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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2015 7:08:57 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: The 8-8-8 Lion’s Gateway Portal

infinityDear Ones,

Every year on August 8, the Earth aligns with the Galactic Center of the Universe to create an extremely beneficial portal to accelerate ascension energies within you.

This Lion’s Gateway allows intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun to stream through our Sun and anchor new solar codes for Mastery and higher aspects of Love onto the planet.

This year offers a rare triple 8 Lion’s Gateway Activation, as 2015 (2+0+1+5=8) adds another 8 to the equation, creating an even more powerful portal into the higher realms of Divinity.

The 8-8-8 Lion’s Gateway Portal opened July 26 to inspire new balance between your heart’s intelligence and your thinking mind, creating a connection that will become your new reality; a reality so deeply aligned with your soul that it provides a platform for a profound inner foundation of Love.

This alignment with the Galactic Center inspires your deepest connection to the Christed Heart within you. As you taste this new reality, the doorway opens, gently revealing to you the Harmony that is possible when you relinquish fear and open into a new alignment with Divine Love.

The Peace that prevails during this portal period gives you a clear indication of what you have been craving in your heart. The expansive ability to love with your whole heart and mind is the new level of energy being offered in the 8-8-8 Alignment. This gives you the freedom and inspiration so you can choose Love as your only reality and expand your energy field to live in a state of true Peace within your heart.

As inviting as it sounds, this may be uncomfortable for some. Most people are not used to the level of expansion that a state of Peace entails, as most are familiar with their energy field functioning in a contracted state to feel more safe in the new frequencies that are electrifying the nervous system.

However, the activations that are being provided on a daily basis during the Lion’s Gate Portal are offering your energy system a lift in Light Frequency so you can have a true experience of pure alignment within your being. Your Pituitary/Pineal Center, which is connected by pure Light to your High Heart, is the focus of activation for you at this pivotal time.

Your work as a Light Bearer of new consciousness is to fully open to the perception of this unfamiliar reality as one of Love and Alignment with your Soul’s gifts. The Lion’s Gateway is the portal where you can allow this connection to your Soul to be the consciousness that inspires your life.

“Name it and claim it” becomes a useful process for creation of your new reality. The recognition and focus of your balanced mind/heart connection trains your energy system to work in a new way; one that will fulfill your soul’s requirement for a sense of Harmony and Peace within your heart.

As you establish Love as your new basis for living, it precedes the unfoldment of expansiveness and levels of freedom in every area of your life.

Throughout the shift in consciousness occurring through the Lion’s Gateway, be aware of the Masters and Archangels at work to keep the focus of Alignment in the forefront of your awareness. The portal you are experiencing is not a mental construct, but a demonstration of one of the most powerful alignments you have ever experienced.

The more refined energies that have been awakening those who are preparing the way for all humanity have enabled the purity of the portal for this year. New clear alignments that are directly connected to your individual Soul are now possible through the work by many who have been committed to the ascension of all beings on the planet at this time.

Throughout the energetic gateway period that is occurring now until after August 8, take the time to open your inner portal of awareness through focus on your Third Eye Chakra. Ask to align with the frequencies of Christed Light from the great Central Sun, and allow yourself to feel the activation of your Pineal/Pituitary Center.

Claim Love and Peace as your only reality and let it anchor in your High Heart. As this new Christed Light energy flows through your physical being, it raises your energy centers to the new harmonizing frequencies of the Lion’s Gate Portal in pure alignment with your most Divine Source.

Allow the brilliance of this pure Alignment to activate the frequencies in your lower chakra centers and become very aware of your ability to connect this energy to the Earth. Imagining your deep connection with the Earth allows this new frequency of expansive heart-centered energy to openly expand and create a new foundation for your life.

You are guided in this process by the illumined beings actively holding frequencies for all humanity to awaken. The 8-8-8 portal is the time allotted for a new galactic year of mastering your Heart and Mind connection.

Use this time to activate freedom and new life within you so you can bring forth your Soul’s gifts into your new reality of Love. Feel the support from the Archangels and know deeply in true faith that you are loved.

