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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2015 6:56:38 PM

Bliss Is Our Very Nature

ShivaIn a reading I had with him on May 21, 2015, Archangel Michael said to me words to the effect that “bliss is your very nature.”

He was explaining why it isn’t regarded as importuning Heaven to ask for expanding bliss.

I don’t know what it was about the circumstances, but this time, when he said it, I got it. I got it at a realized level. I think it may be the same to say that I got it at a heart-conscious level.

It got in and sunk in and I spent much of the rest of the day comfortably wrapped in bliss.

If bliss is my nature, it follows that the reason I’m not feeling it when I’m not is because of something I’m carrying: Either an issue, a belief or some other confining thought or feeling.

It’s as if the weather is warm, I’m hot and I’m still dressed in my winter coat. I take off the coat and my comfort returns.

In this case, I let go of my core issues and false beliefs and I’m returned to Self. The bliss that I am is revealed again.

For me, bliss differs from love. Love attracts me to people. I want to serve. I want to join and be loving.

Bliss carries my attention metaphorically upwards. It’s as if I’ve turned my eyes and hands up to God and cannot take my attention off God.

Love does not turn me to God (necessarily) and bliss does not leave me wanting to serve.

If anything, with bliss I forget about others and am lost in the wonder and pure plesasure of the sensation. It’s enough. I want nothing else more in life than it.



I could die where I sit and not be perturbed. Buddhist monks have died in meditative postures, presumably lost to their surroundings and in bliss.

There’s nothing missing from the space of bliss and the only thing I want is more of it.

I look back over the gradual climb in consciousness I’ve made over the years – reporting on the cabal for the first years of the blog in my rage at finding that 9/11 was an inside job, clearing vasanas seemingly forever, getting down to root triggers and core issues, and now, after the heart opening of March 13, 2015, the gradual expansion of the reach of the heart and of the experience of bliss.

I get to see how wayshowing works. If I go through the experience and describe it, it makes it more likely that more will go through it as well because the territory is now identified, the process discussed at least once, and perhaps the discussion has entered into the collective consciousness. I don’t know. It may come into the domain of reality for us whereas it may never have existed in (our local, everyday) consciousness before.

So simply writing about it can be wayshowing, mapmaking, pathfinding.

I’d love to have more people join me in this swimming pool of bliss. The water’s warm. The living is easy.

The only thing that will drown you here is the Tsunami of Love. And who wouldn’t want to be swallowed up by that? Let go of the mind. Let go of the ego. And forget you’re even here.

Archangel Michael said that the experience of bliss would only grow and grow. What kind of market prognosis is that? Your life will only get better and better in ways you never dreamed possible. Do you say “yes” or “no”? No contest!

I feel myself switching from a cynical, “Show me” kind of attitude to an eager opening to whatever in life is next.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2015 8:54:16 PM

Love: The Guiding Creative Force


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

No matter what we do, let’s do it with love.

Let’s do it with faith and passion, and let’s always remember that if we have love, we have everything. If we have our higher consciousness, we’ll find everything we could ever need within and we’ll never have trouble enjoying life or passionately pursuing our interests.

Passion is a shade of the energy of love, and when we’re passionate about something, we pour a lot more time and energy into it because our passion causes us to devote ourselves to it and never look back.

Passion is a powerful tool, and we don’t want to ignore our passions or the things that light our inner fire because they point us to our role in this planetary transformation.

They help us understand what we want to do and how we want to do it, and we’ll want to take note when we find something that seriously inspires us. We’d be fools not to pursue something that ignites our passion, and we can’t put any real love into our work without this passion.

Opening up to our higher consciousness is harder if we aren’t passionate about the work we do it for, and we’ll always benefit from aligning with the higher self and approaching life in a more balanced, understanding way.

But unfortunately, this connection won’t help much if we aren’t passionate about our work. This is why we’ll want to make sure we stick with the things that really excite us, and we’ll know when we’ve chosen the right work.

We’ll know by the amount of time we willingly spend working, and while we’ll inevitably meet obstacles along the way, they don’t have to stop us from continuing to pursue our goals with our faith intact.

Love will show the way. Credit:

Nothing will stop us if we’re really passionate, and we’ll welcome challenge with an open mind and the willingness to embrace it. Our minds will be opened to the outpouring of love we’ll receive from our greater awareness, and integrating this love into our work will make the obstacles easier.

