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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2015 6:18:45 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Humanity’s Awakening is Happening Right Now!

Jesus postingJohn’s audio reading is available here.

Humanity’s awakening is inevitable. Of course you have heard that many times before, but within the illusion doubts and anxieties assail you almost constantly.

That is why it is necessary for me to keep reminding you, so that you hold your course regardless of the apparent lack of physical evidence within the illusory environment on which you focus most of your attention, to confirm that God’s plan is unfolding just as He intends.

The illusion is a place in which inconsistencies flourish, new information arises that displaces previously held beliefs by demonstrating their inadequacies, and the pace at which that is happening is constantly accelerating. No wonder you feel so assailed. The illusion is an environment of almost constant change – peace to war, love to hate, trust to betrayal – and reversals of those states.

At this point in your spiritual evolution – and everyone physically incarnate on Earth is here to evolve spiritually – an enormous effort is being maintained through prayer, meditation, and through humanity’s intense desire for positive change, to move from violence to non-violence, from endless states of war to lasting peace, and awareness is growing that this can only happen if people trust each other and absolutely refrain from betraying that trust.

The briefest moment spent considering what is required to bring a state of peaceful and harmonious coexistence to all on Earth makes it quite clear that no progress can be made without first establishing trust, and to do that it is apparent that all cultures, ethnicities, lifestyles, religious and political beliefs must absolutely respect all others.

The intense egoic need to be right that so many have, the need to belong to the right religion, the right political party, the right nation, the right . . . (fill in the blanks!) is, as history never fails to demonstrate, an unmitigated recipe for disaster, because it spends its time making others wrong, and thereby making others its enemies.

Worldwide, as children are born and start to grow, they have egos that need to grow and mature to enable them to live on Earth as wise and balanced individuals. Initially they have needs that they cannot fulfill for themselves, needs that require acknowledgment and fulfillment by someone other than themselves, and so they have to learn to attract the attention of those who are there to provide for those needs, and that attention seeking behavior strengthens their egos. This is normal.

What is not normal, but in fact always happens, is that these egos, the egos of nearly every individual human without exception, are hurt and abused to a greater or lesser extent by their caregivers during their years of growth to adulthood. Generally the caregiver’s intent is to teach and not to harm, but because of the damage that the caregivers themselves have experienced, they teach fear, not love. They unintentionally betray the trust of those for whom they are responsible, mostly believing that “it is for their own good!”

The result is that the little ones growing up experience betrayal of their trust by those who are there to nurture them, and they are consequently conditioned to expect betrayal and thus learn to be forever on their guard. Consequently trust is not something they will offer lightly to another once they have lived through those unavoidable human growth experiences and had it betrayed.

How can humanity move forward then? The only way forward is by trusting one another, and yet to do that seems at best insane and at worst a total denial of reality. Your experience shows you that trusting individuals are gullible, unwise, immature, lacking intelligence, and are almost always betrayed. And yet reason and logic make it abundantly clear that without trust progress towards lasting peace is impossible. It would seem that humanity is caught in a “Catch 22” situation. There appears to be no way to escape from an absence of trust because, as experience shows most clearly, those who trust are always betrayed.

Nevertheless, the only way forwards is by choosing to trust. The vast majority of humans want only to live in peace and harmony with everyone else. When that state is achieved, as it has been many times in small communities, amazing co-operative creative ventures are undertaken and brought lovingly to fruition.

However, the success of those communities arouses jealousy among those whose environments are less loving. If you look closely at what happens you will see that only a very small number of badly damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a harmonious community by spreading rumor and gossip.

That is the point – only a very small number of damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a community, BECAUSE others listen to them and believe their embittered gossip.

If that gossip is ignored the gossipers move somewhere else. They seek egoic satisfaction in destroying the harmony and peace that others have established because they themselves are so damaged. And because they are in such intense pain, which is mostly denied and buried deep within them, they wait attentively for an opportunity to project that pain on to others for the slight relief it brings to them.

When individuals are that badly damaged their only pleasure is found in hurting others. When you meet or interact with someone as hurt as that do not judge or condemn them, just intend for them to be healed, and send them love or blessings. That is one of your Earthly tasks.

