peace and patience.

More than that, you will be navigating with inclusion, acceptance and love for yourselves, as well. You will no longer be attempting to do service that serves everyone but yourself. You will see yourself as equally important, including yourself with your tender care, with your mindfulness, with your love, with your acceptance, which will bring a beautiful balance to your life.

You will start to truly see yourself as part of the greater whole, as a divine being, as an individuated aspect of Source energy, and as such, an empowered creator. This will allow you to start to experience a far greater grace and ease than ever before.

Because of these deep energetic changes, you will see many people changing their service. First wavers who have been in active service through the first part of this grand shift on your planet will find their service changing, shifting to reflect where they are today. Many will shift into service that includes less doing and more being. You will see second wavers stepping fully into active service, into their divine practices, sharing their gifts, learning how to live in purpose and service in ways that now suit them.

And some will leave the planet because as their service contracts come to an end, they decide they wish to go Home, considering it a job well done, which is why you are seeing some of your beloved performers transitioning at this time. It is all a beautiful divine dance that is breathtaking to behold.

Dear Ones, there will always be shifting energies. You are on a planet of experience. You will have a myriad of experiences but the difference is from this new platform you are on, you will be able to see events with a deeper understanding, with acceptance, understanding purpose, looking at the bigger picture, and staying firmly on your path of inclusion and love.

You will not get stuck pushing against what is unwanted any longer. If you fall into those old habits you will find it impossible to stay there for very long, for it will be far too uncomfortable. You will remember in record time that those energies are no longer supported and you will simply readjust.

With your new level of self love and awareness, you will remember that discomfort is not necessary in order to be consciously aware of what you prefer. You have had centuries of contrast, Dear Ones! Trust us when we say you know very well what you wish to create by now and you can access that inner truth whenever you like.

What is now being supported is giving yourself permission to create through preference, which means finally becoming more comfortable with your divine capability to embody and create beauty, grace, ease, love, and joy. You are in a new space that supports you in consciously choosing a path of love, joy and connection!

So get clear about what you wish to include as part of your life experience moving forward. Treat it like a beautiful buffet, filling your plates with what resonates, what feels good to you, what sustains you, what you love, and what is a true expression of you.

These are amazing times that you have created! You have been driving the shift that has allowed this to happen. You are glorious beings, magnificent human beings doing a wonderful job! You are so loved for all you do and for all you will continue to do. This is what we wished to share with you today. It has been our great pleasure.

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young

“Archangel Gabriel: Creating From the Platform of Inclusion and Love,” Channeled by Shelley Young, February 6, 2016, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/7/2016 11:11:27 PM

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele. February 7, 2016.

Arcturian Group February 7 2016Dear Ones, we greet you in Love with information and encouragement regarding your spiritual journey. For most of you, all is proceeding according to plan even when it seems nothing is happening. The process of clearing everything old and finished while integrating the new involves time and energy for the human form and this often manifests as a lack of energy, tiredness, and malaise. Honor the process by allowing yourselves to rest more.

The moment an individual chooses to evolve no matter how many years or lifetimes ago it may of been, the “train leaves the station”. Many of you specifically chose to be here at this time of powerful Ascension energy in order to complete any remaining third dimensional lessons and to “graduate”.

This is why some of you have had so many painful and difficult experiences during your life. Know that the moment you say “Show me the way.” and began to seriously seek Truth, you are giving permission for whatever remaining experiences may be necessary for your full awakening.

Revisit the most painful experiences with your now more evolved awareness and ask; “What did I learn from this?” You may well find yourselves blessing and thanking those who gave you your most difficult times for these experiences serve to force an examination of one’s belief system followed by an ability and willingness to begin releasing whatever concepts and beliefs were involved in the situation.

It is time to let go of whatever traditions, rituals, and actions you may still believe necessary for your spiritual growth. This belief imbues things or actions in the outer with power they do not innately have – as all power is within. In the beginner’s journey the tools are important and serve as a bridge to deeper awareness. Once an individual attains the consciousness of all power being within, he no longer needs the tools – they have served their purpose.

