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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/23/2015 1:32:53 AM

We’re All in This Together


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I stand with all the free-thinkers out there who’ve liberated their minds from cultural illusion and tapped into true reality. I stand with everyone who’s awakened to the fact that the world is massively imbalanced, and I invite you to contribute to the creation of a new way of life.

I stand by the spiritual teachers who genuinely want to help their pupils come closer to enlightenment, as opposed to using rigid dogma to tell them what they should and shouldn’t do.

I stand by everyone who’s awakened to the spiritual nature of our existence and the things the corrupt elite are doing to keep us from realizing our own eternal, spiritual nature, and I welcome you into my circle, which I’ve been welcomed into by other conscious seekers.

I stand by everyone who’s opened their mind and wants to create a new world, however we each individually define that, and I’m excited for more people to awaken and step up to the plate to help humanity evolve.

I welcome anyone who’s excited to make real, lasting changes to the corrupt world we’ve been forced to deal with for so long, and I encourage every awakened individual to invite others to participate in our collective evolution.

Everywhere we look, people are waking up and doing something with their awareness.

People are awakening in every corner of the world, and I’m sure this’ll continue as the conscious community inspires more and more people to open their minds and discover the vibrant reality that exists just beyond our conscious perception.

While a lot of people are still asleep, those of us who’ve awakened are finding the best ways to inform, awaken and uplift the rest of society, in hopes that more people can arise and contribute something of significance.

Together, we’ll make a change. Credit:

Millions of people have spontaneously awakened to the spiritual truths that have been shrouded in mystery, and our glimpses into a higher plane of existence have motivated us to assist in whatever way we can.

We’ve been inspired to fight for social change while uplifting the world with creativity and other expressive outlets, and our intention is to motivate each individual to do what they can to awaken others so we can bring this world into the light.

We’re all doing this in different ways, and some people have created entire movements or belief systems around their spiritual work.

I’ve studied a few different belief systems, and while I don’t know if anyone really knows anything about spirituality or higher dimensions in the big picture, I’ve seen the little glimmers of truth that come out of some belief systems and their followers.

I’ve adopted a personal form of spirituality that allows me to be open to what other people have to say without forgetting that the intuition is our only real teacher, and because of this, I can approach the conscious community (and the world as a whole) with an open-minded perspective.

I feel compelled to invite the rest of the world to rediscover and reconnect with their intuition, which is their link with their personal higher consciousness, and pursue both the development of this greater awareness and the work that’s involved in awakening society.

I want to help everyone remember the truth of their existence, even though the journey of rediscovery is personal and no external figure can truly show the way. Spiritual figures can only help us along our unique journey, and we have to show ourselves the way while, if we feel compelled to, being open to their advice.

I stand with everyone who wants to use their spirituality and creativity to build the bridge to a new world, and I hope to see every one of you on the front lines. We have a lot to do, and time’s running out.

I hope to see more and more people willingly step away from controlling, dogmatic religions and belief systems so they can finally look into their own soul to find the answers they seek, and I’ll proudly stand by everyone who connects with their inner Christ consciousness and assists in the transformation of society.


I’m ready to see a new world, and the first step to creating this kind of world is to empower ourselves and realize that we’re capable of more than we realize. It’s time to stop acting like we’re smaller than we really are, and with a higher consciousness, there’s nothing we can’t do.

With the assistance of everyone else who’s ready to change the world, we’ll achieve more than we ever thought was possible and we’ll know that not only is there strength in numbers – there’s strength in every individual effort.

We’re stronger than the elite wants us to think, and if we come together, there’s nothing we can’t do. With this said, feel free to stand with this group of conscious world changers who are contributing to a complete and total planetary shift.

The shift of the ages is upon us, so let’s band together to welcome it with open arms and a willing, united collective heart. Nothing will separate us again once we come together, so let’s unite and get moving as one.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/23/2015 6:40:45 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday-Sunday, May 23-24, 2015

This weekend the news is all about how the cabal has succeeded in invading and destroying country after country in order to maintain the fiat dollar; how it has been done is now ‘going public’ in a big way. Hopefully, our awareness should start to crimp their style. Take time to understand this, and try not to get lost today in the Monsanto parades, etc. Monsanto IS coming down, and calling attention to their criminal activities IS important, but don’t mis the opportunity uo understand the deceptiveness of the West.

