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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2015 6:53:05 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday August 30, 2015

Galactic Free Press's picture

Just like as you walk through the same path in the forest over and again, the path becomes clearer and easier to navigate, so it is with connecting with spirit. The more you make the conscious effort to align with the intention to receive guidance, the easier it is for you to move into that energetic space the next time, and so it goes, until it becomes a comfortable and familiar route.

And just as the path in the forest doesn’t grow completely over if you don’t travel down it for a while, your connection with us is always available to you. We are always here, with open arms, to accept, love and support you. All you need to do is to choose to journey in our direction. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2015 6:57:25 PM

Who Will Choose Not to Ascend? – Part 2/4

Car Crash

Matthew Ward transitioned in a car crash.

(Continued from Part 1.)

Physically, from what causes will people die and leave rather than stay and ascend?

The over-arching cause is that people reject the light. Their carbon-based bodies will not transform into crystalline-based if they do, Matthew Ward explains.

“The light that is absorbed by receptive souls is changing their cells into a crystalline structure for physical survival in the higher vibrational levels as well as increasing spiritual clarity and thus soul evolution. Those who refuse the light will not have survival capability, and when Earth reaches the higher levels, their bodies will die.” (1)

They won’t leave in large waves, he tells us.

“Individuals who do not absorb sufficient light to ascend with Earth will not leave en masse. The time of physical death will be in accordance with the amount of light in each body, and dying can be the result of any of the current causes such as disease, drowning, vehicle crashes, suicide, fires, and earthquakes.” (2)

On another occasion, he assures us that we’ll have the opportunity to meet up with them as we ascend.

“Throughout the year greater numbers of people will be dying than heretofore, and it is likely that among them will be members of your family, friends, colleagues or neighbors. If they are especially dear to you, be comforted in knowing that along the ascension pathway through fourth density into fifth, there will be joyful physical reunions between souls on the planet and those in Nirvana.” (3)

Where will they go? They’ll be taken to a vibrational venue amenable to them and continue their journey of evolution, Matthew says: “Their souls automatically will go to stations where their lifetime free will choices have energetically registered them.” (4) “This normally means lifting them off Earth,” SaLuSa informs us, “and allowing them to continue their experiences at a similar level.” (5)

They’ll “continue their experiences in a vibration that is the same as theirs,” he explains on another occasion. (6) There, Matthew tells us, “they will have as many opportunities as they need ‘to see the light.'” (7) That’s as much detail as they offer on where these souls will go.

Will they remember us? Archangel Michael responds:

“Those who are in the, shall we say, slow lane of Ascension will also have full memory of who has gone before and who has chosen not to go. Will those memories eventually fade with a feeling of love? Yes, of course they will. The few … will feel and think that nothing much has changed.

“There will be an explanation of where you have gone or not gone. There will be a sense of that imprint of who you are. But they will continue in an illusion which has been very dense and very thick for them regardless. So it will not be heart-breaking; it will be taken care of. For this is not in any of these scenarios a cruel, unfeeling, punishing process. This is an upliftment. This is a miraculous unfoldment.” (8)

Will they be able to retain the memory of what happened? SaLuSa explains:

“[Their] experience will achieve much in time, as it will remain in their subconscious memory until it can serve them again. They certainly will not have to start at the bottom of the ladder again. Like any other soul they will progress because it is impossible to stand still, as even if it is not perceptible, everything is in state of change and is the one constant in the Universe.” (9)

Can we retain contact with them? We won’t lose contact with them unless we wish to, SaLuSa tells us.

“Think not of losing your contact with those you love, as [you] will always be one with them wherever they are. In the higher dimensions, time and distance are no barrier to travel or communication.” (10)

What about souls who elect to remain behind for the sake of another? Will they miss out on the opportunity to ascend? Archangel Michael informs us of their position:

Steve Beckow: Has a parent who chooses to remain behind when ascension occurs for the sake of a spouse or a child forfeited their chance to ascend for the next 26,000 years, or will they ascend upon the death of the physical body?

Archangel Michael: Of course they will ascend on the death of the body.

SB: All right. So it’s not the case that there’s a window that briefly opens and then shuts and these people have lost out altogether?

AAM: Why would we ever punish? We are not in the punishing business. And we would certainly never punish for love. When one stays because their love and their caring is so intense, their commitment is so intense – that is always taken into account. They will have their chance.

SB: That’s very reassuring. (11)

This is the situation for people of ordinary good intent who simply choose not to ascend because they are afraid, disillusioned, or unable to comprehend. Tomorrow we’ll look at the situation of darkly-inclined people.

(Continued in Part 3.)


(1) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003, at

(2) Matthew’s Message, March 10, 2009.

(3) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012.

(4) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.

(5) SaLuSa, March 31, 2010, at

(6) SaLuSa, Sept. 12, 2012.

