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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2015 6:51:22 PM

GaiaPortal: Shadow remembrances clear as Hue-manity awakens further into Higher Energetic Light Mastery

Shadow remembrances clear as Hue-manity awakens further into Higher Energetic Light Mastery.

Inner Freedoms are embraced within humanity and Hue-manity.

Distinctions differences between humanity and Hue-manity decrease rapidly at this moment.

Forward movements via the Stillness are primary.

Source: GaiaPortal

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2015 6:54:48 PM

Steven Bancarz: 5 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved to the Matrix

Steven BancarzIf you want to truly live free, you have to first recognize the things that are preventing you from doing that. Life isn’t what it used to be. Being born in our day and age is a lot different than being born 5000 years ago.

Back then, you were born, rinsed off in a river, and grew up learning how to work and hunt. Now when you are born, you are assigned a social insurance number, you have a government authorized birth certificate, you are piled on with cultural programs, launched into a public education system, and you are brainwashed into conforming with societal expectations.

The “Matrix” is a combination of philosophies, ideas, institutions, societal structures, and agendas that are keeping blinds pulled over our eyes preventing us from seeing our life for what it really is. Some people are so deeply invested into the Matrix that they think it is who and what they are.

Here is a list of 5 grand illusions that are keeping humanity enslaved to the matrix. If you want to break free, you first have to learn what it is you need to break free from. After reading this article, you will see clearly that the world we live in is a big Matrix designed to keep us asleep.

1) The illusions of choice and freedom

Your government may tell you that you are free, but what happens when you try to grow a certain type of plant to use for medicinal or recreational purposes? How can you be free if you live in a society that has made plants that grow in nature illegal?

Did you know that some people have been arrested for growing their own gardens, and community gardens have been shut down because they conflict with the interests of big business? That’s right. According to a news report from a few years ago, a man from Georgia was sued by his county for $5000 for growing too many of his own vegetables…

You can be fined for peeing in a forest or for walking around without a shirt on. Your phone calls can be recorded at any time. Your internet search is monitored. Your emails can be accessed by Intelligence at any time. If you say one wrong thing about the president, the CIA may show up at your door the next day.

In some states, you aren’t even allowed to film public servants (police officers) for your own protection. You are not free. You are free within a very narrow scope of behaviour that has been prescribed to you by the 1% that runs our planet.

2) The political system

Do you think your votes actually matter? Votes would only matter if you lived in a democracy, but according to a recent study from Princeton University, the United States is an obligarchy. This means its laws and policies are shaped around the interests of corporations and the economic elite, instead of being shaped around the desires and wellbeing of the citizens.

After reviewing almost 1800 policies and laws within the US, the peer-reviewed study says: “The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”

When people run for president, who do you think funds their campaigns? Here is a list of the institutions that funded the campaign of Barack Obama during the 2012 election:

  • 19 million dollars from communications/electronics
  • 2.5 million from energy and natural resources
  • 21 million from finance and insurance
  • 28.2 million from lobbyists and lawyers
  • 19 million from health

The list goes on and on. If someone from Goldman Sachs walks up to Obama and says “Here is a 10 million dollar check. Good luck on your campaign this year ;) “, are we really naive enough to think that laws won’t be constructed in favour of that business? The day I’ll vote is the day people start wearing NASCAR uniforms when they run for office so everyone can see the business and corporations that have sponsored them.

Our leaders serve the 1%, are funded by the 1%, and are puppets to the 1%. Going down to the local vote center with your family and choosing between which head of the two-headed dragon you want to be enslaved by does not make a difference. We are being ruled by greedy, power-hungry sociopaths who are destroying the planet, go to war for profit, and suppress the God-given rights of citizens.

3) The education system

School teaches you how to memorize, repeat, and regurgitate. Just the skillset that is needed to spend your life working for someone else’s dreams. With ‘writing’ being a subject which is currently being taken out of schools, emphasis is being put more on memorization of knowledge and less on creativity and comprehension.