George Soros and China now enter the scene, as well. Please inform yourself. Note also what Pepe has to say about China and South America. The West may scream and holler and continue their murdering, but in the end they will be brought down financially . . . and China is helping to bring this about. This is the only way it can safely be done, and that is why I try my best to follow the money ~J



Crescent Moon Phase: challenge, perseverance

Moon in Leo

Goddess of Wisdom: All

God of Will: All

Skill: feet on the ground, eyes on a magic carpet ride

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

One of the most challenging skills to master is to simultaneously maintain focus in the present moment (and the joy that it brings) while also seeing ahead when opportunities to be able to do so are presented.

Panoramic views of the future are visible to us this weekend. Uranus spends the last two days at the degree of the Sabian symbol “a magic carpet ride of Oriental imagery.” The magic carpet is a vehicle to gain a higher view, a wider perspective. Situations and conditions that happen this weekend foreshadow the future. They will come back around in the future.

The skill of letting our eyes and mind take off on “magic carpet rides” while keeping our feet “grounded” and keeping things real is our challenge this weekend. Challenge is the nature of the Crescent Moon phase, and we are in double-Crescent energy right now. When wise owls hear and feel “challenge,” we “kick in” the word “perseverance.” We know that we are co-creating with Spirit, more directly than we have ever experienced. Our aim is true, and we persevere.

The energetics this weekend are all about movement and restriction of movement. This is reflected in the macro level of the world and the micro level of our lives. Restriction of movement is symbolic of restriction of spirit. Restriction of movement is accomplished through control and fear. It’s an attempt to stop progress and forward movement. It’s an attempt to take us out of natural alignment with the value and love of life.

An old energetic imprint of fear, control, and restriction (especially as it relates to freedom of mobility) is trying to be “revived” inside of us and inside of the world. This astrological dynamic is in fullest force on Monday. But there is a higher dynamic that is stronger and naturally over-riding. Because of this, efforts at control will wilt. Efforts at freedom will bloom. It may not look like it, but that is the ultimate outcome.

There’s a “soundtrack” or “exit music” as we complete our “magic carpet rides” this weekend. It’s the “music of the spheres” of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, the Black Moon, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, AND Eris! That’s a big orchestra! A lot is happening right now. Massive shifting in people (relationships), places, and things is occurring. At times, this sends things into temporary disequilibrium. This is why wise owls keep our feet on the ground while enjoying the magic carpet ride of the eyes and mind.

We keep it real. We keep it with love. See you Monday.

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The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/23/2015 6:56:18 PM

The Advent of the Inner Teacher

Enlightenment 4


Our way of learning is changing along with everything else in the world.

We used to learn by listening to others. Now we’re being encouraged to learn by listening to ourselves, the inner, still, small voice, our heart, our inner guide, our conscience – our learning is now beginning to come from inside.

This reflects the fact that we’re unfolding, expanding, and emerging. But I’d like to look at the matter more closely to see if we can be as clear as possible about this process and this change.

When I’m in bliss, I get to watch the processes of bliss. For instance, one process is that bliss eradicates, for the moment, worry, hope and fear. It eradicates memories of past injustices. It leaves a person in a space where nothing else but bliss is wanted or felt to be needed.

The space of bliss itself becomes the teacher and that space is internal.

Sri Krishna said: “When the whole country is flooded, the reservoir becomes superfluous. So, to the illumined seer, the Vedas are all superfluous.” (1)

Well, I’m not illumined, but I can say that, when the being is filled with bliss, the Vedas become superfluous. Why do I need to read a book when my own internal space is telling me what I need to know?

Many of our channeled messages have been pointing to this eventuality happening. Here’s Sanat Kumara through Tazjima. What he says about conscious creation could be said about things in general:

“There is much to learn about the process of conscious creation, but this you will accomplish and largely without the outer teachers, books and classes. The lessons you will learn will come to you through your heart connection with your guides, with your Higher Self and those multidimensional parts of your Soul that exist in many times and places.” (2)

Inner 1

Where we’re going, railway tracks are not needed Credit:

The Sirians through Tazjima describe what’s available to us from our inner store of wisdom:

“This is a time of power when you can most strongly connect with your internal wisdom, the great library of knowledge available through soul connection and through listening to your own body.

“Your bodies are living libraries of light, encoded into the facets of your DNA, the portions that are just now beginning to come online.” (3)

If we can just gain a foothold in the inner ocean of love, then we can begin to examine the space of love. Then the real learning begins. Then our lives become a workshop, a laboratory, and our explorations accelerate our learning, which in turn accelerates our unfoldment, expansion and emergence.

The situation becomes as Sri Shankara described after the first enlightenment, the vision of the Atman, Self or Christ:

“Once we become conscious, even dimly, of the Atman, the Reality within us, the world takes on a very different aspect. It is no longer a court of justice but a kind of gymnasium.