(7) Matthew’s Message, May 19, 2010.

(8) “Archangel Michael: This Election Clears the Way for Obama to Step into the Truth of His Being,” Nov. 8, 2012, at .

(9) SaLuSa, Feb. 24, 2012.

(10) SaLuSa, Nov. 5, 2012.

(11) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 3/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2015 6:59:47 PM

Effortless Enlightenment: 5 Pieces of Advice from Lin-Chi

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Most ‘conscious’ people know by now that the love and spiritual awareness they seek are found within, and we’ll make ourselves miserable if we search for them in the external world. Once we understand the futility of searching for these qualities in the world and discover them within, we can appreciate the earth for its beauty and the lessons it teaches us.

While the earth is a wonderful place, we’ll be disappointed if we scour it for enlightenment instead of relaxing and letting our awareness flow from within, with no resistance or restriction. Even when we’re in nature, we have to already be somewhat connected to get the most out of the experience.

Here, we’ll look at five quotes from Lin-Chi about bringing an end to our search and turning within for enlightenment. As we’ll learn, we really don’t need to search for anything because love and awareness lie in our recognition of the value of the present moment. When we realize that these qualities come from within, we learn to stop seeking them and let them naturally surface.

I think this is the best way to find enlightenment, and plenty of people who’ve experienced its benefits would agree.

Lin-Chi. Credit:

1. Look Within

“If you want to be no different from the patriarchs and the buddhas, then never look for something outside yourselves. … And simply because you do not rush around seeking anything outside yourselves, you can command these fine faculties.”

The source of our misery is our apparent need to look for love or spirit in the external world, and we can bring an end to this unnecessary struggle by understanding that while the world has a lot to offer, it isn’t the solution to our spiritual sickness.

The solution is to look within, which is still difficult for most people because they haven’t discovered their spirituality. Most people avoid looking within because they don’t think they have any reason to, but their lives would drastically change if they could awaken to the infinite dimensions that exist beyond the mind and rediscover unconditional love.

2. The Buddha Is Not the Goal

“Followers of the Way, don’t take the Buddha to be some sort of ultimate goal. In my view he’s more like the hole in a privy.”

True enlightenment comes when we have no more goals and we can relax into the present moment.

When I’m in a store or at the doctor’s office and there’s a long wait, it usually doesn’t bother me. In fact, I cherish the time I get to spend doing nothing, and I always appreciate the little meditation it produces.

We enjoy relaxing and being free of responsibility because it’s our natural state of being, and the more we give ourselves permission to enjoy this state, the more profound its impact on us will be. The best way to get there is to stop striving for anything, including enlightenment, and when we do, the energy and insight will flow through in a way it never could before.

3. Don’t Be a Blockhead

“People who try to do something about what is outside themselves are nothing but blockheads.”

Instead of focusing on how we can solve all of our problems, let’s give them to our higher consciousness with the knowledge that the perfect solutions will appear to us.

The best solutions are found in a good meditation or in releasing our grip on them and letting the insight flow, and as long as we search for solutions in the world, we’ll make our journey harder than it needs to be and consistently disappoint ourselves.

After so much failure and disappointment, we’ll eventually understand that the solutions, like everything else we seek, live within. Then, we can get on the right track and open ourselves to the guidance we’re always being given, from Source and our higher consciousness, and we’ll delight in the fact that our struggle is finally over.

We’ll realize how silly it was to look for answers outside of ourselves, and we’ll be glad we became aware of our inner realms and reconnected with the source of our intuitive guidance.

4. Reawaken to the Realm That Leans on Nothing

“The buddhas are born from the realm that leans on nothing. If you can waken to this leaning on nothing, then there will be no Buddha to get hold of.”

We came from nothingness, and nothingness is our ultimate destination. This might sound unsettling for some, especially those who are new to the spiritual path, but in this nothingness lies an infinite wellspring of love, bliss and true spiritual awareness.

The difference between ‘true’ spiritual awareness and any other kind that this level of awareness can only be found when we rejoin the Divine Father and become a part of the All once again, surrendering our sense of separation and duality to be one with all of creation.

As long as we search or we have some kind of goal, we distance ourselves from this ultimate destination. When we give up the need for goals and learn to simply be, however, our awareness comes flooding back in and we can show the way for others who struggle with their own self-imposed limitations.

5. Don’t Join With (or Depart From) the Mind

“Seeking outside for some Buddha possessing form – “This hardly becomes you! “If you wish to know your original mind, “Don’t try to join with it, don’t try to depart from it.”

The mind and ego take a lot of flak in the spiritual community, but understanding the mind is the first step to understanding its place in the big picture.