A few years ago when I was in university for Philosophy, I got a taste of how education SHOULD be. The arts is the only thing that restored my faith in the school system because it encouraged critical thinking, the organization of thought, and creativity. All of my other non-philosophy classes didn’t care about how much you knew about any given topic. They would just give you a few multiple choice tests each semester to see if you could repeat what you had read.

The system is designed like this. Go through school, don’t push the boundaries, memorize and repeat, get good grades, get a degree, and then land a “job” where you are an employee for someone else your whole life.

What do Oprah, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Tiger Woods, Richard Branson, Simon Cowell, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison all have in common? They are all extremely successful icons (some are millionaires and billionaires), and none of them have a college degree. In fact, about half of them dropped out of high school.

Here is a list of 100 successful entrepreneurs who all millionaires and billionaires that dropped out of college or high school. School doesn’t teach you to find your passion, develop your own talents, or develop your own identity. It doesn’t even teach you how to pay taxes, buy a house, raise a family, or pay your bills. It simply prepares you to work for someone else until you die.

4) The “pursuit of happiness”

This is a dead-end pursuit because we are brainwashed by marketing, advertising, and propaganda to think that happiness comes in the form of material possessions. We then spend our whole lives trying to win the rat race without every stopping to reflect on what “happiness” really entails.

Loving relationships. Spirituality. Nature. Meditation. Reflection. A relationship with God. Self-discovery and personal development. Self-realization. Living in the present moment. Emotional/mental mastery. These are the things that comprise happiness, yet we are taught that getting a job, marrying a partner, buying a house, and raising kids is how we become happy. If this was the case, then why do half of all marriages end in divorce? Why is suicide the 10th leading cause of death in America? Why is depression, anxiety, and mental illness at an all time high?

We are born into a hollow society that is designed to keep us media-obsessed consumers who buy things we don’t need to fill a void that has only been created due to the emptiness of the society in the first place. When you get taught about “the pursuit of happiness”, what they really mean to say is “the pursuit of material gain”.

5) Ideologies, religions, and culture

You’re not an American. You are not a Muslim. You are not a businessman, a humanitarian, a German, a Christian, a conservative, or a middle-class citizen. All of these things are unnatural titles that have been prescribed to you and exist superficially to your natural state of pure being in this moment.

For example, you may ask someone “Who are you?”. They may respond with “I am a right-wing neo-conservative American businessman with a degree in economics.” They are confusing the formless identity of their own soul with their social labels as they relate to the Matrix.

Your beliefs. Your heritage. Your political stance. Your religion. Your job title. Your diet. Your culture. All of these things you learned. They were taught to you by society, and you most likely carry these things around with you as a part of your identity. It’s only natural to identify with certain titles, but consider this.

If you got hit on the head with a rock and suffered from amnesia, you wouldn’t remember anything about your socially-constructed identity. You would still exist, but now you would exist within the present moment in a state of pure being. You would be more “you” then you have ever been in your life. When your soul is no longer piled on with all of this cultural fluff, you begin to see the world and yourself through a clear set of eyes.

Your spirit doesn’t care about any of those titles, names, labels, or cultural viewpoints. Neither does God or the Universe. One of the biggest parts of living with a Matrix is that there is a massive confusion of self-identity, and a feeling of distance from your true self.

Who am I? You feel like something is missing, because instead of feeding your spirit, you have been taught to acquire a new label in an attempt to provide yourself with a sense of meaning and worth. The Matrix has not only taken over our way of life, it is now starting to infiltrate our own sense of individuality. The best way to break free from the influence the Matrix has on your sense of identity is to meditate. The more still you become, the more you will see.

Breaking free

Create art. Meditate. Soul-search. Study philosophy. Do independent research. Follow your dreams, your heart, and your passion. Read articles and blogs from websites that give you new perspectives. Get to know yourself. Do things that make you feel alive. Once you discover yourself, you begin to see through the veil of deception and you are no longer mentally or spiritually enslaved to the Matrix or its ideologies.

Every single person reading this has the power to change the world for the better. You are more than a gear in the machine of capitalism, and your identity is much grander than your social insurance number and job title.

You are the focal point at which the Universe becomes self-aware and experiences human form. You are connected to all things in creation. The Matrix wants to keep us asleep to the illusion of separateness because it makes us fight with each other instead of fighting against the people who have been enslaving us.