When we learn to embrace obstacles, our work will flow freely and we’ll enjoy every minute of it. We’ll know we earned this effortless flow with all of the patient, dedicated work we did in the past, and we’ll quickly realize that we’ve given ourselves a gift and we now have to work harder to get the most out of it.

We can’t just walk away after we work so hard to cultivate a gift. We have to devote ourselves to it, and then, we can push through any barriers and drastically expand our capabilities.

We’ll probably surprise ourselves in the process, and we’ll realize that with love and passion by our side, transcending our limitations is a fairly simple feat. We’ve always had the ability to break through our barriers and reach the next stage of our existence, but it requires patience, diligence and love.

It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.

Even if we struggle to find our passion, something will reveal itself if we stay dedicated and refuse to give up on ourselves or our path. In all things, patience and diligence will see us through to the next phase, and with a passionate, dedicated heart, developing our talents will be simple and enjoyable.

Even if we struggle on one obstacle for a long time, the relief and excitement we’ll feel when we finally figure out where we held ourselves back will make up for any time or energy we spend getting there. With passion, perseverance becomes natural because we enjoy what we’re doing and we especially enjoy the results.

If we work hard enough, our work can sustain us financially while allowing us to help the masses, and those who are put in the blessed position to make spiritual work their actual ‘job’ carry an extra responsibility to work hard in the name of the light.


We’ll gladly take up this responsibility when we find our true passion and we have no problem constantly flowing, and I don’t exaggerate when I say that we’ll be excited to practice our true passion every moment of every day.

There will never be a time that we don’t want to practice =, because we’ll enjoy it so much that it’ll become our sole source of entertainment, upliftment, and in most cases, guidance.

Depending on what kind of work we do, we can tap into all kinds of higher guidance if we keep at it, and our true passion will become one of the only things we want to do in life. Especially if we don’t have to work a regular 9-5, we can make a lot of time for it and work just as hard (if not harder) than we would at a regular job.

Hard work is important no matter what we do, but when we work for our passion, it doesn’t feel like work. We’re just as dedicated and we work really hard, but we enjoy the work so much that it becomes a state of being rather than a state of doing.

Writing can become meditative if we practice enough, and a lot of people have said it provides a path into our soul by bypassing the egocentric mind and delving deep into our inner awareness to pull up little gems of wisdom and insight.

But like anything else, you have to have a specific passion for the art of writing to persevere enough to do anything significant. You have to be excited to dive in to the sea of words and pull your expressions back up to the surface, and it requires as much faith and commitment as any other creative outlet.

The bottom line is that our work has to inspire us, and if it inspires us so much that we can work hard without even realizing we’re working, then we know we’ve found the right thing. There will be times when our faith wanes and we have to stay strong, but it’ll all be worth it when we start to reap the rewards of our hard work.

These rewards are waiting to be earned, and they’re nearer than we realize – we just have to persevere through the final stretch and let our love and passion take the wheel. Once we do, we’ll step up to the next phase and things will get a lot more interesting as faithfully fulfill our mission.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2015 11:04:48 PM

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, May 26, 2015



First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action

Moon in Virgo

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: come together

Catalysts for Change: difficulty expressing true feelings, fear of moving forward, creating barriers, melodrama, over-doing, more energy expended than is returning, refusing to cooperate with others, over-competitive, showing off

True Alignments: pioneering, expressing true feelings, people coming together in a mission or project or the coming together of a mission or project, pursuit and perseverance, fun, disempowerment of negativity and stopping negativity from getting through, going deep, cooperation, teamwork

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today, voices unite, teams form, and games begin.

A series of astrological events progresses today to continue the alignment of people, places, and things. Energy is moving into different areas, empowering them, straightening them out, and bringing them into a better course.

This happens today under the umbrella of the Moon’s conjunction with the Black Moon, making this a “Black Moon Day.” But before the Moon meets up with the Black Moon at 9:25 pm ET/1:25 am UT, the Black Moon will move to the 21st degree of Virgo and the energy of “a girl’s basketball team.” In the fifth-dimensional consciousness, this symbol refers to dissolving barriers and illusions about what is possible. Previously held beliefs suddenly seem meaningless. We see there truly is no boundary between us. We are One, and this energy brings people of like-mind together as a team. The Black Moon moves to 21 Virgo at 6:17 pm ET/10:17 pm UT.