We do not say you cannot enjoy these things. It can be uplifting and exciting to attend some service or ceremony, light symbolic candles, work with crystals for their energy and oils for their healing properties. Chant, drum, dance, etc. etc. as much as you wish, but do it with the understanding that these things cannot make you more complete and whole than you already are.

We see many sincere students of Truth still struggling to be “perfect” according to some societal concept of spirituality and then believing themselves to be failures when they are unable to live up to the criteria. Concepts of spirituality for the most part represent a world that itself does not understand that everything is spiritual, not just certain things deemed to be spiritual by some “expert”.

There is no purpose or benefit in struggling to meet some human standard of perfection and you will understand this fully as you move into the realization that you are already innately perfect and whole and always have been. The consciousness of mankind in general does not know this and thus perfectly manifests myriad universal images of duality and separation.

It is only through loving yourselves – warts and all, that you can come to love others unconditionally. A common misconception is that love is always be accompanied by a “loving” emotion or it is not love. Then you see someone doing something despicable, and think, “I cannot feel love for this person. I must be a spiritual failure.”

It is OK to acknowledge when someone is acting like a jerk, even when you discover the jerk to be yourself. The ability to observe does not disappear as you spiritually evolve but need not be accompanied with guilt, for sincere observation and then examination is a powerful tool for growth.

Living Unconditional Love does not mean you must invite every person to your home, try and become their friend, or vote for them, but it does mean acknowledging the spark of Light within every living, thing including Self, regardless of how unawake they may appear to be.

No Dear Ones, Unconditional Love is not always accompanied by a loving emotion (although that is often a part of it) but is simply the natural flow of a consciousness that understands the core of all life to be Divine regardless of appearances to the contrary. It is a state of consciousness that recognizes all negative actions to represent a consensus consciousness of separation – from God and all others.

The evolved consciousness also understands that there are some who need to spend time away from society or be disciplined according to their level of awareness if that person is to spiritually grow. Unconditional Love never means being a door mat, nor does it prevent you from leaving some situation that may be physically, emotionally, or mentally harmful. Unconditional Love is the process of acknowledging reality in spite of any appearances while taking whatever appropriate actions you are are guided to take.

There are no failures, only learning experiences. If everything was perfect all the time, how would you learn? You chose the energy of the third dimension as your path of evolution specifically because of the challenges and learning opportunities within duality and separation, and when a soul graduates from “Earth school” they will be powerful guides for others.

There comes a point where the very difficult personal lessons cease as you no longer need them in order to evolve – life becomes easier. Many of you have arrived or are quickly arriving at this place in your journey and are enjoying being guided from within instead of frantically seeking and studying in the without.

Many serious spiritual students continue to experience a sense of failure when they stumble or revert to some old habit. Loving yourselves includes non-resistance and agreement. Whenever you find yourself saying or doing something unloving, just say to yourself “Oh, that was interesting…yes, I could have handled that better.” You make amends if any are needed, but then pick yourself up and move on – lesson learned.

Everything has only whatever power you imbue it with. No human word or action can alter or change Divine Reality. Take time to examine whatever beliefs, issues, trends, concepts, traditions, laws, etc. you are still giving power to.

Learning to love Self is frequently blocked when a student starts to compare himself with societies’ heroes and saints. No one can ever know the inner world of anyone else – their struggles or who they really were. What you know of them is often simply someone’s biased opinion representing whatever current concepts of greatness may be in vogue.

Being famous is often part of a chosen pre-birth plan for the purpose of learning some necessary life lesson and has nothing to do with being better than another. In reality, no one person can be more “holy”, better, more blessed, or gifted, etc. than another, for all are in and of the ONE.

The ONE manifests Itself in infinite form and variety but over lifetimes and through experience everyone becomes very good at certain things. There really are no child prodigies, it is simply that these young talents have had lifetimes of doing it. You all have certain abilities that are easy for you which others may find difficult – you have done these things before.