All of these 5 grand illusions are designed to dis-empower you, dumb you down, enslave you, and keep you a happiness-chasing consumer. You are a soul with infinite potential, free will, purpose, and creative insight. Don’t let the Matrix consume you.

“5 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix” by Steven Bancarz, not dated, at

Original link: 5 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2015 6:56:55 PM

Restoring Your Self-Confidence – Be Brave, Be Bold


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

“Whether or not you write well, write bravely” – Bill Stout

I came across this quote on the internet, and it really spoke to me. It reminded me that we aren’t here to be perfect at the things we do to bring the world into the light – we’re here to patiently develop them (and enjoy ourselves along the way) as we use them to help others.

Creative bravery doesn’t just apply to writing. Whatever it is we want to do in life, let’s get out there and do it without worrying that we won’t be good enough. We’ll get better than we ever expected if we keep at it, and then, we can really help people.

Too many of us worry about what other people think of us, and the people whose acceptance we seek are the very people we came here to help. We aren’t here for acceptance – we’re here to help everyone who’s willing to open up and listen to what we have to say, no matter how we say it.

We won’t be experts at something we try for the first time, and we have to develop our talent if we want it to go anywhere. We have to be willing to work hard in the face of all odds, and we have to embrace the pain and uncertainty that come with it.

Most importantly, we have to do it boldly.

We have to restore our faith and self-confidence, and our confidence will build as we keep practicing. Before we know it, we’ll have seriously surpassed our expectations and climbed to the next level in our creative development.

All it takes is enough confidence in ourselves to do what we love without worrying about what other people will think, and other people’s opinions will matter little when we’re in our flow and we’re having fun.

They might not appreciate our work, but we’ll know we had fun regardless and this alone is a reason to keep at it. Not to mention that, again, we’ll get better if we keep practicing, so the next time you don’t feel like you’re very good at your craft, you can take that as a reason to work even harder.

We should always take a break if we’re burnt out or our confidence is just too low, but sometimes, our depleted faith gives us more incentive to keep practicing in a constructive way (instead of a needlessly repetitive way) so we can get better.

Make no mistake – getting better is inevitable if we keep at it and keep trying hard, so we have every reason to passionately pursue the things that light our inner fire. We have every reason to act on the inspiration that wells up from within, and it should inspire us even more to realize that we can help others with our work.

“Anything is possible with an open mind and a willing spirit.” Credit:

It doesn’t really matter what we want to do in life or what skill we want to pick up – with the right amount of determination, we can use it to help others. As long as our niche doesn’t actually hurt other people, there’s no reason we can’t help them with it. And honestly, there’s no reason not to.

We live in a time when the awakened masses are being called to step up to the plate (with their higher consciousness intact) to inform, awaken and uplift the rest of the world. If you consider yourself conscious, you can pick up any craft and help someone with it in some way.

It might require you to expand your limitations or what you thought you could achieve, but anything is possible with an open mind and a willing spirit.

Challenging ourselves, expanding our limits and helping others in new, unique, inventive ways is entirely doable, and we just have to believe in ourselves and refuse to give in to the internal and external negativity we face on a daily basis.

We can do it, but we have to believe we can. We have to approach our work with a bold, confident attitude that allows us to expand or surpass our limits, and we’ll willingly embrace any challenges along the way because we’ll know that they help us grow.

It’s time to start our work, and it’ll require us to step out of our comfort zone and take on new experiences that introduce us to our own expanded capabilities. The time has come to use our dormant gifts to awaken the world, so let’s do just that as we continue along this path into the nameless, faceless enlightenment that’s calling us home.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2015 1:21:04 AM

Michelle Walling: The Future of Community Living

Michelle WallingIn the late ’60s and early ’70s, hippie communes and campgrounds were a place of peace and love. Government camping regulations now disallow this kind of living on public lands. Communal living is discouraged from society to the point of zoning and utility restrictions that define usage of public and private property.

People are now taking a stance against government restriction and are realizing that we were created to live together in communities where we are all equal and we all have something to contribute, and we should not have to pay extra for things like water, energy, and organic food.