The way forwards therefore is to ignore all gossip, and instead to trust your own intuitive sense which tells you that others can be trusted, and then to trust them! Yes, within the illusion, your present apparent “home” environment, your trust will be betrayed occasionally. But, being an illusion, those experiences cannot harm you, they are the just unreal dreams from which you will awaken. The way forwards towards your awakening is to forgive those who betray you!

As I said above, only a very small number of damaged individuals are needed to unsettle a community. However, if the community refuses to be influenced or manipulated by those in pain then those efforts are ineffective.

Each and every human, each beloved child of God, is permanently connected to the divine field of Love in which all of creation is eternally maintained, but the illusion, which seems so real to those living within it, is ego-driven and fear-driven, and it does every thing it can to convince you that you are an insignificant life form whose existence is short and meaningless. And of course that is its purpose. It was conceived of and built to allow you to experience separation from your Source, the infinitely loving God who created you in joy and for joy.

Your real state of existence – eternally present in the field of Love that is God – is unalterable. You are there always, and you have never left. You could never leave because there is, as you are constantly being reminded, nowhere else. Therefore there is nothing to fear!

As we in the spiritual realms keep telling you, through the various channels that we use to make contact with you, and through the divine intuition that you each have access to in every moment, there is only Love! God, the divine Source of all that exists, the sole Awareness, the One Sentient Consciousness that permeates every individual mind is Love. You are never absent from God, and therefore Love is your true and inviolable nature. What you experience within the dream, within the illusion – fear, conflict, betrayal, suffering, pain, and constant confusion – is unreal.

When you detach from the illusion, even momentarily, by going within to that sacred place where the flame of God’s Love burns constantly within you, then you will find peace. By going within and intending to know God, your divine Source, the place from which you arise renewed in every moment, you spread and extend Love to all with whom you interact in any way at all. That is your purpose during this incarnation.

You chose to incarnate as a human this time around to help others to awaken, because the Love that you share with God motivates you most powerfully to bring all of humanity home to their natural state of awareness that all are One with God. You know that state, and being Love incarnate you want everyone to experience it permanently. You are in truth perfectly in alignment with the divine Will, and you are walking on Earth to shine the Light of God’s Love so brightly that no one can fail to see It.

That Light is shining brilliantly all across the world because so many of you chose to be on Earth at this time to awaken humanity. No other options are available, humanity will awaken, and the chaos and confusion that seem to be intensifying all across the world are clear indications that humanity’s awakening is happening right now!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: Humanity’s Awakening is Happening Right Now! Channelled by John Smallman, May 24, 2015,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2015 6:24:40 PM

Feel Good News: Sunday, May 24, 2015

feelgoodnewsflowersHappy Sunday, dear friends. I am sitting in the middle of a vast ocean of change, and doing my best to stay afloat.

My boat is a pile of stuff that my two daughters brought home from college. It isn’t a solid boat, but it is certainly big enough at the moment!

I know that they need some down time to recover from the rigors of the college semester. For my oldest it is a time of evaluating her future after earning her degree. Both of them are also worn down and in the middle of feeling sick, and so they want their mommy.

I also have the daily requirements of running a home, tending a garden, taking care of pets and doing my work. There are many different streams of energy pushing into the confluence of the now moment in my space of love.

I cannot do anything to hold these changes back, nor would I want to. They are the shifts that occur in every life, and trying to keep things the same, and not evolving through the changes simply leads to pain and suffering.

The truth is, everyone can find their happy place in change if they are willing to go with the flow. Being gentle with ourselves and with others is important, but it is also important to set aside our expectations of how things will unfold.

I intend daily for the highest good for all concerned, and I know the universe can, and does, bend over backwards to support us all.

The only thing I truly have control over is my own behavior in the mix. I can choose to swim against the swirling currents and tire myself out. I can choose to remain fixed and have the waves of change batter me. I can also choose to simply lay on my back, looking up at the beautiful sky and float with the current and see where it leads us.

The back float is a beautiful thing!

A wealthy couple buys a rescue ship to save migrants in the Mediterranean.

Chris and Regina Catrambone are a wealthy couple who were moved tremendously by the plight of North African refugees who risked their lives to escape from their dangerous living conditions by taking to the sea.

The couple purchased a search and rescue ship named the Phoenix and founded the Migrant Offshore Aid Station. In total, they have saved over 4,400 refugees from the Mediterranean, and work with officials to make sure they obey all the rules so they can give those they rescue the best chance at freedom.