Everyone who is extremely good at what they do has spent lifetimes getting to where they are now. It begins simply with a craft, a dance, a play, a song, or interest in something scientific. Then in following lifetimes they pursue more information and techniques, seeking out, discovering, and practicing as best available for the time. Each lifetime builds upon the previous. Hence is born a prodigy or child genius. You bring your attained state of consciousness with you.

Learn to accept and honor who you are right now – the not so aware you just as much as the aware you. You are only expected to live from your highest awareness and when you do, more is given. As you learn to trust your intuition, you will discover that you are immediately aware of when something could have been done or said in a more loving way.

Love is the answer to every issue facing mankind on Earth at this time. Every seeming insurmountable problem – large or small – could be resolved with Love, which is why you may have noticed that the topic of Love seems to be increasingly pouring forth from spiritual teachers representing all paths and modalities.

Pollution, war, and lack or limitations of every sort can not manifest from an energy of Love (Oneness). The more the people embrace this Truth, the more Light can and will shift the old paradigm into the new.

In and with much love for our courageous sisters and brothers assisting Gaia and her peoples at this intense time –

We are the Arcturian Group

The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. February 7, 2016.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/7/2016 11:17:01 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/6/2016

will's picture

Hui Hai said, "I come seeking enlightenment." And everybody is seeking, in different names. You may call it bliss, you may call it God, you may call it enlightenment, you may call it truth, love, beauty; it doesn't matter what you call it. But everybody is seeking something. All are seekers in the world; the world is full of seekers.

And remember, the man who is seeking money and power is not different from the seeker who is running after God. It is the same seeking. The object of the seeking makes no difference in the nature of seeking; the quality of the seeking is the same.

What is that quality? It is tension between that which you are and that which you would like to be. A wants to be B - this is seeking. The poor want to be rich; the unenlightened want to be enlightened; the ugly person wants to become beautiful; the unknown person wants to become famous. It is the same seeking. Seeking means discontentment with that which you are.

Then what is non-seeking? Non-seeking is: A is perfectly happy in being A and has no desire to be B.

Contentment is the beginning of enlightenment. Contentment is the seed which becomes enlightenment. The seeker is discontented, tense, worried. Continuously he is going to face frustration because whatsoever he is going to do is doomed to fail.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/7/2016 11:30:38 PM


Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn ~ Earth Mastery and Finding your Soul Team in 2016

Image by Fiona Owen at


Beloved Earth Family, as you move into the second month of 2016, the energy continues to be intense and the challenges that you face in daily life continue to be a pressure for a while. On the 2/2, or the 2nd of February, there was a powerful Time Line adjustment on the Earth. The purpose of this adjustment was to recalibrate and adjust the New Earth Timeline, after the major shifts in February 2014 that brought the Earth into alignment for the New Earth frequencies. At this point, all Earth Time Lines are aligned with the new hyperdimensional Time/Space Reality that is manifesting the New Earth.

The confusion and chaos that results from these timeline adjustments continues to be felt as the old third-dimensional structures continue to crumble at speed in the face of these powerful new quantum streams of energetic expression. We will speak more of this later, but first, we would like to address the most wonderful subject of your relationship with the new multi-dimensional Earth in 2016.

Embody the Sacred Earth : You Are One

Beloved Ones, as you begin to take on your power as Multi-Dimensional Masters of Time and Space, your relationship with the Earh changes, as does your perspective of life on Earth. As with all things in Creation, the Earth is Sacred and filled with Divine Creative Light. Many of you have come from traditions of spirituality which consider the Earth to be an inferior environment of suffering and sorrow, and you desire nothing more than to leave this Earth and retun "home".

Beloved Ones, do you not know that you are "home" at all times? As a Multi-Dimensional Master, the Heart is your Home, and if you are present in your Heart, then you are home indeed!

Let us explain this more clearly. When you activated your Light Body and your thirteen chakra energy system, you moved away from the old seven chakra system with its center in the Solar Plexus. Now, your "center", or point of balance, is in the Heart, the seat of Divine Love and Compassion.