Communal Living in the U.S.

Many people over the last forty-plus years have had dreams of buying property and creating a low cost of living miniature city that is self sufficient. Everyone would have everything they needed to live comfortably and barter or donation would get you anything you needed. Of one person liked to cook, they would cook for many, and of another person liked to build houses they would build many houses.

Children aren’t meant to grow up with just one or two caregivers. In communal living, children have many surrogate mothers and father figures with aunts, uncles and neighbors. Children need to be surrounded by loving people in their formative years and to be shown how to live in love. Instead, most children today live in broken homes or with parents that argue about money and other societal difficulties.

The Amish grow their own organic food and have the lowest rate ofcancer and disease. In correlation they do not vaccinate their children. They have most of what they need right there in their community where everyone grows up learning a trade. However, the Amish still do not have the idea 100% correct, or we already have been living like them and the world would be a different place. It seems there may be some free will lacking in decision making, which still allows for control. However many principles used by the Amish can parallel to sustainable communities without the societal restrictions.

The Future of Community Living |

More upscale community living has been proven to work in communities where traditional houses exist. Yards of grass are a thing of the past here, and instead everyone grows a vegetable garden and shares the food with their neighbors. They get together to pre-determine who will grow what. This picture is an example of what has been termed “Foodscaping” and is courtesy of the Facebook pages SEED: The Untold Story and Spiritual Ecology.

Planned resistance against communal living in the U.S.

Communities have come and gone, and thousands of plans have started out with excitement and have vanished in the dust just as quickly. Why have communities mostly failed in their efforts in the past?

Governments have millions of dollars allocated to keeping people from living together. The brilliant plan of economic pressure and credit based allowance of buying houses one cannot afford pulled most of America into the mortgage trap. In succession, both parents in a family began working and now many of these families are without a home due to foreclosure.

Most land zoning restrictions do not allow for campground living. The closest legal thing possible to this is an RV park, which requires about a million dollars to build and requires rent or a daily camping fee as well as utilities like electricity, etc. for long term stay. Government regulatory agencies are always on the lookout for communal living and do everything they can to bust them up. Raids occur in small family communal living with the mask of warrants for illegal marijuana culturing where mass quantities of trucks are brought in. In some cases other organic foods such as strawberries and blueberries are seized even if marijuana was not found.

There have been instances lately where people are being fined and even thrown in jail for not adhering to city restrictions which require that all houses be connected to electrical and/or water hookups, whether they use it or not. A woman in Cape Coral, Florida has been living off the grid with solar power and reclaimed water. She had to go to court and was found not guilty for her use of solar energy and her use of the city sewer for her shower and toilet, however the city then capped off her use of the sewer because of the thousands of dollars past due on her sewer charges that were not paid in her water bill.

If communities do get established, the unseen dark forces begin to hone in on those who unconsciously allow them into their auric field. Erratic behavior in a community from just one individual can disrupt the lives of everyone. Before you know it, everyone is arguing or leaving and the dark has easily completed their task of disharmony.

As we continue to raise our vibrations, we realize that if we would treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves, then harmony can indeed take place. The vibrational level of the planet has risen to a frequency which allows for this kind of living to occur now as people are becoming more responsible for their thoughts and actions. They are realizing that what we do to one person on the planet we do to ourselves, all of humanity, and the planet herself.

The Law of Resonance

As we raise our vibration towards ascension, those who wish to live apart from those who wish to stay in the old third dimensional way of thinking and living will naturally begin separating based on vibrational match due to the Law of Resonance. As we bring more soul essence light into our bodies we may not even be able to communicate with these people because it will seem like we are speaking another language. They will not feel comfortable with us and we will not feel comfortable with them. This may cost you some friends but in the long run you will be much happier without them. Since everyone is on an individual ascension path, respect for another’s timeline is essential.

Thousands of people are driving the movement of awareness toward communal living. These forerunners dedicate their lives to help humanity awaken to the backward way of life that we have been born into. Without these people, some of us would have no idea why we think we have to struggle just to survive, as it has always been that way in this lifetime.

