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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/1/2015 11:47:12 PM

Just Hear Me Out…


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Everyone wants their voice to be heard, and some people have trouble communicating their feelings in a way that others can understand. We all struggle in ways that the people around us don’t realize at the surface, and whether we know it or not, most of us want more than anything to communicate our pain and our struggle.

Talking about them is the first step to getting past them, and it helps to have someone who can lend an ear and help us release all that junk we hold in. Some people are lucky enough to have someone to be there for them, but others aren’t so fortunate. Some do have people around them who are willing to listen, but they feel alone nevertheless.

I’d imagine most of us feel like the world doesn’t understand our pain, and it’s easy to convince ourselves that everyone else has it easier. It isn’t necessarily that the world doesn’t care, and it has more to do with the fact that we’ve conditioned ourselves to hide our struggles underneath the surface. As a result, nobody really communicates on a deep level anymore.

This is what I appreciate about the conscious community. The conversations we can have in this community are deep and centered on profound topics, and most ‘conscious’ people are usually willing to be there for one another. We’re happy to help a friend through hard times by listening to them talk and complain if necessary, because we know what it’s like to need help and we want to give the same help we may or may not have been given in the past.

The people who need it the most will never have their voices heard until the rest of humanity can communicate with each other in a deeper way, and it isn’t just about communicating our pain.


Most of us have some ideas of how we can make the world a better place, and we’d like for our ideas to be heard and considered. Everyone would make the decisions in an ideal society, which would be a lot more work for people (but it’d worth it), and nobody would have their ideas rejected or never even heard in the first place.

We all have something to offer, no matter how much society pushes us down and convinces us otherwise, and the entire foundation our society’s built on will have to come crumbling down before our input is accepted. How can we expect for the common man to have a voice in a society built on greed, carelessness and conquest?

Our current collective mindset will have to be demolished before we can have a voice, and this is why so many system busters are working around the clock to help people wake up. They know how important it is for us to rise up and demand our voice be heard, and this is why they fight for mankind’s rights while sharing enlightening information with the populace. They have something to say, and they’re encouraging all of us finally use our voices too.

Whether we have revolutionary ideas or we just want to vent some of our frustration, we all have meaningful things we want to communicate about life. Unfortunately, we try to communicate them to a society that doesn’t seem to care at all, but if we keep working toward our goals and refuse to give up, society won’t have a choice but to listen.

Keep adding your color to the world.

If you’re trying your best to wake up the world, you have to keep going. There’ll be plenty of people who turn you down and refuse to listen to you, but you have to stay strong and remember why you’re doing this. Someone, somewhere will eventually be excited to hear what you have to say, and they might even help you spread your message of love and peace.

We have a lot to do if we want to change the world, but the best thing we can do is be there for each other. Let’s take notice when someone around us struggles, and let’s try to show them some love, which is what we all need. The best way to receive it is to give it freely, and when we do, it multiplies from within and we can then give more out, increasing our resonance and our alignment with the Divine Father and Mother.

To give love is to serve mankind in the best way, because love inspires us to do everything we’re doing. It inspires us to meditate and learn more about our spirituality; it inspires us to be creative and use our art the help the world advance; and it inspires us to be there when someone needs us. The more we’re there for them, the more we understand that our struggle is universal.

Love inspired me to write this, and when I look around, I see that we all just want some companionship; someone to talk to; someone who can be there for us. We all want someone to converse with about life, revolution, spirituality, our own struggles, and so many other things that are important to us, and others will naturally be there for us if we’re there for them.

“We can do a lot of good in the world just by lending an ear”.

We can do a lot of good in the world just by lending an ear, and we’ll take the first steps into a new way of life when we learn compassion and openheartedness. It’ll happen on a massive scale someday, and the best part about it is that we’re already making it happen. Even if it takes a while for the rest of the world to catch up, we’re trying to pioneer a way of life that, in the future, everyone will realize is the right way to go and the only way to save ourselves.

When they do, we can finally create the world we should all be living in. Slowly but surely, things will change if we commit to changing them now, and the first (and best) step is to be there for others with an open heart.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/2/2015 4:37:51 PM


Mahala ~ Planet Alert September 2015

The magical month of September has arrived and it really came in with a roar here in Washington State with a major wind storm. At the time of the full moon of August 29
th the planet Uranus, which rules wind and storms was conjunct the dark moon Lilith. This activated storm energy here in Washington because Saturn is still on 29 degrees Scorpio, which rules the West Coast, including Oregon and Northern California.

