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Linda Harvey

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Let's Talk in the Kitchen !
2/14/2010 12:28:28 AM
I always loved hanging out in the Kitchen or dining room while my Mom was cooking, helping her when I could while I was growing up !

The Kitchen is still my favorite room of the house ... our dining/kitchen area is all open and I love it that way ... when my son and friends hang out, eating, laughing, talking ..

I think we have a generation or two now that just don't have that ...
Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk in the Kitchen !
2/18/2010 7:27:49 AM
Hello Linda,

You are absolutely right. We would start our mornings there, planning the day and usually ended up there late at night or early in the morning explaining why I was just getting home and smelling like a brewery. ;-)

But the best thing that happened in the kitchen, besides the great food. Was we solved challenges and met problems head on. Between the kitchen and the front porch there was nothing that could not be fixed.

I am glad you are here,

I always loved hanging out in the Kitchen or dining room while my Mom was cooking, helping her when I could while I was growing up !

The Kitchen is still my favorite room of the house ... our dining/kitchen area is all open and I love it that way ... when my son and friends hang out, eating, laughing, talking ..

I think we have a generation or two now that just don't have that ...

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Linda Harvey

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RE: Let's Talk in the Kitchen !
2/18/2010 5:25:39 PM
How do we change a policy ...

Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay
will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%

When was the last time you or I got to vote ourselves a totally inappropriate
pay raise ? for doing a poor job !
Linda Harvey

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RE: Let's Talk in the Kitchen !
2/18/2010 8:12:34 PM
Congress looses their current health care system and participates in the
same health care system as the American people.
Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk in the Kitchen !
2/18/2010 8:57:16 PM
Hello Linda,

This is the problem, we face. We have representatives and senators that have served decade in their elected offices. They were elected to represent the people from their districts. These elected officials are required to live in those districts and should work there in my view.

Now this was never meant to be a career post, nor was it intended to be a full time job. These folks as the framers intended were supposed to go and attend to people's business for a short period of time during the year.

It was understood and expected that they would go to the capital attend to business and go home to work their farm, jobs or own businesses. There was bare minimum of pay for this service to offset expenses incurred during this time of serving the people.

As time went on there was more people's business needing to be handled so the amount pay for this service was increased. Used to be something that the people voted on.

Somehow or another, probably by claiming to reduce costs of the election process, they (the legislators) decided to put an automatic increase of pay as it related GNP or something and the base was made such so as to compete with private enterprises as it related to salary for doing similar executive positions in corporate America.

Somehow they took this to mean they were executives or CEO's and somehow were better than the people that they were to serve. They teamed up with the self-interested unions. Like the teachers union. Have seen seen the steps that must be taken to fire a poor teacher? It is ridiculous the steps it takes to dismiss a teacher that is not performing their job.

These legislators that have been there for decades, though elected by us. Now hold court over us or at least they are above reproach. All of them Pelosi, Reid, Paul, McCain, Franks and any that have served more than two to three terms. Whatever the equivelent to the two terms (in years) that the President is limited to. There is a reason for term limits and that was to prevent tyranny, plain and simple.

Also Plain and Simple is that these self appointed monarchs need to go NOW 2010 No InCumbents should be re-elected. No matter how much they are loved by their constituents.

They are the problem and any that claim to be "Progressive" are communist, Marxists, Democratic Socialists , socialists, and Islamo-Facists that are trying to set up a new Caliphate state right here in America.

We cannot and will not allow this to happen.

Thanks for your input,

Jim Allen III

How do we change a policy ...

Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay
will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%

When was the last time you or I got to vote ourselves a totally inappropriate
pay raise ? for doing a poor job !

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
