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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/3/2015 6:28:00 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: The Dissolution and Disintegration of the Illusion is Proceeding at High Speed.

Jesus postingJohn’s audio reading is availablehere.

Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening has been accelerating for a very long time, and is now approaching the moment of completion. You have almost reached your journey’s end, and that alone is cause for celebration, so do not allow the news reports of the mainstream media to draw you back into the gloom and doom of the illusion.

At the moment of separation you immediately embarked upon the path to awakening, the return path to remembering who you were. But the separation, although unreal, was experienced as terrifying and permanent. Consequently you were utterly unwilling at first to even consider the possibility of a return to your natural state at One with God. You believed, to use a phrase from your less than compassionate vernacular, that you had “absolutely blown it!”

To have separated from God, your infinitely loving Father, who had given you everything and withheld nothing, seemed to you to be an extremely grave insult, which of course it was, and therefore you saw it as utterly unforgivable. But, as you have so often been told, separation from God is impossible!

Nevertheless, because you had chosen to experience that unreal state, which in that moment became for you extremely real, you believed that you had committed a heinous crime and offended God permanently, and that the offense that you had committed, effectively turning your back on Him, could never be forgiven.

You were absolutely right, it could never be forgiven! But not for the reason you imagined. It could not be forgiven because it had never happened!

Even now, as you seemingly reside in a loveless and material world of conflict and betrayal, nothing has changed. You are still, and always have been, One with God in the infinitely loving relationship that He established with You when He created You.

There is no sin, there is no evil, there is no world, there is only God. It seems that you are separated because of the nightmarish ongoing experiences that you are undergoing as you continue to maintain and believe in the illusion. That belief has effectively drawn a cloak or a veil over you, hiding Reality from you, but only because you believe that you are separate from God.

While you believe you are separate from Him, you live in fear, which is the absence of Love. And without Love you buy into the belief that you have to fight constantly for survival. The wars that you have engaged in for eons, along with the massive numbers killed, or severely injured – physically, psychologically, and spiritually – continue to convince you that you are indeed separated from your heavenly Father. What you believe is real is what you experience as real, so your beliefs effectively maintain the illusion.

The only way to release your belief in it is to open your hearts and allow the infinite Love, in which God holds you at all times, to enter and dissolve it along with the fear that is its most sturdy foundation. But nothing is sturdy enough to withstand the warmth, the compassion, and the total acceptance with which God’s Love for you embraces you, when you open your hearts and allow yourselves to accept it. In that loving embrace all that is not in perfect alignment or harmony with it dissolves because it is unreal, an illusion.

Holding on to fear shuts your hearts to Love, supports the illusion, and just demonstrates your lack of trust in God’s eternal and infinite Love for you. Therefore each time you pay a visit to your holy inner sanctuary – and every single one of you has a holy inner sanctuary – repeat your intention to open your hearts to receive God’s Love and to have It flow through you to heal and awaken humanity.

Your doubts and your skepticism may well prevent you from experiencing any indications or feelings that anything is happening, but rest assured that every time you remake that intent waves of Love flow through you and out into the world of illusion, enormously assisting humanity on its path to awakening.

You, the Lightholders and Lightworkers, are bringing humanity to awakening by your loving intentions. A tremendous amount of uplifting and inspiring news and information is flowing across the planet via the world wide web and it is not reported on by the mainstream media because the owners of those media want the people of the world to live in fear.

Those who would retain their power over you, by controlling you and the “information” that they allow you to access through their tightly controlled news channels, feed on your fear and would convince you that terrorism can only be eradicated by military might, requiring the expansion of police and military forces worldwide, thus enriching those in power who are the commanders of those forces.

They would also have you believe that the immigration crisis that is continuing to unfold in Europe as well as the masses of illegal immigrants pouring – as they would put it – into the United States of America across its southern borders threaten your livelihoods and the security of your families and loved ones.

What they do not tell you is that they have caused those immigration problems by their activities in those impoverished nations by assisting and encouraging unruly and insane politicians to go to war against their own citizens so that those citizens, in increasing numbers, seek refuge in areas of the world where stable political and economic conditions still prevail.

The apparent crises across the planet, seemingly unrelated to each other, are in fact part of a long term plan to reduce the planet’s population through war and tropical diseases in countries that are politically unstable, while at the same time frightening the citizens in the more stable countries of the world into calling on their governments to impose further restrictions on travel.

In effect, those who would control the world and its resources solely for their own benefit, are attempting to persuade you that they are looking after your best interests while secretly intending to remove as many of your freedoms as they can, under the cloak of protecting you from terrorists and waves of illegal immigrants, by massively increasing the size and authority of the military, the police forces, and the intelligence agencies that answer only to them.

