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Cheryl Baxter

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In Honor of The Person Who Makes Christmas What It Is!
12/18/2009 4:32:10 AM

Hello ALP Friends,

Christmas is a time to experience why we celebrate the holiday! In the day of political correctness, while many are trying to tell Christians that they should not publicly recognize the Saviour because it might offend some who don't believe, I want to say openly and publicly that I celebrate Christmas because of Jesus Christ. He came and gave Himself freely so that you and I might experience life with Him for all of eternity! All you have to do is believe in His name and you will be saved. Why or how could this be? The answer lies with Him not with man. God loved us so much that He was willing to give His only son to be a ransom for us all. He not only came, but He died for us and paid the penalty for our sins. He then rose from the grave and conquered death for all of us and now we have access to God through Him. It's a great mystery, yet it is true. We can't fully comprehend it but we can fully benefit from God's gift to man.

What a praise and what a miracle to be given this opportunity. May you and your loved ones experience His peace this Christmas as you celebrate the reason for the season!


A small star child fell to earth
With searing firebrand of birth,
Offered Holy innocence...
Giving souls a recompense,

Cloaked in flesh...divine the choosing,
Redemption...the God-child's bruising,
Earthbound for all humanity
In time and space to set men free,

Though small the star, His ember grew...
Even when darkness overthrew.
Expiation for sin at last,

Star child burning into night,
Fills our hearts with heaven's light.

by: Cheryl Ellen Baxter


With love,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Barbara Delgiudice

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RE: In Honor of The Person Who Makes Christmas What It Is!
12/18/2009 5:52:44 AM
Hello Cheryl and thank you for inviting me to your forum.
What a beautiful poem about Christ our Savior.

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)

Phillip Black

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RE: In Honor of The Person Who Makes Christmas What It Is!
12/18/2009 3:33:06 PM

Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for the Inspiring message and the Beautiful Poem. It's a wonderful reminder of just whose Birthday we are Celebrating and why He gives us our very reason for living. Thank You Jesus and Happy Birthday.

I've been stopping by my Friend's Forums just to leave each one a little something warm & fuzzy for Christmas.

May Your World Be Filled With Warmth & Good Cheer During This Holy Season
And May Your New Year Be Filled With Peace & Love.

Merry Christmas,

“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: In Honor of The Person Who Makes Christmas What It Is!
12/19/2009 1:21:51 AM
Hi Cherly,

Good for you, stand up for what you believe Great poem.

Have a wonderful Christmas.

Cheryl Baxter

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RE: In Honor of The Person Who Makes Christmas What It Is!
12/21/2009 3:31:09 AM

Hello Barb,

It's so great of you to drop by and leave your comments. I wish you the best of Christmas as you experience the blessings that HE gives to all who worship Him.

Hugs and blessings to you as well!

May His peace be with you now and always.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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