If we embrace it and its constant thoughts and judgments, we’ll trap ourselves in a limited existence of our own creation. If we desperately try to depart it and enter into a higher or more spiritual experience, we’ll fail to see its place in the big picture and utilize, from a higher stance, the help it could otherwise give.

The mind is a companion that allows us to navigate the lower vibrations, and there’s no sense in trying to leave it behind while we’re still on earth. Instead, we can make peace with it and use meditation to get to a space beyond it that allows us to become aware of it in a new way, and thus, detach from it.

As long as we have a conflict with the mind, we’ll hold ourselves back from the vibrant reality we can tap into. As long as we convince ourselves that love or happiness can only be found in society, we’ll keep ourselves from the inner connection that reminds us that we’re spiritual beings.

The best path is the path of nonattachment – to this reality or any ‘lower’ or ‘higher’ one – because it allows us to give up the need to search or strive for anything. It teaches us to enjoy life no matter what comes our way, and it reminds us that we’ve never needed to try so hard.

We’re returning to love as we bring our spiritual search to an end and invite our awareness to make itself known, and we’ll know we’ve made progress when we can be constantly heart-centered and tackle the challenges life gives us with ease.

True heart-centeredness is the recognition that everything is perfect the way it is, and we don’t always need to change things or restlessly search our consciousness for the inner gifts that can only arise when we’re in a calm, accepting frame of mind.

Let’s relax and enjoy life, and let’s invite our creator and our higher consciousness to take part in the fun.


  1. Lin-Chi [Rinzai], The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-Chi. Trans. Burton Watson. Boston and London: Shamballa, 1993, 24.
  2. Ibid., 76.
  3. Ibid., 31.
  4. Ibid., 36.
  5. Ibid., 62.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/30/2015 7:03:05 PM


WAVE XAs many of us know, there is a energetic event occurring and it will be increasing in the near future. I have been seeing what is known as Aether move in and around our planet for almost a year. This entire process is like baking a cake, as it occurs in stages, and not in just one big event. Right now there is so much talk about Wave X, and it is getting out of hand and unreasonable, just like in 2012. There are so many posts on the internet describing this wave as a mass Ascension event, and this is absolutely wrong. The original person that named and talked about this Wave X “event” NEVER said anything about mass Ascension, and his knowledge which is very based in science is being taken out of context. I am writing today to give you my take on what I have been seeing for many months now. My side is not from science, but from my clairvoyant ability and astral travels. I came here and walked into this body for the purpose of working on and making sure this planet was ready for the energy it is now receiving. I have been doing this since 2008.


We are in the very beginning of the Golden Age. In order for us to move into this new age of the galactic year, the slate needed to be wiped clean. This whole process has been like baking a cake that started around 2008, maybe a bit before. The first phase was to clean up the upper realms, and a lot of energetic work in the astral and etheric levels was done. My co-host and I did a radio show on this. The majority of this work was done between 2008 and 2013, and I have memory and written record in my personal journals of what occurred. Now, the stage was set for a clean state to be created, and the void of creation was brought to the planet. It was the black Genesis energy, better known as Aether. This occurred at the end of last year. The Aether moved in and covered our entire planet. Aether is the 5th element and is a black and purple color, and I have written quite a bit about this subject. I saw this move in on the astral during one of my experiences there and wrote about it. This huge event went mostly unnoticed, except by one other clairvoyant writer. I am sure a few others noticed, but I am unaware of who has the astral eyes to see this. The next phase was for the black purple Aether to turn a bright Gold, which it did around April of this year. The Aether transformed into Azoth, also known as fire water. This amazing element has not been experienced on this planet for thousands of years. It is the element of the Golden Age. It represents everything in infinity, which is why the first letters are A and Z. The beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. This year is a 8 year…the year of infinity. I also wrote about this…. So, 2015 was the perfect year for the energy of Azoth to make it’s appearance. The last thing that occurred I have not talked about for fear that most will not understand or will think I am nuts. Our entire universe and beyond moved to a completely higher level of existence. The easiest way to describe what happened is to picture us below an energetic plane of energy. This is where we have been for thousands of years, this is where we fell too. We have been living in an upside down world, where things just don’t make sense…violence is entertainment etc…. Now, that the Azoth is present, we moved above that plane and we are in a new neighborhood. It will take some time for all of this to filter down into our physical world, but it will happen. Our reality is shifting to a right side up view.


Now, this brings us to what has been called Wave X. This “wave” is one of many huge increases that we will experience now that we have moved above the plane. What is being called X, is just the first. Each age in a galactic year last for about 2 thousand years, and this is the first major increase. You can image how many will occur in the next 2 thousand years! But for us, since we have been living in an upside down world, this first one is the biggest. We have been in darkness and deep density for too long, so any increase will be huge. I don’t like the word wave, because it makes it sound as though nothing was here and now the wave brings it all. We are receiving an increase in what is already in place. It’s the next step in our cake baking process. The Azoth will be turned on for the first time by the sun’s rays. This is what is being called Wave X.