“Good and evil, pain and pleasure, still exist, but they seem more like the ropes and vaulting-horses and parallel bars which can be used to make our bodies strong. Maya [the material world, illusion] is no longer an endlessly revolving wheel of pain and pleasure but a ladder which can be climbed to consciousness of the Reality.

“From this standpoint, fortune and misfortune are both ‘mercies’ — that is to say, opportunities. Every experience offers us the chance of making a constructive reaction to it — a reaction which helps to break some chain of our bondage to Maya and bring us that much nearer to spiritual freedom.” (4)

That distinctly aligns with my experience. When in bliss, everything I meet is an opportunity to uplift and make whole again. Only in wholeness can bliss be experiened (hence all our clearing).

Apparently, the angels have in hand when to feed us more bliss, when to awaken us more, etc. The Sirians through Tazjima tell us:

“When the time is right, you will awaken, first gradually and then more quickly to become fully conscious of the various layers in which you already experience life. You will be amazed to realize that you are quite an extraordinary focus of the ALL THAT IS.” (5)

All it takes is one experience of bliss to show how accurate what the Sirians say is.

First we enter into the ocean of transformative love perhaps for a fleeting moment. Then we begin to master how to cause love to arise from our hearts out into the world. Then we experience more and more extended periods of being in that ocean. And all the time, we’re watching, exploring, and making distinctions that further accelerate the process.

And as we do this, we move further and further away from needing or wanting external teachers.

Inner 3


We won’t need the inspiration of external writers and presenters then because we’ll be tasting and enjoying the inner banquet of love and once that happens we have a surer and more reliable guide than any external source.


(1) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 40.

(2) “Sanat Kumara: Go Gently into that Good Light,” channeled through Tazjima, October 3, 2013 at

(3) “The Sirians: In One Door and Out Another,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), December 12, 2013 at

(4) Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood,Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 24.

(5) “The Sirians,” ibid.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/23/2015 7:01:11 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Photosynthesis and the Blended Human


An Introduction to this channeling by Shanta Gabriel is available here.

Dear Ones,

Light is the force of all Creation. When you align yourself with this exquisite gift, there is magic. Trees understand this magic, for they are the receivers of the flowing energy frequencies of Light. They use this gift to create sustenance that nourishes their structure and converts Divine Light into food.

When this food flows down through the strong and sturdy trunk of a tree, Divine Light works as a vertical access from Heaven to Earth in literal ways. Fuel is taken into the tree’s energy system and pulses through the cellular membranes down into the roots, where it merges with the vital substances of the Earth. New levels of vitality and nourishment from the Earth are also absorbed by the tree’s root system, which is then taken up through the capillaries and sent where it is most needed for the tree to thrive.

Trees are a fine example for humans, demonstrating the best way to live in the new frequencies of Light available on the Earth at this time. Just as the tree is nourished and able to grow strong and healthy through absorption of Light and vital nutrients from the Earth, in the same way your physical body is learning to utilize the energies of Light photons that carry Love and Divine Intelligence through your physical energy system. In this process, you are creating new cells that are potentized by beams of Light, accessing the creator codes so your body can learn to live in the higher energy frequencies that support creation of higher dimensional life on Earth.

You are shifting into a body that is learning the codes of Light Frequencies to change, nourish, and up-level the cells in the physical structure of the body, thus sparking crystalline formations and new life force. Just as the leaf draws in the Light of God to create life in the structure of the tree, you are accessing these fields of Light to sustain and nourish your body.

And just as the Tree of Life holds powerful symbology in many of the ancient wisdom teachings, the beauty and power of this strong symbol radiates through your consciousness to access positive change and growth.

Light Field Technology™ (1)

Fields of Divine Light are open and unformed. They create the basis of what we refer to as Light Field Technology — a form of action that uses the powerful presence of Divine Light as a force of creation.

You have the opportunity now to work with these living fields of Light to activate your life in abundant ways. Divine Light is always available. There is no shortage of Light. In fact, the Light is waiting for you to command its form into being. It has been written, “In the beginning there was the Word,” so your conscious creation of form begins by naming the fields of Creation, choosing high-frequency words that have resonance in your emotional body and heart field. These are often words that represent the deepest dreams and desires of your soul.

Alignment with Source

As you become blended with your divinity in human form, you have greater ability to create a life that nourishes you using the technology of Light Fields. A deep soul resonance requires that you align with Source energy and become a grounded, embodied presence that is connected to the Earth. You become a veritable lightning rod as you empower this vertical access to expand and activate your higher dreams into new realities.

Using this technology is really very simple, and only requires alignment with the true forces of Nature — that which creates, sustains, and dissolves. Acting in harmony with these rhythms strengthens all you do in life. Knowing yourself as a clear conduit for light and true love allows you to step into the active principles that are at work as a part of all Creation.