Everyone’s shadow side is tempted to come out and be projected onto others on “Black Moon Days.” It is particularly so when the Black Moon is opposing Chiron, the planet of wounding, healing, and teaching. Old pain or burdens want to be released. A quest for healing calls us.

What is said or spoken today is important and will make a lasting impression. It makes a mark, so to speak. If this is related to the intentions, hopes, wishes, and dreams that were “seeded” during the New Moon in Aries, the universe will get the message and respond. Keep this in mind if issues of trust, vulnerability, perceived failings, and self-doubt creep in. The Moon will oppose Chiron at 11:49 pm ET/3:49 am UT.

Everything is coming together as Jupiter moves to the 17th degree of Leo and the energy of the Sabian symbol “a volunteer church choir makes a social event of rehearsal.” Volunteers give of the heart, and today’s energetics most definitely want us to come from the heart space. Whether this be in service of a higher calling and/or the fulfillment of a desire or goal, it is a co-creation with others and a co-creation with Spirit.

It’s always a good idea to spend time outdoors and with nature on Black Moon Days. It’s the best remedy for anything that is trying to come into alignment because the Black Moon seeks restoration and the Earth provides this. Turn her way.

(Note: I will be discussing current events and future energetics with Phoenix on Phoenix Rising Radio tonight from 10:00 pm – midnight ET/7:00pm to 10:00 pm PT on Truth Frequency Radio. Hope you can tune in.)

For those of you interested in current events with an astrological ‘take’, this link might be helpful , since it takes you directly to Phoenix’s show: ~J

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2015 5:42:25 PM

Ida Lawrence: We’re All Complete Little Bits of God

Ida LawrenceI don’t ever want to see another person hurt in love… in fact, I don’t ever want to see another person or animal or piece of the earth hurt at all, in any way. The energy of injustice and betrayal, conflict and injury, entrapment, deception, terror and fear of death, is food for the emotion suckers… and they are well fed nowadays. It is through the emotions that an individual can be drained of inner power, so the emotional system is a really vital one to look at.

We don’t want to be ‘emotion-less’, we don’t want to be ‘emotion-controlled’, and we don’t want to be food for the energy vampires, so what do we do?

It seems we have been trying a lot of options: avoidance, affirmations, positive thinking, distractions, justification, creative imagining, forgiveness, understanding… and there it still is. We’re in a hurtin’ world, and sometimes in a hurtin’ place in our relationships too.

I’ve been thinking about how we can deal with the emotional from an ‘overstand’ position. I like the feel of the word ‘overstand’ more than the word detach, because ‘detach’ seems so uninvolved and even cold – kind of a ‘what happens is God’s will’ feeling. We’re all complete little bits of God… what is our will?

From the personal to the global, we find our hearts confronted. We might say well, that’s life in 3-D. It is, but actually, life in 3-D is pretty full-on intense right now. If the scope of this is a divine war, which I believe it is, then we have a role to play in easing suffering. In a very real sense, we Are the will of God. Everyone is. So whatever the battlefront, we are called upon to be soldiers.

As consciousness expands, the heart opens, and we begin to feel. I know many of us feel the suffering of family and friends, and of the collective… the earth, the animals, the people. It comes into our hearts not as emotion, but more as an awareness that contains pain. I imagine we all have a process through which we deal with it. My personal process is to acknowledge that it is there, and then give thanks… yes, I can feel. I’m so grateful to be connected to the heart of the ‘other’. That’s a first step.

Since we’re connected to the people and animals and life, our awareness, warm heart, and gratitude for consciousness may possibly mitigate the suffering of others just a little. That is a hope that we can harbor. Overstanding offers protection for our own emotional system as well, as gratitude and love can form a barrier, or if not a barrier, at least have a transformative effect on the incoming emotional assault.

Concurrently with the process, it helps to keep in mind, in a Knowing sense, that the higher beings, and perhaps our own transdimensional higher self, overstand us as well. This is not fantasy. Evolved energies do exist, as do devolved ones.