Uranus also has been activating fire energy all summer because it is in the fire sign Aries. We have had the worst fires ever in Washington State. The fire asteroid Vesta has also been in Aries activating Mars in Leo, another fire sign. The Earth will be in fire energy for a long time. When Saturn goes into Sagittarius that planet will be in a fire sign. Uranus will be in Aries for another three plus years and Saturn will be in Sagittarius for the next two and a half years. Doesn’t the Bible say the end comes with fire? I think we have made it to the end of an age, and ready to move into New Earth energy. It’s also my understanding that the fire initiation is the last of the initiations and it activates the energy of Love.
Many people have been looking forward to the arrival of September because of all the events that are predicted to happen this month. The largest one is the culmination of the waves that have been hitting Earth all summer. These waves started coming in at the Spring Equinox when Saturn moved back onto 29 degrees Scorpio. I felt the first wave hit on Sunday June 28 and the energy felt really good to me. The waves have continued to come in all summer and this has caused the energy to become very intense. The culmination of these electromagnetic waves may occur on September 13th when Lilith, the hidden Goddess, will be conjunct Alcyone in opposition to Saturn on that eclipse day. The hidden Goddess is returning in all her power.
People have been calling this energy Wave X and say it is a Wave of Love. I agree with them. The energy of love has become very strong if you tune into it. I received an email from Simone M. Matthews. Here is a link to her article at: Universal Life She is talking about the Wave of Love and has several graphics in her article. When I first looked at the graphic of the Galactic Alignment I realized that our Solar System will be lined up with our three major suns-Alcyone, Sirius, and the Galactic Center in September. If you have seen the movie The Dark Crystal you will know what I am talking about. In the movie the crystal had to be in the proper alignment at the time the three suns lined up in order to save the Earth. It looks like we will reach that point in September 2015.
We first started our journey toward the Galactic Center in 1987 at the time of the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year. Then we started getting really close in 1998 when the Earth first reached zero magnetics on November 9, 1998 for a short period of time. Then we crossed the Galactic Plain on December 21, 2012. This is when we moved into an area that has very high energy and this is when we started to move into no-time, which is fast approaching. Time is moving so fast now I can hardly keep up with everything I have to do. I guess we need to slow down to manifest zero magnetics so everything can change.
The waves that are coming in now are electromagnetic waves of love. The energy from the Photon Belt has been coming to Earth all summer because of the Saturn/Alcyone opposition. Alcyone tones down the energy from the Galactic Center and from there it comes to Earth.
In my last article I said that the Earth was the 8th star of the Pleiadian Star System. I was wrong. I should have said our Sun is the 8th Star. It says in the book The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow that Alcyone is always in the Photon Belt. It’s my understanding that Alcyone has 7D energy and that is what we have been experiencing all summer because Saturn has been exactly opposing Alcyone all summer. Alcyone is on 29 degrees Taurus and Saturn is on 29 Scorpio. Have you felt the intensity of this energy?
When Saturn moves into Sagittarius on September 17th the focus will start being on things like our higher mind, college, philosophy, law, travel, religion, and freedom. Mercury also turns retrograde on September 17th. Because Uranus is in Aries, which will make a nice trine to Saturn in Sagittarius, the energy will be ‘Don’t tell me what to do, I will not be controlled any longer, I want my freedom’. Jupiter is the planet that rules Sagittarius. Jupiter is now in the sign of Virgo, the Goddess. Lots of love energy was coming to Earth last year when Jupiter was in Leo and our hearts were opened, some with heart attacks. Now that Jupiter is in Virgo it is time to manifest heart energy. Just be the Love that you are.
Other events that are predicted to happen in September are two eclipses. The first will be a solar eclipse on September 13th and the second a blood moon eclipse on September 27th at 7:50 pm PDT. September 13th is the last day of the Shemittah and then we enter the year of Jubilee. Every seven years there is a financial crash, or slow down and that has already happened with the crash of the Chinese Stock Market in July. Then in August the Stock Markets of the whole world went down. We will probably feel the effects of that crash for a while, although we are about to enter a year of celebration. What will that bring?
The Earth is still in her cleansing cycle and this will continue for a few more years. We do not have to be concerned with this energy if we manifest love. With love you can walk through fire without getting burned. And whoever manifests from a higher dimension Earth may not even be aware of what is happening on the lower dimension Earth. I think it is time for the separation of the wheat from the chaff.
Rosh Hannah, the Jewish new year is on September 13, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Judgment, is on September 23. This is the day the Pope will meet with President Obama and the next day he will address our Congress. On September 25 he will speak before the United Nations. Then the Harvest full moon will be on September 27th.This will be the final blood moon of the series of four.
We will have an interesting month. I’m looking forward to it because I think the culmination of the waves of love will move us into a much higher energy. Welcome to the New Earth. It’s time to live in the wonder and awe of magic and miracles and to manifest our spiritual gifts. We do live in exciting times. All is well in my World! So Be It!