But, when you enter into this activation, you also activate the Three Heart System, where your own Sacred and Divine Heart aligns with the Cosmic Heart and the Earth Heart. This is the Sacred Mystery of the "Three in One", or the Three Who are One. It is the Key to Ascension and the new perspective of life on Earth.

So, your new thirteen chakra system carries the powerful energy flows of the Divine Sacred Hearts, which include your Divine Heart and that of the Earth. In your new energy system, you have beneath your feet the Earth Star Chakra which connects you to the Earth and gives you access to your Earth lifetimes Akashic records, and also the Earth Heart which pulsates in resonance with the Cosmic Heart, and with yours, and which gives you access to the Akashic records at the Crystalline Earth Heart Temple.

Beloved Ones, just as you are One with the Divine Light of Spirit and the Cosmic Heart of Light, so you are also One with the Earth. The Earth is a part of your Multi-Dimensional Body. The Divine Creative Intelligence exists within the Earth and in all Earth Creations.

Consider, for a moment, what this means. The Earth is a Sacred creation, and the Earth is part of you! The way in which you perceive the Earth and interact with the Earth is also the way in which you perceive yourself and interact with your own body. Do you see your body as a perfect creation af love, or do you see it as imperfect and needing to be fixed and changed because it is "not good enough"?

When you speak of self love and empowerment, this also means love and empowerment for the Earth, or the Earth part of you. When you love and nurture the Earth, you are loving and nurturing a part of yourself. When you do Sacred Ceremonies to love and honor the Earth, you are loving and honoring yourself. When you accept the Earth as a beautiful and perfect creation of the Divine Creatiave Intelligence, this is how you see yourself.

Beloved Ones, you are not separate from the Earth. That is illusion. You are the Earth, an expression of the Earth, for as long as you walk the Planet in material form in a multi-dimensional body.

What does this mean for a multi-dimensional Master? It means that you are able to "embody" the Earth as part of your Sacred Service to the Divine Creative Will. Just as you can embody Light and Spirit as Star Seeds and Light Warriors, so you can embody the Earth too, as Star Shamans for the New Earth. The Star Shaman walks the path of service and embodiment of the Earth, dreaming and creating and holding a vision, while also being able to embody Spirit and Star destiny.

As you embody the Earth by honoring your physical body and your physical home, you allow for powerful currents of healing energy and Light Codes to flow through you to the Earth and her peoples. If you do this in Sacred Ceremony with meitative intent and activations, you amplify the flow of energy from the Cosmic Heart and your Heart to the Earth, creating a powerful Sacred Union of the Three Hearts that will allow for powerful shifts of consciousness.

And you will understand fully that Earth is "home", and that you came to Earth to assist with the manifestation and creation of a Garden Home for multi-dimensional beings. While many on Earth have forgotten their mission and their reason for being here, you as multi-dimensional Masters will remember and know that now is the time to honour the Sacred Earth as you honour yourself, and to assist in manifesting "home" or the Sacred Garden on Earth.

Finding your Soul Team and your Earth Ancestry Group

As you enter into full consciousness of your connection to the Earth and your access to the Earth's Akashic records, you will begin to feel a magnetic "pull" or attraction that will bring your Earth Soul "Team" to you. You will also begin to feel the stirrings of your Earth "Ancestry" within your body and your multi-dimensional being.

Your Earth Soul Team consists of those Ascended and Awakened beings with whom you will work to fulfil your Soull Mission and manifest the New Earth. These new Soul Teams will be gathering in 2016 for the New Beginning that will be initiated at the Lion's Gate in August and will come into manifestation in 2017.

Your Team will be those beings with whom you will feel Soul Family resonance, and who will support you as you support them, in your missions on Earth. You will feel immediate "kinship" with them, and you will find new opportunities opening up as you connect to flow into new projects determined by the Divine Plan and your Soul Destiny as you create it.