And so it is.

Archangel Gabriel from
Shanta Gabriel
Copyright: July 30, 2015

“Archangel Gabriel: The 8-8-8 Lion’s Gateway Portal: Aligning with True Mastery to Create a New Foundation of Love,” channeled by Shanta Gabriel, July 30, 2015, at

Source Link: Shanta Gabriel: Messages from Archangel Gabriel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2015 7:14:53 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday July 31, 2015

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, you are on the planet to expand and experience. Why not try something today you do not normally do? The most wonderful things are often just sitting there waiting for you, just slightly outside of your box of complacency. Opening yourselves up to new possibilities can create brand new vistas of potential and open new paths of discovery and joy. When you start to see the world as your playground, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much fun you can have. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2015 7:22:18 PM

Mary Magdalene and Yeshua via Fran Zepeda: Creation and Manifestation ~ Mixing the Palette of your Love Essence

yeshua marymagHello Dear Ones. We Are Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and we bow before you, together.

The Sweet Pure Love Essence that we are, our energies entwined together, we offer to you now for your inherent manifestation. This Sweet Pure Love Essence that you are is there, and is magnified now in our Presence, if you allow it.

Within that is Creation, and Manifestation of that Creation, ever-entwined and ever-present for you to realize.

Dear Ones, feel us now as we enter into your space, awakening all that is there in Pure Love Essence, waiting to manifest in Purity and Harmony in your merging with your higher aspects, in your merging with your Divinity, with your further emergence of the Divine Love that is your essence.

The sweetness of your BEing, we applaud. The sweetness of your Being, we mirror, and evoke and invoke as you let go and surrender to the Sweet Pure Love Essence that you are.

Intertwined as we are, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, intertwined as you are, of your Masculine and Feminine, in your divine emergence and merging of your True Selves, part and parcel of who you are, in eternity, in unity with Creator, and evermore manifest in Pure Love Essence, you accept this quality of you, this quality and essence of Creator, to be your own.

No longer is there disparity, no longer is there separation, as you bask in the Love of your own Creation and spread it to others.

As you know, everything comes from Love, sweet dear ones. It is your essence. It is your Reality as you allow it to emerge within every thought, every action and every utterance.

Be content within this Reality for it is your birthright and your essence, and from now on, you shall grasp the deep truth of it as you realize that you are made of Divine Love. It is every fiber of your Being. It is your Beingness.

You are like a divine Palette, from which you mix the colors of your life. The basis of the colors is Love, but the expression is varied, as varied as the beautiful colors of your Being that you mix with and for each new creation manifesting from your core. The exquisiteness is astounding as you allow the colors of your creations to flow into every area of your life. Into every area of the Universe, of the Multiverse.

Come on a journey with us now. Feel the colors swirl out from your Heart Center now as they emerge like ethereal ribbons, touching everything as you allow it. Allow the colors of your Pure Love Essence to spread into every cell, every molecule of your physical body.

Feel every cell come into balance as the colors allow harmony to embed itself within you. Feel the balance, feel the continuity, feel the harmony as you allow neutrality to reign within you ~ the balance of the masculine and feminine within each particle of you ~ the balance of all polarities.

Feel yourself open up as you allow all aspects of you to interwine, much as our energies are interwining with each other and with your essence. Feel the gold and magenta of our entwined Beingness intertwine and strengthen within you as you go deeper into your Divine Essence and Neutrality ~ the beautiful neutrality of your Sweet Pure Love Essence, that knows no extremes anymore, but just exudes out in free-flowing harmonious form, and touches all around you, within you, and by you.

Now allow the sweet vibrancy of all the colors within your Heart Palette to spread out into your emotional body. Allow the colors of your Sweet Pure Love Essence to infiltrate all of your emotional body.

Feel it neutralizing all emotions, to find the core, which is Love. Allow any polarized emotions to neutralize with the sweet soft colors of your Love Essence as you express them and observe them and embrace them and hold them to be transformed into Pure Divine Love ~ Into Divine Harmony, as it feeds your Soul and allows others to be fed by your sweet loving essence, just by being Neutrality, by being Divine Love in its purest form ~ In Harmony and Peace within your true Love Essence.