This will not create a mass ascension, rapture etc… All will receive this turned on energy of the Azoth, but not all will be able to use it. Azoth is a equal opportunity employer, but you have to work for it. If you have done your physical inner alchemy then your body will vibrate at a level that will turn on your dormant DNA that will give you the ability to obtain “gifts”. These gifts are just new ways of living, it’s evolution. People when they are ready will learn how to see clairvoyantly, and will see beyond the veil, they will see the Azoth for themselves, which is like seeing God. It’s the best I can describe it from my experience. The other clair abilities will follow, such as clear smell, hearing etc… Other new evolution abilities will include levitation, creating and manifesting from the Azoth and many more. Each “gift” vibrates at a different frequency, and as you raise your vibration each one will be flipped on. Now……it is entirely possible for someone to have one or more of these dormant abilities turned on and not realize it. Once it has been turned on, then it is your responsibility to learn how to use it, and this take practice. Again, you will get out of this new energy what you put into it. No one will do it for you. Many will live here and die here without knowing what they have received. Unfortunately this will occur until we are farther into the Golden Age. So, don’t be expecting your neighbors to be manifesting items from the Azoth like you may be able to. We will still need to continue to live from our hearts. Which is a requirement for these gifts to be used in the first place. You can not create anything wrong when it’s done from the heart. Your heart does not know duality, only the mind does. If an individual is still stuck in the dramas of the mind, they will not obtain the higher abilities such as manifestation.


Will this Wave X event create a global awakening….yes and no. Yes, all will receive this energy, as all are ready for it…yes, it will force them to see things differently…will they be at the same level instantly as those that have read this article to the end? No…. Will those of us that have been working hard on our inner alchemy be ascended to a higher location to live free from those not as far on the path? No…. We are all Gaia’s children and she loves all of us, we will still be expected to co-exist and assist those that are just “waking-up”. Being of service to others is why you are here, especially if you read this article in it’s entirety.

Much love to all,

Lisa Rising Berry

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/31/2015 12:34:47 AM


Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ A full relationship with your Higher Self is possible when you give yourself time to receive Love from the deepest sources of your Being.

Dear One,

One of the most powerful and important relationships you have in this life is with your Higher Self. This is the part of you which is in full communion with God because it is the voice of your Soul. Guidance and intuitive insight come from this place. There are a number of ways you can develop and strengthen this relationship between your personality awareness and your Higher Self, and all of them require patience, persistence and practice.

One way is to learn to act on your intuition. How many times have you thought about doing something, ignored the thought, and then a situation arose when you said, "I knew I should have done that?" The more you listen to your inner voice and act on your intuition, the stronger this connection will become.

Another way to strengthen your connection to your Higher Self is through meditation. Meditation is a way of expanding your conscious awareness of states beyond your physical body. The physical world is the grossest level of manifestation and there are many planes of consciousness beyond it. Meditation is the key to reaching a deeper level of being, that still place within, where you are one with God.

Meditation is not difficult, but it does require practice and persistence to attain a calm and focused mind. It may be frustrating at first, because the mind never seems to stop. Emotions and thoughts come up that clamor for attention. This is just the way thoughts work, so be patient with yourself and gently refocus your mind on your breath as the object of your attention. It may be helpful to take the time to write out your feelings and thoughts before you meditate so that you can clear your mind more easily. Whatever you do to calm and clear yourself will be very helpful.


Sit quietly, breathe balanced breaths, and as you begin to feel more peaceful and centered, imagine a beautiful golden, healing light flowing around and through you. There is incredible love within you, waiting only for your conscious permission to flood your entire being. Focus your attention on receiving the love of God. You can ask your Higher Self to facilitate this connection. As you do, you will create a solid, conscious connection. Imagine that Divine Love is flowing through you in the flow of warm golden light. Allow yourself to bask in this love and let it permeate every cell of your being.

Create a beautiful place in your mind where you can go to sit in the silence that exists within you. Call on your angelic teachers for guidance and we will assist you in this process. The Angels are messengers of God, here to help you find peace, love and joy in your life. We can also assist your meditation process so you will find the love you need within yourself. Picture the Angels surrounding you in wings of pure light, and we will be there. We love you and believe that you deserve to receive all that is good.

When you take a little time every day to make your spiritual connection to God stronger, you will be amazed how your life will change. You will find guidance and wisdom available to you in a greater way than you ever imagined was possible. It takes only the willingness to give yourself time to breathe, focus and receive God's love.

Remember, your message from the Angels today:

A full relationship with your Higher Self is possible when you give yourself time to receive Love from the deepest sources of your Being.

Archangel Gabriel
from Shanta Gabriel
August 30, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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