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Tammy Hardy
10/17/2010 6:59:00 PM
Hi Tammy, Thanks for the invite. I also want to invite you to check out a new program which has not been launched yet! We are Pre-Registering Now! It is Free,100% Legit& very easy to make money! Take a tour @ .If you decide to join put my email in the sponsor area my Varolo village and we will all earn money soon!
Peter Carminati

179 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Tammy Hardy
10/17/2010 10:41:17 PM
Thank you for accepting my invitation to be my friend. I am honored! I've been involved with Network Marketing for over 16 years and have been working part-time from home for the last 9 years. I live in Stonington, Maine, the Lobster Capital of Downeast Maine. It is fun now to be able to focus on my home-based business especially since I found a great proven duplicate-able system th
Tammy Hardy
10/18/2010 2:11:12 AM
thanks for the welcome, happy to have you as a friend
Tammy Hardy
10/19/2010 7:11:25 PM
A friend is like a precious stone; finding a new one is always exciting!
I'm sharing mybitsandpieces with you.
Editha Srisuttisa-ard

8 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Tammy Hardy
10/26/2010 1:25:13 AM
Thanks for inviting me to your network, please accept a free gift from me

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