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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/4/2016 11:04:25 PM

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: February 2, 2016

Sheldan-Nicle-PAO8 Etznab, 11 Yax, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Everything continues to move forward. This very complex process is being carefully guided by a series of new security measures to ensure quality control.

This has been added to by the irregularities of a number of banks and other such institutions that serve as the appointed monitors for the various ancient families and European royals that are part of this operation. We expect for this whole process of special wires and deliveries to take less than a month.

We simply ask that you remain patient and ready to put your blessings in safe and secure bank accounts, which you have privately prepared for this process. The present governments are on their last legs and we expect to hear the required announcements shortly.

This series of developments are to pave the way for our first public announcements concerning the mass landings. We first want to give you a general explanation of what we intend to do. Then we want to give you a basic understanding of our mentor program.

There has been a millennia-long interrelationship between surface humanity, Agartha and us. This secret project is now reaching a point where it can easily be made public. The dark cabal understands what this sudden disclosure means. It is one that threatens to collapse the contrived realm built since the end of your Second World War.

In the past sixty years a secret global government has grown up, dedicated to forming a permanent dictatorship. This massive effort is presently being dismantled by your brave and dedicated actions to support the Light’s agenda. The rising consciousness of this realm has made all of this possible.

This process has been aided, too, by the many actions of the Agarthans to ensure that a new financial system is to be the precursor for new worldwide governance. All of this gives us signs that quite soon we can at last formally contact you!

Our liaisons, which are serving among those groups that are dedicated to your triumph, are quite confident that a new world is being quickly manifested.

This new realm is one in which you are to be freed from the shackles of debt slavery. It is interesting to note that this new era is to be one founded on monetary abundance. Long ago, the ancient families were approached by the Masters to serve as a depository for part of the sequestered funds accumulated over the centuries by Heaven’s ascended servants.

These huge amounts of gold and other precious items are the core for a time when currency ceases to be the source of wealth. This new age is to be founded upon the principle of your abilities being the reason for your ‘wealth.’ There are many among you who have been unable to break out of the chains imposed by debt slavery and the skewed distribution of wealth.

This new time is to alter this and permit all to achieve their potential. This process is to unleash a sudden unprecedented harvest of invention and ingenuity. We look forward to playing our part in helping you to achieve this most welcome miracle!

As you begin to loosen the shackles of your restricted past, remember deep in your heart the distant origins of this long imprisonment. You are on a journey that is to return you to full consciousness and permit you to be who you really are.

The dark is losing the ability to limit how you think, act and feel. You are starting to rebuild the connections to each other that were initially lost due to the sudden nature of your transformation into beings of limited consciousness and ability.

This coming time is when you start to remember who you were and why you are truly here. Our divine task is to nurture this process and to use our abilities to end your hidden fears and worries. You are to transition back to a world where death and aging is no longer the thing that secretly drives you.

You are to relearn a life pattern that was natural to you before the dark Atlanteans swiftly altered you and cast you into a seemingly endless ‘long night of the swords.’ You are to again become one with the Light! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!

We arrive filled with joy! Many great things are to begin this week. The process of readying the blessings for delivery continues! It has taken longer than at first expected by our numerous associates. Nevertheless, a long delivery operation is reaching a special crescendo.

This month promises to see not only deliveries but also the rise of new governance and the formal implementation of a new financial system. In this regard, a series of final agreements are making it possible to set up exactly how the new worldwide financial system is to be rolled out.

Our associates are, moreover, preparing the final lists and formal warrants that are to be the basis for a dramatic arrest of numerous major financial figures across this globe. This global event is to finally ensure that the dark cabal is broken and unable in any way to influence what is to happen next.

It is therefore vital, my Blessed friends, that you maintain focus and remain able to broadcast your positive vision of this newly manifesting reality. We are also joining together to amplify this divine vision and to combine it with sacred decrees from Heaven.

This new era is initially to be one in which you learn an amazing amount of truth. Take this in and prepare yourselves for a path that is to bring you to a divine precipice, which is to be the beginnings of full consciousness. Our mission is to use our divine guidance and supervisor missions to permit you to accept what we are to teach you.

During the past 13,000 years, a history was carried out that you were completely unaware of. This needs first to be corrected and then carefully gone over again and again. Knowing this is preliminary to what Heaven and your space families are to explain.

This new knowledge is to free you from a philosophical set of manipulations that the Anunnaki and their minions used to control you. This new era is one in which Heaven is to ready you to return to your initial role of being a guardian to Gaia and her varied ecosystems.

Life is precious and you need to discover how to properly care for it. You are also to meet your Inner Earth family. With them, you are to create a new star nation and work hand in hand to manifest the sacred decrees of Heaven throughout this vast solar system.

We are excited by our new duties and are to prepare you for a number of sacred tasks. This process is to start after the new governances are in place and have given you a new set of edicts, which are to forge new relationships between you and Gaia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we continued to inform you about what is occurring. This realm is now on the verge of great changes that are to finally end your long journey through darkness and contrived manipulation. Take this new wisdom and use it to transform this realm and to accept your coming role to spread a message of Light and Love throughout this galaxy!

Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, February 2, 2016, at

Source link: Sheldan Nidle PAO Update for February 2, 2016

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/4/2016 11:10:24 PM

The Ocean Runs to Itself

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God said:

Everyone on Earth is a seeker. Everyone is seeking something. Some seek entertainment. Some, oblivion. And some seek Me from the bottom of their hearts.