Do not be alarmed! These plans will not succeed. Those in high places, those holding the reins of power and who have agreed to this plan to enslave humanity, cannot even trust each other. They are egoic megalomaniacs who will self-destruct. Many within their organizations have seen the light and are seeking whistle-blowers to whom they may unburden themselves of the terrible secrets to which they are party because they have realized that these corrupt regimes are collapsing, and so they are leaving the “sinking ship” of endemic corruption that has effectively ruled the world for eons.

These are the end times for such massive corruption. A New Age of co-operation in loving harmony is dawning, as has been divinely planned since the moment your apparent but utterly unreal separation from God occurred.

The violent and unsavory histories of a multitude of planetary “civilizations” through the ages are all part of the illusion – magnificent dreams, or horrific nightmares, depending on which side in these ongoing struggles you chose to support – and are completely unreal.

You have an acronym for the word “fear”: False evidence appearing real!And that is a very good definition of what the illusion is all about. It is a false and unreal environment that has seemingly existed for eons – remember, time is part of the illusion and is, therefore, unreal – and is very shortly to collapse back into the nothingness from which it appeared all those long eons ago.

There is only God. There is nothing else, and never has been!

However, your dreams and nightmares that the illusion has immersed you in have been experienced as horrifyingly real. The time for those horrifying experiences is coming to a close.

There have been many foretellings of the end times during the eons that the illusion has encloaked you, and none of them has occurred, so no doubt many will be skeptical of this new forecast. Remember that time is a major aspect of the illusion, and that it is therefore a very unreliable measuring device. Also remember that the illusion, the moment of separation from your divine Source, was but momentary, over as soon as it was conceived of, and that your true Self has always been in the presence of God, at one with your divine Source.

The dreams, the nightmares, the illusion itself have finished, and you will awaken into the loving Presence that is God. And of course words are a totally inadequate tool with which to talk about and discuss Reality.

You are all, in every moment, at One with God. Yes, you can appear in many forms and with many individual traits because the potential that is creation is limitless and infinite in its possibilities.

However, in every moment You remain within God, One with Him, because He is all that exists, and each one of you exists as inseparable, essential and eternal aspects of God. Creation is eternal, a constantly unfolding Reality that is unchanging and yet offers limitless potential for further creation. It provides infinite safety and security in that there is only Love, a state in which there is absolutely no possibility of conflict of any kind.

Many of you may be tempted to yawn here, as, due to your personal experience of the illusion, and your conviction that the reason and logic of science will, eventually, reveal all the secrets of the observed universe – having already revealed so many.

New evidence will surely prove beyond doubt that your existence is but a chance and one time random occurrence never to be repeated because the statistical odds are completely against it having ever happened in the first place. That way of thought beautifully demonstrates the arrogance of the ego, its conviction that it is right and has all the answers, until, once more, it is found to have been mistaken.

It is time for you all to discard your egos which have led you astray on innumerable occasions. It too is an aspect of the illusion, an aspect which has an intense need to be right, and which, when proved wrong, as has happened so frequently throughout the ages, finds yet another “logical” reason to prove that no, it was not wrong, it had just mislaid an essential piece of evidence which it would shortly produce!

The dissolution and disintegration of the illusion is proceeding at high speed, and when you go within, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and open your hearts, you will experience the intuitive sense, very gentle but unmistakable, that yes, indeed, the illusion is collapsing.

You are on Earth to assist in this dissolution and that is why you are drawn to encouraging messages from the spiritual realms like this one. You do need to know that you are not imagining a new world because of your fears, but that you are receiving glimpses of the new world that will shortly reveal itself to you. In the spiritual realms we are working overtime to bring to your awareness the truth of what is unfolding before your very eyes. Rub them so that the sleepy dust is removed, and rejoice in what you are beginning to see.

God’s divine plan is unfolding precisely as He intends, and as that becomes ever more apparent your delight will intensify. You are not alone, you have never been alone, and very soon the proof of that will lift you into ecstasy.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: The Dissolution and Disintegration of the Illusion is Proceeding at High Speed. Channelled by John Smallman, September 3, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/3/2015 6:51:42 PM

A Shift in the Sky ~ September 2015 Update ~ A God Message from Suzanne Spooner of TAUK

September 3, 2015


Hi Everyone,

I am one of those people is always looking up at the sky! I have a deep appreciation for the ever changing shifts of color and clouds. When my kids were little I told them the sky is like God’s art canvas. My family teases me about all the sunset and sky pictures I take. The one on this post I took just last night.

So, it struck me as odd a few weeks ago when I noticed fewer and fewer airplanes, contrails & chemtrails. There seemed to almost be a post-9/11 feel to it, in the sense of the planes being grounded. We live in a place not far from a big airport and are lined up with Chicago and Omaha so there normally is a steady stream of multiple planes above.