Movers and Shakers in Communal Living

Many people have created organizations that help provide for the needs of those who are having a hard time sustaining food, clothing, and shelter in today’s economic chaos. Fundraising efforts for those who have life threatening illnesses are heart based efforts to help those who might not be able to get through this life without such help. Successful communites have been planned and blueprints are available to follow. The internet continues to serve as a tool on instant sustainable living ideas and projects.

Here are just a few brilliant examples of how today’s leaders create the bridge for humanity to cross in order to find freedom.

Angie Schuyler is setting a great example single-handedly with her idea of Recipro City, a model for a perpetual free flowing, cashless economy based upon the principles of unconditional love and reciprocity. In her research, Angie traced all of our societal problems back to money, and says that “money is the only thing standing in the way in a world free of war, environmental destruction, poverty, sickness, slavery, homelessness, starvation, and disease”.

For now, Angie runs a small exchange store from her home. Nothing in her store has a price tag on it, and those who inquire about a price get an answer of “whatever you think it is worth” or “whatever you can afford”. Her near future plans include expansion onto some land where she can expand and add rv and camping spots. She envisions her store, chickens and goats, an organic garden free for everyone, a greenhouse, and an indoor aquaponics garden.

Angie’s ultimate goal at this time is to educate people about the true nature of money and the harm it does, and to figure out a way to live without it. According to Angie, we must reclaim our personal value and personal authority so we can free ourselves from the corrupt system.

The Future of Community Living |

Angie is also involved in creating fundraising campaigns for people with serious health issues that cause serious financial, physical, and emotional stress upon them. For example, she has organized fundraising for a friend of hers, James Mast, who was born with the hereditary conditionPKD. James needs a kidney transplant but does physical labor at his job and thus will not be able to make a living while recovering.

The cost of a surgery like James’ could run around $300,000. Imagine the amount of financial stress medical procedures like this inflict upon families. Often times the hospital bills do not end up getting paid because the person who is ill is the breadwinner of the family and is not able to work. What results is a struggle of survival just to keep the utilities on and put food on the table. Humanity was not created to live this way. If the fear of surviving could be taken away by the nurturing way of life in a community then healing could possibly be twice as fast for the patient.

If everyone cared about their neighbor and offered what they have to help, the world would rapidly change. Angie’s skills include organization and social media skills and she is doing her part to change the way her reality unfolds one person at a time. In a community situation, post hospital care could be shared amongst neighbors while giving family members a respite.

Michael Tellinger’s Ubuntu project is another fine example of spreading knowledge about humanity living in freedom. Michael says:

“Let us move from a money driven society to self governing global communities driven by people and their passion for life and their god-given talents to create a world of abundance for all — free from any restriction or hurdles to achieve what we want to achieve. We live on a planet of abundance. Let us discard the philosophy of scarcity which only benefits the few. Let us reclaim our planet, a world of abundance on all levels of our human endeavor. It is much easier than most will ever imagine. We are the 99 percent — the planet does not belong to the governments, corporations or the banksters. Let us take her back. Join the UBUNTU movement wherever you are and let us share the message of hope and become seeds of consciousness to fill the hearts of everyone with love for all of creation.”

UBUNTU has the following beliefs (from the UBUNTU Facebook page):

1. The people are custodians of the earth

2. The people are responsible for care of the land

3. The people are responsible for care of the water

4. The people are responsible for the care of the forests

5. The people are responsible for the care of rivers and lakes

6. The people are responsible for the care of the gold, the platinum, diamonds, chrome, copper, iron, uranium, tin, aluminum, and all other minerals in the ground

7. The people are the custodians of the air and the airwaves

8. The people are responsible for the care of everything that grows on the land

9. The people are responsible for the care of the beaches, mountains, and skies above

10. The people are the custodians and protectors of the wild animals

11. The Earth is our MOTHER – we are only here because of her – and therefore we must honor her and protect her against harm.

Education is the key to teaching humanity about responsible community living in harmony with Mother Earth. Michael Tellinger is based in South Africa and has witnessed community living there and knows why it is successful. He travels to workshops and conferences and is interviewed on radio shows in order to spread the word to as many people as possible. The passion in his delivery shows that he is doing what he came here to do in this lifetime.