And now, spread out your Palette of colors from your Heart Center and saturate your mental body. Color each thought form with Love and Harmony so that you may see the balance buried within — not polarized, but free-flowing thought of Love Creation. All thought has Love at its core, and can create whatever substance you desire, and finding the Love at its core can manifest the purest form and action therefore.

In its purest divine form, Love is a catalyst for manifesting all that is to be created, and you are the catalyst for all Creation as you manifest the deep pure Love that is your core into everything you do and say and feel.

So allow us to intertwine with you and to breathe in Pure Love vibrancy into your Heart Center, into the colors of your Heart Palette, so that you may feel the magnification and harmony and balance of your Pure Love Essence.

Through demonstration of ours, as we intertwine our energies with each other, and with yours, ever building the presence of Pure Love Essence throughout your light body, throughout your soul, throughout all your bodies, including physical, emotional, and mental, throughout your multidimensional selves, as you merge all within and about you into One Mergence with all aspects of you and with All That Is.

Now feel your Wholeness, your Lightness, your Divine Emergence into One. And Creation thus becomes Manifest with more ease.

We are Yeshua, and Mary Magdalene, together, in Pure Love Essence.


“Mary Magdalene and Yeshua: Creation and Manifestation ~ Mixing the Palette of your Love Essence,” channeled by Fran Zepeda, July 27, 2015, at

Source Link: Fran Zepeda Messages of Love and Healing

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2015 7:26:59 PM

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2015

Natalie Glasson ~ Helping the Now by Lord Buddha

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

In this moment you are everything you could ever wish to be and everything you would wish not to be. In this moment you have multiple opportunities available to you and no opportunities available to you. In this moment you are so much more than your physical body and yet you are only your physical body. This moment is as special and expansive as you allow it to be as well as being as limiting and depleting as you could imagine. When I say the words, ‘this moment,’ I am speaking of the present, the Now, in particular your present which is completely different on one level and completely the same on another level as other people on the Earth. You are only your present moment and yet your present moment can often be occupied with influences from your past and your future. I wish to say to you that it is ok to think of the past and the future, however I encourage you most of a ll to enjoy your present experience more than anything else.

You are always existing in a new present moment, this means that you are always in a process of creating. You are never without your experience of the present or your ability and involvement of creating from the space within you. The way that you allow yourself to perceive your present moment is influenced by the space you allow, create and acknowledge within your being. When the space within you is more truthful and aligned with the vibrations of the Creator or Universe then you are more able to be alert and attentive to your every present moment. I am speaking of acknowledging that within you is a glorious space filled with the blessings of the Creator; this in truth is your present moment within you.

The energy of the Creator within can be acknowledged and expressed as a witnessing attentiveness. Not only are you witnessing your alert attentiveness to everything within and around y ou, you are attentive to your ability to witness the all-seeing and knowing aspect within you. This is the space within you, it the Creator, it is your present moment which can be projected from within into your reality. With this projection from within, your entire existence especially your physical body, senses, abilities and reactions become influenced, therefore encouraging you to see, sense and acknowledge that which you recognise within you outside of you. You could liken it to having a picture within you and recognising the same picture outside of you in your reality, once this connection has been made the ability to create more abundance of the same pictures and to develop them further activates, thus you are creating your truth. You are experiencing, creating and expressing the Creator and that sacred state of existence labelled, existing in the present moment.

To exist in the present can be explained in so many ways, it is to observe and to be attentive, however it is truthfully to be present with the Creator within you, therefore allowing you to be present with the Creator in your outside reality also. Every soul wishes to walk with the Creator, often this is perceived as the Creator walking along side you, helping and supporting you, however what if you allowed yourself to imagine the Creator being completely present within you and attentive to all you are and all you experience. Take a moment to contemplate this, rather than focusing upon you being present and attentive to the Creator imagine the Creator being present within you and being attentive to you. What reaction and experience would this create? What would it feel like and how would it influence your life?