There are as many battlefronts as there are soldiers, but the point of all of our battles is that the light comes in. Whether we are being kind to someone, or uncovering a deception, or bringing the earth back to life, or helping someone to heal, or doing the all-important work of self-knowing and self-healing… we are bringing the light in.

People talk about gratitude a lot, and the word can be diminished, but yes, it’s the word for the feeling. We are grateful for the light in our heart/mind; reverent in fact, as it is our divinity. We protect it, adhere to it, and shine it into spaces that are a little denser or darker than we are. This is not the bleeding heart, or the angry heart at work, it is simply the chalice… the container of that incredible, fecundate mix of sorrow and joy that is able to hold its position in battle andgive birth to new possibilities.

Are we overestimating the power of the heartless? I’ve often thought that we are, even as we watch them face exposure and the crumbling of their ‘best laid plans’. People say that the only thing that is real in this illusory world, is love. But soldiers don’t fight with love… they Are love… and they fight with truth. Love and truth are one and the same, and truth wins over the illusion every single time.

“We’re All Complete Little Bits of God” by Ida Lawrence, March 22, 2014 at

Original link: We’re All Complete Little Bits of God

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2015 5:43:51 PM

Caroline Nettle: What Are You Worried About?

2it1kliAs a species, we have really perfected the art of worrying. We worry about everything in tiny detail, as if worrying about it will lessen the blow, or make whatever we are trying to avoid not happen.

We worry about whether or not we are going to get old, sick, die, or any variation on this theme. We worry about poverty, the job market, our social standing and any variation on this theme. We worry about the country, the planet, our towns and villages. We worry about not being good enough, being too good, being rejected, ignored, noticed and any variations on those themes.

What is worry?

Worry is the least effective way of changing the very thing that is causing you to worry in the first place. If you have heard about the Law of Attraction, you will have read about how whatever you focus on will be attracted into your life. Even if you don’t believe this, have you read any of the studies that prove that people praying for someone who is sick have vastly improved their recovery rate? If you have, you will begin to understand a little of how important it is to really start to look at where you are focusing your attention if you want to improve your life.

If I worry non-stop about crashing my car, will that prevent me from crashing my car? If you follow the philosophy of the Law Of Attraction, worrying about crashing my car will send a message to the universe to crash my car because that is what I am focusing my attention on. A different way of looking at that is to think about how worrying steals a lot of our energy. If I spend 70% of my time worrying about (insert the relevant item/ event here) then I am effectively worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet and actually may never happen at all.

Worry is always about something that is in the future or the past. Take a moment to look at your life right here, right now. Is this a reality for you here and now? Do you have the power to prevent it by worrying? (Obviously the answer to that question is no.)

Since the Power of Now by Eckharte Tolle and many others are saying that now is the only moment that we have and that living in the now is the way to happiness, worry seems to be a thing we can learn to live without. Everything in the past is gone and everything in the future doesn’t exist yet in the now.

Worrying about something does not change the event or item that you are trying to avoid. In fact, you are sending negative attention to a situation over and over again, and thus potentially attracting it into your life. A different approach may be to send loving healing thoughts to the situation or person, as we know these can be powerful. An added benefit of this is that it feels good as we are doing something positive for someone else.

An example of this is someone worrying about their health. I am assuming they are not blaming their heritage, or someone else for their disease, but are just worrying about the treatment or the diagnosis that they have received. Instead of worrying, take control. Find out what you can do to best understand your disease, and then make an informed decision about how you want to go forwards with this situation. Look into thought patterns, lifestyle, food, or anything that may help to relieve your symptoms. Give yourself the very best opportunity to do something positive towards your state of health. Will it always turn out how you want it to? Maybe not, but you will have invested your energy in doing your best to give yourself a good chance of recovery.

Another question is what are you depriving yourself of because you are worrying so much? If I am worried about what other people might think, do you think that will make me spontaneous and free? If I am paralysed by worry, life will be very small and probably quite uncomfortable. Imagine if you were able to train your brain to think differently, and to worry less.

Imagine how much more time you would have to lead a full life, experiencing new things and people and really having the chance to enjoy life, and find out who you really are. Each and every one of us has gifts that we are supposed to share with the world. Does worry prevent you from sharing yours?

“What Are You Worried About?” by Caroline Nettle, not dated, at

Original link: What Are You Worried About?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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