I am open to Love donations. It is always fun to receive a gift from an angel of love. Thank you in advance. My PayPal account is Lots of love to everyone. ***** Mahala Gayle *****

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/2/2015 6:13:55 PM

Questions on Who Will and Will Not Choose to Ascend

Asension 34


Here are a few questions and answers from the emails I received about the Ascension series, in case the questions are more general.

May I repeat two things before beginning please? First, we need to be able to discern whether a statement made applies to all people or just some.

One difficulty I encounter is that a commentator may be making a statement that applies to some and it’s taken as applying to all. So perhaps ask yourself the question first of who the statement might apply to.

The second thing is that there’s a wonderful, ample, encyclopedic database on all matters relating to Ascension, Disclosure, accountability, love, love, love here: First Contact. That’s where I go to answer your questions.

After 12/21/2012, I thought we were held up because we had chosen as a collective to ascend together. Has this changed?

No, it hasn’t changed. It was always said that some people will choose not to ascend. Our collective decision cannot abrogate freewill choices made.

Moreover, whatever our choice in the matter, an individual still has to have assimilated enough light to change their body from carbon to crystal. If they don’t, it doesn’t matter what choice the collective made. They will not ascend. As Matthew said, it’s simply a question of physics.

So our choice as a collective does not override the physics of the matter.

Steve, you mentioned that there are those who have chosen not to ascend via their soul agreement.

If a person’s current consciousness says, ‘yes,’ to ascension… would that overrule a ‘no’ in their pre-incarnation soul agreement?

The problem is that we’re looking at large numbers of people and thinking that a statement I make about some applies to others.

Some people said they did not want to ascend but nevertheless wanted to be part of this time for what they could learn.

Other people did not make that stipulation and now are looking at leaving the darkness and ascending.

The same statement does not apply to both groups.

As to the specifics of your question, I’d think that a “yes” now would override a “no” in a pre-birth agreement. I couldn’t conceive of how it could be otherwise in a loving universe.

In part one you say the fence straddlers will be stuck because they didn’t make a choice in time. But then you say the people who choose to stay for love they’ll still have the opportunity to ascend. How can both be true?

“Love” is the answer, dear heart.
The one disbelieves and probably doesn’t follow his or her heart. The second makes an act of sacrifice out of love. The latter will ascend on death; the former has, by the act of disbelief and the closing down that follows it, not invited that light in to change his or her carbon body to crystal and so probably would not ascend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/2/2015 6:23:47 PM

Foremost, Be Honest with Yourself

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Please don’t say you have no time. Beloveds, it is never really a question of time. It is always a question of preference. Let Me repeat this once more: It is always a question of your choice.

You have every right to your priorities. Acknowledge priorities then. That you don’t have time is a cloud-screen to hide what is true.

You choose your priorities. There may be many reasons why you choose the priorities you do and why you do not choose the priorities you do not choose. It is best to be outright honest with yourself.

You prefer to sit and watch TV than you want to do your homework. The motivation to do homework takes a back seat.

You may say you just have no energy. It certain seems that way, yet if your boyfriend were to call to invite you dancing, how long would it take for your energy to bounce back?

There are matters you may well want to work on – composing music, exercising, or a class you want to take, and you don’t get down to it. Perhaps you are afraid of not being good enough and don’t want to fail. What if no one likes your music, and you are not good at it? On the other hand, perhaps you are afraid of being a success and resultant changes in your life. Success could be a headache as well.

Perhaps you simply like spare time doing nothing or not doing anything that hangs over you. Foremost, be honest with yourself.

If there is something you really want to do, why don’t you just do it? If you really do want to do it and not just like the idea of it, then why aren’t you doing it?

A famous French artist and sculptor as a child would steal charcoal from the fireplace so he could draw with it. His father thought drawing was a waste of time and beat his son’s fingers so the son would stop taking the charcoal.

The son had a higher motive as well, for he wasn’t stopped. He continued to take charcoal from the fireplace and draw with his swollen reddened hands.

What obstacles do you have that you give in to?

The point here is not to kid yourself.

A Dutch prisoner in a concentration camp had to write with tiny tiny print in a notebook in order to conserve the only paper she had to write on.