In this new form of Soul Team work, there will be no "leaders" and "celebrities", but simply awakened beings coming together to work, create and share. Each individual in the "circle" of the Team will contribute to what is facilitated by the person who calls the circle into being. So, spiritual practice will also move from the "consumer" model, where you consume the ideas and work of others, to a" participatory" model, where you participate in the creation of sacred activities to manifest a New Earth Reality.

But, on a deeper level, as you connect with the Earth Heart and with your new access to the sixth dimension of magical creativity, you may begin to feel within your physical beings the stirrings of "Ancestral Memory". This can be from either the past or the future.

Earth beings come from many "races", and just as you are Star Seeds, so you are also "Earth Seed" bearers. You carry in your bodies the records and memories of many beings and many races, some that have left the Earth only to return in you! These are the faeries and elves of Europe and Scandinavia, the Tuatha de Danaan of the Celtic lands, the first peoples and first nations and the tribal ancestors of the indigenous peoples. As you find these ancient records and memories, they may rise to the surface allowing you to make magical connections with your Earth ancestry that will help you to walk the Earth in a magical and empowered way! You may also be attracted to your "Earth Seed Family", as you find each other in this new multi-dimensional reality. What a joy it will be to recognise each other and to create together!

As you step into Earth embodiment and Sacred multi-dimensional service, you will begin to remember this part of your being, and you will be drawn to those who share your "heritage" with relationship to the Earth. You will rediscover the Sacred Earth Clans or families to which you belong.

This recogntion will not be divisive, but will facilitate a move into Oneness in the service of the Divine Will and Divine Plane for the Earth, as you embrace your Soul and Ancestral families across the boundaries of Nation and Race.

Earth/Sky Mastery Begins in the Heart

When you step into your multi-dimensional Mastery, you become a Master of Time. The ancient and future skills of Time Travel and Time Journeys are held in the Fourth Dimension of Consciousness and anchored in the Heart. The first "skill" of a Divine Creator being is the ability to hold "time" in the prersent moment, and then to weave or shape realities through the imaginative and creative expression of the Soul in the Sixth Dimension.

As a Multi-dimensional Time Master, your perception of time will change. Just as there are many different realities, so there are many different Time Lines, or a we prefer to call them, Time Spirals.

The first step in mastering hyperdimensional time is to understand that in the old reality time was always perceived as moving in a linear fashion from point A to point B. In the new perception or reality, the Heart contains all time, past, prsent and future,. It from here that the skilled Creator knows how to activate a Time Spiral and to create a "story" that celebrates and honors life on Earth. A Master initiates a Time Spiral when she or he begins a new life project or a new direction in life. That spiral unfurls with grace and beauty in the hands of a skilled Time artist. It is your work to perfect your creations and manifestations so that they flower into beauty, harmony and love.

Beloved Ones, the way to intiate a Time Spiral is to begin in the Heart with a dream or a desire. As you activate the seed of desire, it unfurls into a pathway. The skill lies in recognising when the seed opens and the path begins. Then, as you flow into that pathway, the skill becomes to make the choices that will assist your Time Spiral in its process of manifestation and co-creation with others. Choosing the right moments and the right people from your Soul Clan or Team, to be the catalysts or co-creators, is essential.

And, as you progress with your manifestation, it is important to perceive that the progress is not linear. You are not walking a linear path from present to future, but you are gently spiraling to higher expressions of consciousness and creation. You may need patience as you wait for the spiral to swing around and bring you to your manifestation.

Beloveds, know that this means that what you desire to create is not down a path into the future. It is not just beyond your reach. It exists right now, and is simply waiting for you on a higher spiral of creative consciousness. So if you feel as if you are going around in circles, perhaps this is true, and all that is needed is a shift of consciousness to lift you to that next spiral. No amount of striving or struggling will bring manifestation in the New Reality. Only gently raising your consciousness through focussed intention, meditation, activations and service, will bring you to this higher expression of self. Abundance, Love, Peace and Harmony already exist on the next spiral of the Earth's, and your, creative journey. Do not strive and struggle, but dream, create, desire and manifest, as you unfurl your spirals into higher levels of Divine Consciousness.