When you attune yourself to your most Divine nature, new harmonics form in the Light Fields around your body. Ancient yogis used the Science of Sound for centuries as a healing force as well as one of destruction.

Your deep connection allows words to form in your mind, seemingly without your conscious awareness, and these words then activate forms of Divine Light in your energy fields. To work consciously with words that are increasing in energy frequencies, using them as intentions for yourself and the world becomes a powerfully effective way for you to create new form.

To work consciously with certain words that are empowered with high-frequency energy transmissions, using them as intentions for yourself and for all humanity becomes a powerfully effective way for you to create new form in every area of your life.

New Triads of Power

Words such as ‘Harmony’ and ‘Well-Being’ seem to vibrate deeply within you as you hold them in your heart. Other words are also increasing in frequencies, such as ‘Illumination’, ‘Nourishment’, ‘Harmony’. Combinations of words with the same first letter have been gaining power since the potent beginning of 2012, and these create dimensional shifts in your reality.

Triads of words such as ‘Alignment with source energy’, ‘Allowing greater flows of Divine Light’, and ‘Activation of new empowered forms of divinity’ can serve you now to create new consciousness within your being.

When you hold these empowered words in your heart and feel them circulating within your being, you are ready to radiate into the quantum field this powerful Light Force of Sound to create new realities in your own life and in the hearts and minds of those who hear you.

Are you listening to the voice of your heart? Can you hear the harmony of the spheres at work within your being, opening new realities for you through living fields of Light? The Unknown becomes a friendly place with unlimited potential for creation when you apply your heart’s voice into a field that assembles at your command.

Through these powerful forces of Divine Light, you are feeding your consciousness and empowering your body. You are offering sustenance and nourishment for an overstimulated nervous system. You are allowing yourself to align with the Divine Blueprint of Perfection that is held in your energy field by your soul.

It may seem strangely simple, yet Light Field Technology is a concept of great power and possibility for the creation of more happiness, clarity, and inspiration in your world. Simplicity is vital to your body’s integration of Divine Light, and your natural intelligence is enhanced by these Light fields. Through the technology that uses Living Fields of Divine Light, you are creating more Balance and true heart-centered consciousness in every area of your life.

You are the beautiful, bountiful Tree of Life brilliantly expanded, strong and nourished, anchoring divinity through you as a force for the creation of Peace on Earth. And so it is.

Archangel Gabriel
through Shanta Gabriel
Copyright: May 21, 2015


(1) Information about the Light Field Technology described here is provided at the original source link: Messages from Archangel Gabriel

Permission is given for this post to be shared as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s) with the website posted.

“Archangel Gabriel: Photosynthesis and the Blended Human,” channeled by Shanta Gabriel, April May 21, 2015, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/23/2015 7:03:10 PM

SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2015

Bob Fickes ~ Changing our Perspective about Emotional Energy

Emotions are energy. They rise up from deep inside of us and take form as they express themselves on the surface of our life. Our mind likes to have calm waters so our boat can travel through our life more comfortably and easily. But when the waves of emotion rise up too high, our mind resists and wants to control them. The only problem with emotions is our own resistance to the energy that comes with them.
When the emotion is still inside it is just pure energy or Shakti that has no expression until it reaches the surface and expresses itself in our life. If we can change our point of view and feel the energy of the emotion rather than the expression as a negative emotion, we can harness that energy and feel more comfortable with it. Even feeling the negative emotion without control or resistance to it, builds our ability to feel positive emotions like love without control or resistance. Energy in any form is useful if we can harness it and direct it in a positive direction. Energy is Life Force. Strong energy is called Shakti. We can use this energy for healing and for manifesting our desires.
If we remove our concept that emotions are bad and release our idea of good and evil, we can allow our self to feel the energy contained within the emotion and redirect it to a more useful result.
When we release karma there is a lot of emotions come up as the karma is going out of our body and soul. If we let it go out and not think about it, the karma gets released and never returns. The problem we have with emotional release of karma is not in the energy we feel, but in the resistance to the form of the negative emotions. When we resist the emotions, the karma gets recycled. The energy that wants to get out of our body, returns to us and will only come up stronger in the future. Better to let it go now without resisting it.
If we can feel the energy and accept it, we will feel more comfortable with that degree of intense energy. The next time we feel love, we can allow more love energy to express itself in our life. The only reason we are not able to feel love is because we don’t want to feel the negative energy. The truth is that the energy is neither negative nor positive. It is just energy. If we push down the energy of negative emotions, we will also push down the same intensity of love energy.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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