I am heartened that a young, affluent couple would be moved to act on the behalf of other individuals who are suffering. They saw a major problem, that threatened to overrun local support services, and the put their money behind finding an humanitarian solution to the problem.

Wealthy Couple Buys Search-and-Rescue Ship to Save Migrants at Sea by Terry Turner for Good News Network

A man builds a tiny house for a homeless mother sleeping in the dirt.

Elvis Summers noticed an old woman sleeping in the dirt in his California neighborhood, and he decided that he could not abide by this situation.

So Elvis decided to build this woman, named Irene McGee, her own portable tiny house, so she would not have to sleep out in the elements. He wanted her to be safe and feel supported, and so using his own hands and about $500 in supplies he created a tiny home for her to sleep in, with a locking door and wheels. The local jurisdiction requires vehicles to be moved in area parking lots every 72 hours, and so he wanted to make sure that Irene’s new home could be easily transported and adhere to the laws.

Using our talents and skills to help others and see solutions where others only see problems is such a blessing. Folks, this video made me cry at the love this guy showed to a stranger, but also because his actions showed her that she was valuable and deserved to be shown care and respect.

Man Builds Tiny House for Homeless Mother Sleeping in Dirt on Tiny House Talk

A Pennsylvania doctor treats the homeless.

Dr. Jim Withers has spent the last 23 years wandering the dark Pittsburgh, PA streets looking for homeless people. He is a devoted advocate for homeless people and seeks to treat others as he would want to be treated.

Dr. Jim is part of a city-wide initiative called Operation Safety Net, that brings healthcare to homeless people and lays the foundation for trusting relationships with these individuals.

He is able to then get them to come to the mobile health care unit and finally the clinic where folks are supported to find housing, food and other services.

CNN Heroes has honored Dr. Withers, and I do too! Each person has the divine within them, and their earthly situation should not ever block the love, support and kindness they deserve.

Meet the doctor who treats the homeless by Christine O’Reilly forCNN

South Africa’s richest black man donates half his wealth to empower the poor in his homeland.

Patrice Motsepe was born in Soweto Township in South Africa. He obtained his law degree and through the South African government’s black economic empowerment initiative he was able to found African Rainbow Minerals.

He was inspired by the African concept of Ubuntu, or ‘I am because you are’, and The Giving Pledge, which asks world billionaires to give back of their personal wealth, to donate half of all he owns to support the marginalized in his nation.

The funds will be managed by the Motsepe Foundation to address education and health issues.

In a world where the philanthropy of past generations has been replaced by wealthy hoarding and greed, this man’s generous donation is certainly a move in the right direction!

Big heart: South Africa’s richest black man gives $1.3 billion, half his wealth, to the poor on Urban Intellectuals

And finally…

Revisiting Pay it Forward.

A number of years ago I watched the movie Pay it Forward. I was already on the path spiritually, but I didn’t yet fully understand how powerful my singular actions could be to change the world.

Recently I came across this short remix of the concepts described in the movie, and it really sparked me from the vantage point I am perched on now. We create a world that works for everyone, through our own acts of kindness.

Pay it Forward. What would you do to change the world? On YouTube

This young person applies the concepts described in the pay it forward movie to create a day filled with random acts of kindness. The idea that a young being is attracted to the concept and actually spent a day doing this gives me hope!

Random Acts of Kindness on YouTube

That’s the good news for today. Have a glorious day. Please join Gavin Harrill for the Golden Gaia News Roundup on Monday.

Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2015 6:30:34 PM

Challenging Times Ahead – Part 1/2



Many of us are focusing on the tremendous relief it’ll be when the financial dam breaks and abundance begins to flow, even if it may only be a relative trickle in the beginning.

But for some people – financial wayshowers; that is, lightworkers who’ve agreed to work in the abundance chain – it’ll be a time of tremendous stress. For their sakes, I’d like to look a little more closely at stress. This is a conversation, a huddle with lightworker leaders.

In my view, stress arises when we enter a zone that transcends a simple preference, such as “I’d rather have A happen than B.” Stress arises when we enter an area where our need is important, urgent, or an emergency.

Stress arises when an outcome looms that seems to promise catastrophic results in an important area for us or our important others.