You can only seek what you desire to find. Your desire for Oneness with Me may be buried deep in the recesses of your heart, yet, ultimately, I am what you seek, for I am happiness. No one desires absence from happiness. Everyone wants happiness a-plenty.

And everyone in Creation shall have Me filling their hearts, emblazoning their hearts. Everyone shall have My gait, and everyone shall ride with Me as One. Everyone, for this is My Will.

I will leave no one out. I called you to Me long ago, and, and you cannot withstand My Will. You may be stubborn for a while, declaring separateness, yet you will change your tune by and by.

This is one parade to join, the parade in which My Will and your will are in tune, are identical, are supreme, and fill the ranks. The time comes when there are no Prodigal Sons, for all souls are aware they are at Home.

Fear becomes unknown. Not a fragment of fear continues. Fear gives up. Fear’s goose is cooked. Fear has ebbed away. There are no comers for fear any longer. Fear abdicates the throne and is sent to a deserted island. Fear is no longer in the picture. Please imagine life without fear, for this is coming true.

Imagine life without fear and without fear of fear. Worry goes out the door, never to be seen again. Imagine a worry-free life. Imagine your high energy then. There is nothing to trip you up, and life is exhilarated.

No fear, no worry. What is left then? It must be that love is a by-product of happiness. O to think of love's leading the pack. O to think of love and see love grow like the days of summer. O to think of surrender to love, to everyone's giving up any restraint, interference, or downturn of love. Love is on the rise. Love has been waiting for its ascension. Love has prepared the way for tension to go away. No more tension. No more stress. Why on Earth would anyone hold on to those trifles? Love has its say and takes over, and life is unbounded happiness and joy.

When everyone is happy and is free to love wholeheartedly, what more can there be to ask for? You, who are love, come to the fore. Dreams come true, pulled by the Sleigh of Love. Get on! Come, I have made a place for you to love and to love yourself as I do love you.

How well you will learn to smile and laugh and keep up with Me. I hold your hand, and I hold you to My Heart, and how happy you will be. How happy I will be. How happy We will be. How happy in Oneness are We.

We are marching off to where love is and can only be. Off We go to where you have always been and were not aware. Now you hark to love. We can’t say you are stuffed with love, for, as soon as you receive love bountifully, you loosen the ties that bind, and you give love away, and you give love full sway. You are filled to the brim with love. You are bursting with love, and love will out.

Love shines like the sun. Love takes over the world and gets it into shape. Everyone’s love is in the right place. Love is like the Ocean, yet love never ebbs. The Tide of Love is always filled to the brim. There can be no waning of love. Love presides.

Do you sense that you are swimming in an Ocean of Love, and that you are love, and that you are the Ocean rushing to Itself?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/4/2016 11:20:05 PM

Bringing Good

The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/4/2016 11:22:53 PM

Current Events – The Council

the councilCurrent Events – The Council

Today we would like to discuss current events with you, not news items, but the things that are going on in your lives. We’ll just dive right into it.

You have been told to expect a lot of things in your lives. And we have repeatedly told you that the important things were what is happening to your inner being and the rest would happen as a result of that. We told you that your outer world could not be anything but a reflection of the inner. The word ‘soon’ became something of a joke. “Oh no! Not ‘soon’ again!” And we said that the changes were happening ‘now’ but had not surfaced yet.

Well, the surfacing has begun. Now we will mention several instances here but we caution you that thinking that you have been left out should obviously be avoided. Each of these we mention happened almost overnight, and you are each on a different journey from anyone else. What will your tomorrow bring?

Some are suddenly finding that they are beginning to communicate with people who are not in body any longer. Some are speaking with the animals around them. Many are beginning to wonder what all of the lights around them are. Many more are saying, “Don’t tell me about sunspots and energies. I felt them before you knew about them.” Many are having to learn to deal with energies, feelings in public places, that they never noticed before. And more.

So your changes have now reached a degree that is causing the results to surface into your awareness. It is OK for you to be surprised, even excited at first. But be discreet and learn to feel at ease with whatever you find. Understand that, in terms of the greater being that we have told you that you are, these are not new at all. You are merely bringing to the front of your consciousness what you have earned well in prior times. Now it will begin to show you a bit more of an answer to your perennial question, “Why am I here?” And it should also serve to indicate to you that you indeed are all that we have often said you are.

This has been a short message today, but we took the opportunity rather than miss it. To those who are already seeing these changes, congratulations. To those who are still waiting, just be aware that you too are far more than you know. Your time is now here.

Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/4/2016 11:24:45 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday February 4, 2016

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What is beautiful about navigating your life expression through a surrendered state of flow is that it takes all the guess work out of things for you. When you are surrendered into the flow, your highest self, your guides and helpers, are taking the lead. The flow will take you, in the fastest, most efficient way possible, to the exact experiences and connections you wish to have that best honour your soul’s desires and highest purpose. Your job is to cooperate by staying out of resistance. It is very difficult to assist a resistant human being!

Through the knowingness that you are being lovingly guided, from that space of faith and trust, you can then move into a deep state of acceptance that everything is unfolding with divine perfection. When your focus is freed from worry and anchored with faith and trust, you can then start to notice the magic that abounds all around you, and how unconditionally loved you are by a universe that only wishes to serve you. That, Dear Ones, is when you will fall madly in love with life and your experience of co-creator. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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