As I first noticed this, the skies were utterly cloudless for several days. I thought maybe the weather conditions aren’t right for the trails to form. So I looked for the speck in the sky that was a moving plane. I might see just one or two all day or none. Then the clouds were back but no trails, no planes; except for the very occasional one.

I started to think this is what the sky would look like if we didn’t use planes to travel but used a different, higher technology; just daydreaming. I and one of my children have been having very interesting dreams of great shifts on Earth. There is also a lot of talk currently in the spiritual communities about huge energetic shifts for this month of September, 2015.

So last night, I woke up with my stomach FULL of butterflies. This is my sign to go to my meditation room and TAUK through a message. I do so groggy headed at 2am (I actually typed up the message in the body of a blank email because I couldn’t think of how to open up Pages on my computer! :) ) I let the message come through, don’t read it, I go back to bed. This morning I retrieved my laptop and read what is below.

You all were wonderful to give suggestions in my most current post, Suggestions From King Solomon’s Son to add crystals to our water. So, I’m wondering if any of you have noticed a decrease in seeing airplanes, trails or other odd phenomena in the past few weeks?

It is an amazing time we live in!

Much Love,


Thursday, September 3, 2am


[Hi God.] Hi Suzy. I know you want to sleep; I won’t be long. Give me a moment to talk about the events of September. September will be a time of great shift and you are already noticing it. In a higher dimension there is no need to travel by plane. You simply travel by teleportation. You don’t need a plane to take you to another plane, get it?

So, for the last few weeks you have noticed a remarkable decrease of seeing airplanes or their trails in the sky. You mention to your family it is like after 9/11 when the planes were grounded and the sky was well, filled with sky! What you are noticing is what is called a new sight of evolution. It is noticed as the (old) paradigm of travel shifting just enough that the actual old paradigm of travel is no longer visible to your eyes.

Are the planes still in the sky? It depends on how you vibrate. You see the planes and trails at one vibration. At a slightly higher vibration you notice their lack of being in the sky and a sky rich in blueness or filed with beautiful clouds. You still keep an “eye” out for the planes and see one periodically but remarkably fewer than just a few weeks ago.

Next, you will begin to accept that the planes are in a different place altogether and your place has more efficient ways to travel. You are on the verge of purchasing a plane ticket and you’re wondering if you need to do so. Yes, you will purchase one and yes, you don’t need to. You still have some integration to adjust to before you experience how to teleport. We are giving you and others an exercise to begin understanding how a dramatic shift of energies is occurring. A lack of (air)planes in a new plane, so to speak.

Copyright © 2015 by Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete with the links below.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/3/2015 6:56:40 PM


Bob Fickes ~ The Year of Activating the Heart


The universe has been moving this year to bring all of us into a new realm of experience that embodies more Light and Love in our daily lives. Many times this year we received downloads from the universe to lift our heart into a more highly attuned level of experience. Of course this has also given us many challenges to take important steps to change our life and the way we do things. The energy will continue to build over the next few months until the end of this year.
The most precious gift we have as a human being is our Cosmic Heart. The heart is the very center of our life. Deep inside our heart we are connected to the Source of the Universe. Our Heart is the doorway to the Infinite Life Force and Love Force that materializes everything in this universe. The Heart is also the Balance Point that restores harmony and goodness to everything we do in life. Our Heart has been activated many times this year so that we can now begin to listen to our heart and go with the mighty flow of Love that we need to improve our life and make our world a better place.
You are all ready to begin exploring the final frontier: the Infinite Inner Universe that is located inside your Heart. We must call this the Cosmic Heart because it is so far beyond what we normally think of as our human heart. This is a whole new level of understanding and experience. I am planning to come to Japan in November and December to provide more tools that will help you to tune in to your Heart and open the door to the Inner Universe.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/3/2015 6:59:53 PM

Learn How to Connect and Thrive with your Higher Mind

In the transition that we are making, we are learning how to live from multidimensional perception. The can only happen when our brain is unified with our truer ‘brain of brilliance’, the Higher Mind aspect of our self. It is then that mastermind energy can be channeled through the faculty of the human brain to express higher patterns of unified thought.

Excerpt from the free program of “Morphogenesis

Your Real Mind is not Located in the Brain

Your Real Mind is not Located in the Brain

Our consciousness has been trained to perceive through the five human senses. This has prevented us from tapping into other worlds or dimensions that exist just beyond the range of our normal perception. We are unaware of them because our minds are not consciously vibrating at these higher levels.

To open the portals of perception, the one belief that must disintegrate concerns how we view the consciousness as something that is inside our body, perhaps located somewhere in the brain. We are multidimensional beings! Our consciousness exists outside of the physical body, even outside of the physicalized world. It transcends time and space as part of the one quantum mind.