The Future of Community Living |

Jacque Fresco is the creator of the Venus Project, which is designed to exist without money.

Aims and goals of the Venus Project are:

1. Realizing the declaration of the world’s resources as being the common heritage of all people.

2. Transcending the artificial boundaries that currently and arbitrarily separate people.

3. Replacing money-based nationalistic economies with a resource-based world economy. 4. Assisting in stabilizing the world’s population through education and voluntary birth control.

5. Reclaiming and restoring the natural environment to the best of our ability.

6. Redesigning cities, transportation systems, agricultural industries, and industrial plants so that they are energy-efficient, clean, and able conveniently to serve the needs of all people.

7. Gradually outgrowing corporate entities and governments (local, national, or supra-national) as means of social management.

8. Sharing and applying new technologies for the benefit of all nations.

Developing and using clean, renewable energy sources.

9. Manufacturing the highest-quality products for the benefit of the world’s people.

10. Requiring environmental-impact studies prior to construction of any mega-projects.

11. Encouraging the widest range of creativity and incentive toward constructive endeavour.

12. Outgrowing nationalism, bigotry, and prejudice through education.

13. Eliminating elitism—technical or otherwise.

14. Arriving at methodologies by careful research rather than random opinions.

15. Enhancing communication in schools so that our language is relevant to the physical conditions of the world.

16. Providing not only the necessities of life, but also offering challenges that stimulate the mind while emphasizing individuality rather than uniformity.

17. Preparing people intellectually and emotionally for the changes and challenges that lie ahead.

The Future of Community Living |

The Venus project is one of the most technologically advanced blueprints of community living, and full community designs are available through the website. It is interesting to note that many of the communities are designed to exist over water.

Fernando Vossa is on the core team and advisory board for the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GBEM). This short video explains the principles behind the GBEM:

Aguano Muyuna is a community in Peru based on a Fernando Vossa GBEM template. This community is a project of Planeto Libre, which has a goal of creating their own global virtual economy that will allow trade via a third dimensional shopping experience on the internet based on organic goods from the region.

Hope Moore (“Hopegirl”) is on her way to the Peru community representing her Fix the World project which includes free energy machines called Quantum Energy Generators (QEG’s). The prototypes have been built and two suppliers are now taking orders to mass produce the cores which are the most important parts for the machines. The schematics for these machines were one of Nikola Tesla’s many patented designs that have been suppressed by the control system, and are available to everyone in the world under an open system of development. Click HERE for the schematics of the QEG that you can build yourself.

Bill Ballard is joining the Peru team to work on 3d printers that can massively replicate parts for Quantum Energy Generators.

Paul Anthony Doucette will soon be on his way to live in Aguano Muyuna, and he has this to say about community living:

“Honestly a move to a community is a big step. It means I am ready to take on that responsibility of being with like hearts/minds. We are striving not only individually for soul development but for unity as a whole on this planet.

That entails reaching into the deepest depths of my own self and seeing all of myself. No more cop outs, excuses and white lies. I have to address aspects of myself that may seem small in a world of separation where I can hide. But in a space of genuine living with people who desire progress, then all is revealed. It is transparency, openness and for a lot of people a kind of vulnerability not welcome.

I embrace this forward momentum and know within/without that this challenge is in fact an opportunity. I am ready to face reality and leave behind the illusion of a world based on white lies we tell ourselves just to make it through another day.

Imagine a world where you are seen for who and what you are in every action you take, in every word you speak, in every thought you think. In every moment acknowledging my actions and taking full responsibility/accountability for all I have done and do.

For anyone willing to take that step, we know within that means a kind of freedom not felt by many. A liberation! I am free to fail, I am free to succeed, I am free to laugh hysterically, free to cry uncontrollably, free to love passionately.

With freedom comes great responsibility. I accept.”

It is clear that with organic food, free energy, humanitarian principles based on love, organizers, and passionate people self sustaining communities are becoming more successful around the world. The U.S. is still burdened by red tape but this will soon become a thing of the past along with artificial borders between states and countries. When humans come into their power and work in service to othersthey can achieve anything.