What we say at a time like that usually begins with something like “Oh, my God.” (I left my backpack on the bus. I just lost a bundle of money. I forgot my appointment.)

When stress hits, it manifests in whatever emotional system is weakest.

For me, that’s my frustration/anger complex. For others, stress may cause them to become childlike – clingy and dependent when they think they’re going to get what they want and angry and accusatory when they think they’re not. There are probably other ways people react to stress.

What I need to remind myself of first is that, when stress goes up, awareness goes down, and vice versa. Awareness increases and decreases inversely proportional to stress. That includes memory, vocabulary, discernment, etc.

The body tightens up. We go into survival mode. We turn on the auto-pilot. In the worst cases, like in a fire, someone could scream our name at us and we might not hear.

When I once found myself in a fire in a planetarium, a man was shouting at me from perhaps six feet away and I didn’t hear him. It was as if I awoke to him shouting at me.

In the face of stress, we become a stimulus-response machine, lacking discrimination and forgetting all that we’ve learned on how to handle the situation.

We feel ourselves only able to go forward. We have no reverse and no brakes.

It’s stress itself that has to be addressed, not the various elements and factors of the situation that are unique.

How do we break the self-perpetuating stress cycle?

One sneaky way to break the cycle is to break the problem down into as many discrete steps as possible, priorizing them, and then taking things one step at a time. Stress thrives on simplistic appraisals, fast action, and strong opinion. When we break things down into steps, we slow the process down. By deliberately making as many steps as possible, we counter the tendency to stress. It’s like driving a stake into the ground and tying yourself to it while stress wants to fly past us like the wind. No can do.

Andrea Scully has another. She points out that our stress goes down and may disappear the minute we see that we have alternatives. I’ll leave that to her to develop.

Another way to bring it down is to breathe deeply, rhythmically and continuously, until stress diminishes or releases. Why deep breathing? Because deep breathing forces us to release the bands of stress-induced muscular tension which are bringing down our awareness.

We cannot breathe deeply and keep our bodies tensed at the same time. Either we’ll have to revert to breathing shallowly so as not to disturb the holding patterns or we’ll choose to breathe deeply and be obliged to let go of the patterns.

The longer and deeper the breath, the less it can be controlled by the mind, which has a short attention span. Its shortness increases with stress, with the automatic tensing of the body. The longer and deeper the breath, the more the body hears the voice of the will in the breathing pattern and yields to it. The muscles relax and awareness increases again. Our discernment and a modicum of peace return.

I shouldn’t pass the above example by too lightly. It’s an instance of the will taking precedence over the wishes of what S.N. Godenka calls the “mind-body complex.” The mind-body wishes to tense up and the will, as expressed in the breath, denies that request.

One will win out in the end and the outcome is not predetermined. In fact with most of us, it’s the mind-body complex that wins out. But not with lightworkers.

Laughter also reduces stress. Andrea and I get to laughing on our calls because neither of us has a functioning memory. It makes for some pretty funny situations. Even if we combined both our memories, we’d still have none, zero, de nada.

Laughter makes my stress level go down immediately and stress thus vanquished doesn’t quickly return. In fact I was left in bliss this morning after laughing myself silly with Andrea. Laughter is an excellent stress-reduction strategy.

If we have the time and luxury of some quiet space, it works to meditate. Take our awareness and circle our body with it, resting it lightly for a few seconds on each area of the body that we can identify as stressed or tense.

Or we can simply choose stillness and let everything drop.

Or, my faviorite, we can draw up love from our heart on the in-breath and breathe it out to the world on our out-breath. That dissolves stress.

I say this, but I have as much need as anyone else to put these strategies into practice.

(Continued in Part 2.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2015 6:31:52 PM

Challenging Times Ahead – Part 2/2



(Continued from Part 1.)


We can use Archangel Michael’s blue sword of truth to cut the bands of attachment. Being attached to an outcome is a contributing factor to stress.

We can use St. Germaine’s violet flame to consume our stress. These techniques, working through the creative imagination, dissolve the knots in consciousness that hold stress in place.

Another strategy? Ask for listening. Not help. Don’t ask to be fixed or counselled or advised. Ask to be heard.

(The last thing we want to hear in a time of stress is “There, there, dear.”)