An American author who worked a 40-hour a week job got up very early every morning and worked on his novel for two or three hours before he went to work. It took him eleven years to finish his novel which did become a best seller and have a movie made of it as well. The author said that if he had not had a job and had more time available to him, it would have taken him longer to write his novel.

When your desires are hard for you to get to, perhaps your desire isn’t strong enough. Perhaps instead of not having time, you may feel you have all the time in the world, and so you waste it.

Perhaps, you follow the line of least resistance, and you just go along with what is going on around you.

And then there is the answer that now is not the right time. This can also carry some truth, and, yet motivation is unlikely to come from the outside while you lollygag around waiting for the right time.

Maybe you just never had the opportunity – do you believe that?

Ah, you can’t have your two feet in two different boats, or four or six. You could be too much all over the place.

There is nothing you have to become. Perhaps the burning desire simply isn’t there. That’s all right too. Just don’t kid yourself when it may be that you don’t want whatever it may be enough. Perhaps you like nursing the idea but not the actual doing. What is it that does not move you forward or simply holds you back?

Something within you, beloveds.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/2/2015 6:26:55 PM

Choices, Choices, Choices – The Council

September 1, 2015


The Council

We wish to speak with you today regarding the topic of choice. We will once again point out to you several things about the subject that you will find you already know, but that you may wish to examine in new ways. This may lead you to a higher understanding of who and what you are. That is always our purpose when we speak with you.

Each and every moment of your lives you are in choice. What will I think? What should I do? Where shall I go? How might I do this? How should I feel about that? You make these choices in every instant.

Each time you make a choice, and truly each time you refrain from doing so, you make uncountable changes to the probabilities and possibilities of the future. And we do not speak of only your own future, do you understand? Imagine that the universe is a vast fabric of very intricate lace, like a beautiful fringed table covering. Now imagine taking one tiny piece of the fringe and pulling upon it. Pull a little more. Can you imagine that whatever you do to that piece of thread will affect every part of the fabric in some manner? That is what each choice you make does to the future of everything. That is what each decision not to choose does, as well.

Now that does not mean that deciding not to make a particular choice at a particular time is a bad thing. It does mean, however, that you may wish to make that decision in a more conscious manner. And lest you begin to feel ‘the weight of the world’ on your shoulders, consider that there are about seven billion other decisions being made on your earth in the same instant that also contribute to the outcome.

Would it not be far more satisfying to take responsibility for your decisions knowing that you are indeed contributing to the outcomes you desire? Would it not give you a better feeling to know that you are creating a happier and more rewarding life for yourself and everyone else?

Now this can seem to be a very daunting task. Oh my! What should I do now? I have to get this right! Everything depends on it. There must be a better way.

Well, there is a better way. There is no need for you to shoulder the entire burden. There is no need for you to shoulder any burden. There is only a need for you to become aware enough to remember how to improve your feelings about your own life. That is enough. That will make the highest contribution to the collective life. So how do you do that?

Shift your attention. Your attention, as you have learned in this life, is given to thinking about and understanding what to do next and how to do it. We would offer a much simpler and easier to apply guideline for you to follow, and one that will put you into far closer touch with the greater self that you are. Move your attention as often as possible to your heart. What does that mean? It means asking yourself, “how does that make me feel?’ “How will it make me feel?” “How do I feel about that?” “How can I feel better?”

Now the feelings that you have are a language in themselves you know. They are the way in which the greater self that you are speaks to you in each moment of your life. You have been conditioned over vast reaches of time to ignore this and proceed as if it were unimportant. But when you begin to pay attention, you will find that it will become what is referred to as The Still, Small Voice Within. It is the I Am. Listen to her. Listen to him. And don’t only listen. Find ways to act upon what you hear, what you feel.

Let’s imagine for a moment that someone has repeatedly come to you for advice. You have always given this person the very best counsel that you could. But the person has always acted in ways that you never would have advised. Would you not begin to answer in shorter and shorter ways, give less and less advice, and eventually cease answering perhaps?

Well now put yourself in the position of your Self, who constantly hears your every thought, wish, and prayer. Your Self has answered you every time with what it knows would be best for you. The language it uses is your deepest feelings. But you seldom, if ever, act upon them. Would it surprise you if the feelings got weaker and weaker? Or is it just that the listening device became out of tune?

Tune in. Re-learn the language. You will make one of the most effective and important changes possible to you. That is the way home, you see. That tuner, that language, is the way we speak, the way spirit speaks. It may develop into far more, but it will always be enough.

And now we have come full circle back to the subject of choice. If you have made this choice, you have changed your life. That is our promise to you.

Be in joy. Be in love. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