We are thinking humans yes, and are endowed with a genetic blueprint of supreme intelligence. It is encoded in every one of our cells. The human brain can be retrained to serve in its intended design; as a receiving station and channel for the language of light.

We are pure awareness temporarily inhabiting a human body in order to develop our consciousness while under the illusory veils. The physical body is like a virtual-reality suit that converts everything we see, hear, touch, taste and smell into electrical impulses that formulate our perceptions from inside the brain. These perceptions indeed help us to function in a dense vibration.

In the transition that we are making, we are learning how to live from multidimensional perception. The can only happen is when our brain is unified with our truer ‘brain of brilliance’, the Higher Mind aspect of our self. It is then that mastermind energy can be channeled through the faculty of the human brain to express higher patterns of thought.

This term, ‘Higher Mind’ is used to mean the higher mental body aspect of every person. It connects and links the human soul to the dimension of unified awareness. The Higher Mind is the vehicle that facilitates the awakening of our consciousness through its constant promptings to get our act into a much higher gear.

The Higher Mind can be perceived as that aspect of brilliance that lives with you at all times as the ‘voice of conscience’. It has always been there like a guardian angel guiding you like a beacon, awakening you from the deep slumber of forgetfulness.

Once you put the free willed personality ego into the back seat, this benevolent influence can move into the driver’s seat, to control your physical brain in its entirely. It can enable you to make decisions with utmost clarity and to know the truth, apart from any rationalization. This inner guidance can speak and write through you without the use of the methodical brain, as you have been accustomed.

When we can make contact with and cohere to the channel of the Greater Self, expanded truths are revealed. We become Knowers. This is when we can live our lives governed by providence, the direct revelation of Holy Spirit expressing through the form. THIS is how we collectively create Heaven on Earth.

Listen to Podcast for practical ways for HOW to connect to and thrive with your Higher Mind.


Tiara Kumara is the founder of Children of the Sun Foundation

Producer of Morphogenesis and I AM Avatar, Editor of the Golden Age of Gaia

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/4/2015 6:04:44 PM

The Oracle Report, Friday, September 4, 2015



Disseminating Moon Phase:
share, communicate

Moon in Gemini

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairavi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: engage inner equilibrium

True Alignments: finding calm, experiences that make us stronger, new discoveries, observant, valor, symbolism, talent, ability to turn things around, following your heart’s desire, review, navigating difficult situations through compromise, rearranging, experience

Catalysts for Change: foolish, not resting when one needs to rest, difficulty adjusting to new situations, misuse of something, defeated, trying to control someone’s mind or actions, taking unfair advantage, missing the details, pretense, battle-weary, insensitive to others, lack of desire

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today’s energy has high potential to take us through “dangerous” waters of the mind – mindsets that can take us off course and into despair. Chaos and disequilibrium make for rough rapids, but wise owls ban together to hold the line and maintain inner equilibrium.

The Sun is discharging the energetic of “a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria.” Mercury is discharging the energy of “a canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters.” This can cause things in our individual lives and the world at large to get out of hand and carried too far.

Paradoxically, feelings of inner hysteria (feelings of anxiety, fear, concern, worry, sadness, hopelessness) are happening to fortify our will – our attitude, character, power, resolve, conviction, volition, desire, courage, determination, and mettle.

The world is in flux right now, and we are, too, but both Sabian symbols show positive outcomes. The statesman overcomes and the canoe approaches safety.

As Venus prepares to station direct (or appears to move forward in the sky again) this weekend, it is helping us align with balance, sanity, peace, love, freedom, and destiny. Venus has been retrograde since July 25, and during this time the values we hold have been undergoing transformation. Ideals, as well as illusions, have been examined. We have different ideas about what it means to be happy.

Things that we thought were “ideal” may now seem much less so.

Alchemy is in play to transform people, places, and things from one state of being to another. New combinations, elements, or “ingredients” are mixed together now to refresh what is truly of value to us.

Holding the line (maintaining a strong center and inner equilibrium) amidst chaos is an act of love for the fellowship of humanity. In Gnostic terms, we are couched within the mind of the aeon Gaia Sophia (Wisdom) and within the arms of the aeon Thelete (Will). We unite our wisdom with our will. When we do, we see that a grand drama is unfolding, and we take up our part. We already know it will work out well. The Sabian symbols tell us that we overcome and we are safe.

Let’s maintain a firm connection with the planet and step back from the fear that is pushed today. Wise owls hold the line.

Note: Many thanks to Janet Hickox and everyone who joined us for last night’s “Living Astrology” episode on the Black Moon in Libra. The archive is at:–with-laura-walker

And here is the link to wise owl and co-host of our “Parliament of Wise Owls” episodes Sol Luckman’s September Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony, set for Sunday, September 6. What a great way to usher in Venus stationing direct!

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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