To imagine the Creator being constantly attentive and aware of you is the same as you being constantly attentive and aware of the Creator; the result is the same, you recognise your oneness with the Creator. In truth you are allowing yourself to be present in numerous ways and levels. It is more than existing in the moment; it is existing present with the Creator.

At the beginning of my communication I spoke of all the things that the present moment can be, positive and negative, expansive and limiting, my aim was to encourage you to realise that you are a part of everything whether it is within you or outside of you. This means that you are connected to everything in your present moment. Take a moment to look out a window, what do you see? Whatever you see whether it is human, animal, plant or something else you are connected to it, it plays a part in your present moment, you cannot escape your connection and oneness with all. Everything that you see also has a purpose, from a blade of grass to a piece of rubbish, it is a projection of your inner energy and ability to be observant of the Creator within you. When you accept that everything is a part of your present moment, everything in the entire universe of the Creator, you begin to accept wh o you truly are. You also then allow yourself to accept your ability to create.

Your purpose is to create therefore experience your presence with the Creator always. When you are attentive and observing the Creator within you and know that the Creator within you is attentive and observing you, thus harmony and oneness is created, allowing you to experience the present moment. Now is the only moment you have and it is filled with all that is the Creator, accepting this you realise your inability to be disconnected from the Creator and your ability to create anything and everything. Completely fully embody this, imagine the belief and experience within you of always being connected and being able to create anything, let the energy fill your entire being, notice how you react to the energies being activated. You may experience expansion which will create a foundation to which you can bring focus, thus help your Now to be more fulfilling and awakening.

With your acceptance of your unity and ability to create any focus you respect, maintain and acknowledge is empowered to be experienced at a greater speed and impact upon your reality. This is a simple and powerful concept which may also require contemplation; it is the true message of my communication with you.

In order to create the reality you wish to experience, to enhance your spiritual evolution, to experience a oneness with the Creator and to constantly create from a space of truth within you without little effort I invite you to explore these practices.
  • Allow yourself to go within your heart and soul, imagine, sense or acknowledge that you are observing and attentive to the Creator aspect within you. You do not need to see, sense or acknowledge this, simply allow yourself to know, imagine and experience.
  • Allow yourself to go within your heart and soul, imagine, sense or acknowledge that the Creator is attentive and observing you. There is no set way of experiencing this, you simply have the intention and allow whatever needs to arise to do so or not.
  • Open your eyes look around you, acknowledge and just observe that you are connected to everything and everyone, you are a part of the energy which created it and it is a part of your present moment. Allow yourself to be accepting as much as possible.
  • Close your eyes and invite yourself to realise that in this moment whatever you wanted to experience you have the ability to experience and achieve now. Let the sense that anything and everything being possible fill your entire being and body like a liquid light.
  • Now bring a strong awareness to your being that all you have just experienced and acknowledged supports you, all you need to do is hold a clear and true focus of that which you wish to experience, become or receive. Let this focus be strong with the sense that you are existing in oneness with this focus with the Creator. You are in your present moment of creation with the Creator, enjoy the experience
  • Now observe and be attentive to your reality and then back within your being noticing any shifts or awakening which has taken place.

This is to support you in accessing your present moment and also helping your experience of now to be as fulfilling and loving as you wish. I invite you to call me, Lord Buddha forth and to experience it as I support you.

Let us support the present moment in being the Era of Love,

Lord Buddha

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2015 7:38:43 PM

Planet Alert August 2015

Today is July 28th and I wanted to write about the Dreamspell New Year earlier but life got in my way, so I am writing about it now. The first day of the New Year was on July 26, 2015 and it was on the glyph of the White Planetary Wizard. I think everyone knows what a Wizard is; it is someone who can create magic. This means that we are in the year when magic and miracles will start to happen in abundance. Doesn’t that sound like a lot of fun? Of course you have to be out of the energy of fear before you can create magic.