You are a Master Time Traveller, and a Master of Time Creation in training on Earth. You will remember these skills as, together with your Soul Team and your Ancestral Clans, you master the Earth/Sky connection and create a Sacred Earth. Remember, that as Divine Light flows from the Cosmic Heart to your Heart and into the Earth through you, powerful magic is released as a Sacred Earth Current flows from the Earth Heart through your Heart to the Divine Heart,meeting with the descending current from the Divine Heart. These spiralling currents of Light and Energy are woven into Experience, Life and Conscious Evolution on Earth.

Beloved Ones, in your Sacred Work and Ceremonies, remember to work with the Three Hearts and with the powerful currents of Earth and Sky as you travel the Time Spirals of the New Reality and manifest a New Earth.


If you would like to learn more about how to Embody your Master Energy in 2016, you are invited to join Celia Fenn and a Global Group in the Starchild Webinar Room for a series of Webinar sessions. These sessions will include information and assistance, and meditations and activations with Archangel Michael and the Beings of Light. You will also receive Course Notes and Mp3 recordings of all sessions.

If you would like to learn more about how to Embody your Master Energy in 2016, you are invited to join Celia Fenn and a Global Group in the Starchild Webinar Room for a series of Webinar sessions. These sessions will include information and assistance, and meditations and activations with Archangel Michael and the Beings of Light. You will also receive Course Notes and Mp3 recordings of all sessions.

Please click here to find out more about the "Embody your Master Energy in 2016" webinars.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/7/2016 11:43:34 PM


Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Gently and with love, honor yourself

Dear One,

You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this, for it is not easy to be in an earth-body. There are many demands on you. You can be so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to remember your spirit. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your earth-walk easier.

Honor yourself in gentleness and love. You are not alone. The Infinite Presence has not placed you onto the earth plane without a way of receiving assistance when you most need it. That is why there are Angels. Angels are messengers from God who are here to assist in making your earthly life more effortless, to bring light into the darkness, and to remind you that you are incredibly loved.

We know of your struggle, and we know that you are making a valiant effort. We bless you and honor you for all that you have done and are doing. But more than that, we honor you for who you are deep inside. We honor that part of you that holds the essence of your soul. We see within you a spark of incredible goodness and love. This we bless and honor and we urge you to do the same. The more you bless and honor this Divine Light within you, the more it grows. The more this light grows, the more love you feel and the more energy you have. The more love you feel within you, the more you want to give to others. In this way the world is served and more light is brought to your beautiful planet, which is in need of great blessings at this time.

We ask you to be gentle with yourself, to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Without love and encouragement a little child cannot grow to be a healthy adult. Yet you never outgrow your need for love — and remember, it is important to give yourself this love first, before you can fully give it to others.


How does one love oneself? You can start with the small things. Say, "I love you" to yourself whenever you look into a mirror. Remember to give yourself daily acknowledgment for how hard you work, for how much effort you give to another, for how caring you are to your children. For whatever you can think of, acknowledge yourself. If you cannot think of anything, simply acknowledge yourself for getting through another day on earth and doing the best you can do. As simple as this may seem, it is very powerful.

The most important way you can love and honor yourself is by remembering who you are deep inside — a radiant spirit of light growing stronger and more whole every day. This is the truth of you. You can love yourself by eating in healthy ways and doing all that you know serves your body, but true loving and honoring begins with your feelings about yourself. You are here on earth to express the Infinite in form and to learn to be loving, joyful and peaceful. It does no good to berate yourself because you are not yet perfectly expressing these qualities. You were not given a manual for life on earth, so the only way you can learn is through trial and error, and by often painful experiences which encourage you to grow through the choices you make. The choices you make and who you are makes a difference on the Earth. Please honor this.

There are many ways you can gently love and honor yourself. We ask you to give yourself kindness and compassion, to do the best you can with all aspects of your life, and to call on a Higher Power to assist you at all times, no matter how mundane the situation.

The Angels are Divine messengers here to help you, bless you and most of all, love you. Receive this love and remember to:
Gently and with love, honor yourself.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
February 7, 2016

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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