The future of community living

In the future, higher resonance of living may not even include barter. It may be more of a take what you need, abundance for everyone. To further this thread of thought, one day soon we will be able to create anything we need from nothing, out of the background energy. There would be no need for trade in this case and the new exchange would be one person teaching another how they created their item, for example an organic lemon tree that also grows limes.

Cities of light

Many people with sixth sense abilities have had clairvoyant visions of what has been called “cities of light”. These are based on how some fifth dimensional beings currently live in ethereal crystal based cities infused with light. There are plans to bring these type of cities to Earth in our reality, and many ethereal cities of light already exist in places like Sedona, AZ. We cannot see them in this reality because they are simply vibrating at a higher frequency. However our bodies are like radios and as we continue to raise our vibration in resonance with Earth’s vibrational frequency, we will be able to tune into these higher levels of our existence at will, like changing the radio station. One cannot enter these cities of light without having a vibrational frequency match, which makes them a safe haven from those who still carry dissonant frequencies of vibration within their bodies. Although humans still have emotion, people who live in these cities operate out of their heart space which keeps them from choosing emotions of fear like anger and jealousy.

Creating the template in the “now” is how communities will manifest into cities of light. Helping our brothers and sisters in need now with love is how we will resonate to the frequency of light. Barriers will begin to break down with government and miracles will open doors to allow us to have more free will choices of living. When the dollar dies, we will have no choice but to rely on community living if trucks stop delivering food to grocery stores.

Until we are on a fifth dimensional vibrational frequency or higher, when we do things like raise money for others and exchanging items on a basis of what we think it is worth, this it creates a template in human consciousness for other people to tap into. And so on, and so on. This is one way we change the world. The future of community living will involve humanitarian practices and technology that will simplify living and allow everyone to do what they enjoy every day.

Do not ever underestimate the power of one small act. Pay attention to the large acts that are setting models for humanity to follow. Build bridges now for humanity to cross; as the saying goes, “Build it and they will come”.

“What the World needs Now”, by Gregg Prescott, M.S. of

“The Future Of Community Living” by Michelle Walling, May 20, 2015 at

Original link: The Future Of Community Living

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2015 5:15:16 PM

The Oracle Report, Thursday, May 28, 2015

I was able to listen to the entire call yesterday (see below), and I found the most interesting part about the cabal, finances, etc. began at about 1:07: 20, or thereabouts. I’ve felt for quite a while that the take down will occur in July, and it seems Laura’s point of view, which is different from mine, concurs. She says it will begin then and go on through the end of the year!
The United States is, IMO, NO LONGER IS CHARGE OF THE WAY THIS WILL HAPPEN — even though that is not what the USA financial industry says.
I think the call will be Putin’s to make, in concert, of course, with his own team of experts . . .
This audio is really worth your time!


Gibbous Moon Phase:
Trust, Magic

Moon In Libra

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: Grounding, Sending light

True Alignments:

Catalysts for Change:

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today the Sun moves to the degree of the Sabian symbol of “Aroused Strikers around a factory.”

NOTE: No Report Today. Technical interferance is preventing Laura from getting online. Archontic work? If you missed it, listen to the Phoenix show from Tuesday noted below. Explains a lot. Have a great day!

(If you weren’t able to tune in to Phoenix Rising Radio Tuesday, I covered a lot of information about current events. As Phoenix describes the call:

Interesting report from the astrologer Laura Walker of the Oracle Report last night on Phoenix Rising Radio.
Laura mentioned Ukraine, Syria, Russia and Iran…she covered a lot of information about current events and energetics, Bilderberg 2015, how Uranus’ upcoming retrograde at the Eris Point will activate the Middle East, Ukraine, and Russia, currencies, and much more. Uranus will station retrograde [appear to move backward in the sky] on July 25 through December 25. It will be nothing less than revolutionary!
Big heads up as it looks like things will heat up big time in July on the war front and last all the way to the end of the year.

Listen to the archive here:

Many thanks to Phoenix for inviting me and allowing forum for this information.)

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