The White Wizard is ruled by Lilith, the dark moon that orbits around our Sun. She can only be seen or photographed when she is in front of our Sun. She then appears as a Red Ball of Light. Maybe we will start to see her soon. She has been on a vibration that we have not been able to see because we were manifesting a lower consciousness like 3D, 4D, or 5D. Lilith rules magic and miracles. Maybe we will be able to see her when we start manifesting 6D energy. It’s my understanding that we were on a 6D Earth when we fell into a 3D Earth. We need to get back into 6D and experience the energy of magic and miracles.

The White Wizard is known as the healer, or a magician. The Wizard is a tool of light, a conduit for the work of Spirit. A wise Wizard allows magic to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen. In the past people who were born under this sign were chosen to be priests or priestesses. The tone of the White Wizard is planetary, and is one of manifestation. The power of manifestation is love. With love you can access the freedom and power to experience whatever you desire.

The first day of the Dreamspell calendar is based on the star Sirius rising over Egypt on July 26thevery year. This is when Sirius rises at the same time as our Sun and we can see two Suns in our heaven if we live in Egypt, or the surrounding area. Sirius is a Blue Star Sun. Some people consider Sirius the mother of our Sun. There is also a black hole on 3 degrees Leo which opens to a different dimension, and I think that is why it is called the Lion’s Gate. This may be the gate to ascension. In ancient times people used to go into the pyramids and go through a ceremony to ascend to a higher frequency. Some made it and others did not.

Many people think that the Mayan calendar was complete on December 21, 2012. That cycle did complete and one calendar was over, although other Mayan calendars go on for eternity. The Dreamspell Calendar was brought to our attention by Jose Arguelles when he created the first mass consciousness holiday called the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987.

This gathering of people from all over the world jumped us into a 4th dimension time- line, and that is when a lot of people woke up and started their journey toward the light. The 4th dimension is also where the controllers live, and they control the world, both 3 & 4 D from the 4th dimension. That dimension includes everything; the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you are manifesting 5D energy they cannot control you. Their time is now up because we have moved into a higher dimension consciousness where freedom will soon manifest.

We are manifesting the part in Revelation where the controllers go down and they are thrown into the pit of fire. After their fall we will start to manifest a New Heaven and a New Earth. Isn’t that exciting? A lot of people are in a lot of fear right now because they have not released all of the fear that is in them. It’s time to finish releasing that fear and move into the love vibration. Love is all there is. I look at this upcoming time as one of magic and miracles. I am working on feeling only love and to not judge anyone for anything they do or think. We are all children of the One.

We have been in the energy of Saturn Square Jupiter for several months now. This is the energy of financial ups and downs, which has been very apparent on Earth. Right after this full moon of July 31st the square between these two planets will be complete on August 3 at 3:37 AM PDT. I’m not saying that the financial challenge will be over at this time but as we look back at this day we will see that it was the turning point.

Saturn moves into direct motion on August 1st and I wonder if this will be the end of a karmic cycle, and the beginning of something new. Saturn will still be opposing Alcyone and busy raising the frequency on Earth until mid- September, but Saturn is now in forward motion moving toward Sagittarius. When Saturn moves into Sagittarius this is the time period when we will start to manifest freedom, and a new financial system.

The Lions Gate is complete on August 8, 2015 (8-8-8). What a powerful day that will be. People are calling this the Magdalene (Goddess) Gateway. The number eight is one of the numbers of the Goddess, along with the numbers 5 and 13. Venus is the planet of the Goddess and that planet is associated with the numbers 5 and 8 because of its orbit through our solar system which ends up forming a 5 pointed star.

The number 13 is associated with our Sun and has always been considered one of the Goddess numbers. The Dreamspell calendar is based on the numbers 13 and 20. There are 13 cycles and 20 glyphs. The Mayans look to the Pleiadean Star System as their home. Alcyone is the central sun of that system and Earth is also part of that system. We are the 8th planet in the Pleiadean Star System.

What exciting times we have to look forward to as soon as we wake up to the great Beings we are and to start living only in love. Love can move mountains, and love is the glue that holds the Universe together. With love we move into Unity Consciousness. United we stand, divided we fall. It is our choice. In the presence of love all is well. So Be It!

I send you all love, light and blessings of abundance.

***** Mahala Gayle *****

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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