What we need at a time like this is a listener who’ll allow us to get everything out on the table, without interruption.

What people don’t have in our society is sufficient air time to discover for themselves what’s going on for them. They need it more at a time of high stress.

But only part of the value lies in experientially seeing the total picture of what we’re up against. An even greater part lies in the “Aha!” moment of realized knowledge that often follows, which lifts us up and unravels the whole situation for us instantly. The puzzle has become a picture and we feel release.

Another good way to get on top of stress is to take a stand on ourselves. The stand I take on myself is that I operate in the service of the Divine Mother and I’ve promised her that I will not fail. According to the Boss, that’s the key promise I made in this life (Linda would call it a key motivator) and also my core issue (fear of failing).

Without turning it into a core issue, I take the stand that I will not fail the Divine Mother this lifetime.

That means no sexual misconduct (the single biggest cause, I think, for the fall of most leaders). No financial misconduct – or even imprudence. And no excessive control over others. If stress overcomes me, these are the areas I would most likely act out in so I need to be vigilant.

We need to make our approaches to stress easy, safe and portable because, as lightworkers rather than lightholders, we’ll be leading very active lives. Often we won’t be in the comfort and safety of our own homes. If stress hits, we may have to manage it in strange settings, without access to our usual sources of soothing (warm bath, cycling, working out, etc.).

For that reason, everything about our approach to stress has to be (1) well thought out, (2) put in place ahead of time, and (3) portable; that is, capable of being taken with us to every setting (either on paper or in the computer; not in memory, which diminishes in times of stress). Planning, planning, planning works.

These are all things that I believe we as lightworkers (and especially the financial wayshowers) have to consider ahead of time and help each other with.

Stress management will soon be the order of the day for lightworkers working with abundance flows. Then, after organizations begin to be set up to disperse funds or run lightworker projects, emphasis will shift and conflict management will become the order of the day.

Lightwork is a cooperative effort. We’re in this together. We need to work as one if we’re to accomplish all that’s expected of us at the human level; i.e., building Nova Earth. Unitive consciousness is fast showing up as a necessity, rather than an option. Maybe stress is what it takes to have us go “pop!” in this area. (1)

In the meantime, never has so much been expected of so few with so little … for so long. I’m really proud of you, the group of lightworkers who’ve continued with this discussion for so long and through such hard times.

There’s no rest for the committed (well, less rest than for everyone else). Soon the real work will begin. That’ll test the degree of our self-cleansing and of our openness to the higher virtues.


(1) I.e., the knowledge instantaneously goes from being merely intellectual, past being experiential, to becoming realized. A realized moment.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2015 6:34:49 PM

Caroline Diana Bobart: Stepping aside – Letting Universal Intelligence Take the Lead

Caroline-DianaCan you think back to a time in the past when you really wanted to create a life-change but had a definite sense of there being both a literal and a vibrational gap between where you were and the situation or place you would much rather be?

In the intuitive coaching and strategising I do with clients day to day, I notice that this is precisely the gap that creates some of the most potent varieties of anxiety and fear. When someone steps into an initial consultation with me, it isn’t uncommon to hear questions such as: Can I really do this? Can I really have what I want? What will others think? Will anyone ‘get’ it? Can I afford it? or How will spending money enable me to create the change I want?

As a universal human experience, it is invaluable for us to closely explore the underlying dynamics of being at this place; a place where you feel the urge to upgrade your relationships and experiences but don’t know quite how you will make it come about. If you are at this place right now, there are a few really key things for you to consider…

You are ready to leave ‘the old’ behind

‘The old’ runs the gamut from old family roles you may have been handed from birth to old identities, roles and ways of being, thinking and believing that no longer reflect your capability, magnitude and inner knowing in present time. Often when these begin to stifle the part of you that wants to move and grow, it can cause you to feel frustrated, angry or stuck. Spiritual restlessness or the sense of not feeling anchored or invested in the life around you is another sure-fire sign that there is a mismatch between your inner and outer worlds.

You are ready to have more of your true self

All of the feelings identified above stem from that inner flow of divinity within you that is constantly seeking expression through your intuition and thoughts – and specifically – when that inner flow is being stifled rather than allowed to flow. Self-awareness at this point is so important because it can mean the difference between being able to really tune into the direction in which your relationship with your life is trying to shift and taking decisive action towards it or unwittingly sinking into self-pity, victimhood and despair when you forget that as a soul residing in a human body, you were born with the free will to consciously choose and create your life.

You are ready to create a life that is more authentic and aligned with your truth

Once you realise that there is an inner knowing within you that is actually pretty clear on what it is in your world that overlooks or altogether invalidates the important viewpoint and gifts you were born to share, it can be really helpful to use these to reflect back to you the truth about who you really are. For example, have you been showing up to a retail/office/entry-level job merely to draw a salary and pay the bills while you truly feel inspired and come alive when working, moving and creating with kids in the outdoors?

Acceptance, understanding and an unquestioning commitment to what makes your heart sing paves the way for your sacred purpose to reveal itself to you. Conversely, it is easy to look back and notice that the types of experiences and relationships you created when you weren’t consciously connected into your truth, probably only spoke to a shadow of who you really are.

The journey ahead requires courage and trust

One of the funny things that happens when you live your life according to a core (and oftentimes limiting) belief is that there is an entire spectrum of possibilities you cannot perceive and which as a result, seem out of your grasp (see my article: Break Through Your Glass Ceiling). This is often why people feel it to be more sensible to live their lives with what they call a ‘pragmatic’ approach. What is important to realise here is that such an approach is usually head rather than heart-led.

When you consider that it is your heart that knows exactly who you are and what you need in order to feel complete, healthy, happy and aligned, you can see how decision-making from a purely head-space can lead you down an entirely different life-path.

And so for this reason, in order to claim that deep knowing and wisdom about who you really are, it requires you to dig really deep into yourself to find your courage… that which does not need to respond or justify itself to the skeptics and naysayers… this is the purest, most truthful, concentrated essence of you. It is valid purely because you exist.

Stepping Aside – Letting Universal Intelligence Take The LeadTrust comes into the equation because you will find that you are often the only person aware of the sacred wisdom within you that is wanting to come forward and reveal itself to the world. You are its protector, care-giver and co-creator all rolled into one. You have been entrusted by the universal forces to share your real self with the world.

Trust in the universal intelligence enables you to ‘step aside’ so the divinity within you can express and shine in the best way it knows how. Stepping aside means that you embark on a heart-led journey that knows precisely how to create its own way, and to honourand sustain you in the process.

Your easiest option, not your most fulfilling one, is to stay right where you are, just as you are.

This is by far the most important point to consider when it comes to truly being able to create and have what it is you have been saying you really want. For all your earnest wishing, wanting and hoping that your situation would improve, there is a slippery slope you can descend when you unconsciously focus your attention on the external and sadly, end up disempowering yourself.

For example, you might tell yourself that you need to wait for the right or perfect time… when the children are grown say… or you might hinge your ability to initiate the change you want on someone else’s… your spouse’s or partner’s… future behaviour or actions. When you do this, realise that what you are really doing is not only taking yourself out of the present moment – the only moment you truly have – but out of your inherent value, wisdom, power and potential in that moment as well.

The reasons why this can happen are varied but essentially they tend in some form or other to reflect;

  • A core belief of not being worthy of happiness, freedom and love, and
  • Your fears about stepping into unknown inner and outer territory that you instinctively know will emerge once you begin to acknowledge and address this core belief.

The very point at which you become aware that life is giving you a choice either to harness the winds of change or stay right where you are, as you are, is where the courage and self-trust mentioned above really come into their own.

You CAN have what you really want!

You in all your forgotten magnitude and majesty is all you have ever truly had and still, it is all you have now. It is only by listening in closely to your built-in wisdom and following through on it bit by bit, that you will claim more of your true self. And herein lies the secret of how to have what it is you’ve been saying you wanted all along…

As you claim, remember, and re-claim more and more of who you really are, you simultaneously build the energetic stage upon which your deepest desires for your life can take root and begin to emerge.

Your magic and true co-creative potential becomes unleashed when you show up to yourself, honour your deepest desires and needs in the best way you know how, and are determined to claim what it is you say you want.

Starting NOW.

No matter what!

“Stepping Aside – Letting Universal Intelligence Take The Lead”, by Caroline Diana Bobart, May 21, 2015 at

Original link: Stepping Aside – Letting Universal Intelligence Take The Lead

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
