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5 Methods of Finding More In Life - Family and Personal Growth
8/31/2009 12:24:33 PM

We all want more out of life.  That's pretty normal for a human being.

However, we need to realize that "more" is not just going to jump up and grab us. We have to be proactive and make things happen in our life.  We need to actively push ahead and get to where we want to be.  There are many obstacles that will try and push us back. When this is the case, we need to stay on top of our game and continue to strive to get to where we want to be. 

It can happen and it will.

There are five things that we all can do to find more in life. 

We can do this with and for our family and for our own personal growth as well. All we have to do is be willing and open to go out there and do the work. Once we figure out what we want from our life, we can then go out and start making things happen.  This is something that can work for us and even for our family and friends as well.

1.  You should think about what you really want to do in your life. 

Think about the goals and the dreams that you have set for yourself.  When you think about the things that you want to accomplish you should use this as a guide to finding more in life.  You need to push ahead of the game and go out there in search of the life that you have in mind. When you figure out what you want to do in life, you will be happier and more fulfilled.

Remember, the first goal you set or dream you dream might not be what really will make you happy.  We've all wanted more money, and we've all heard stories of people who got a lot of money and were not made happy by it.  Maybe your REAL dream is not the money you could make with a home business but the freedom to live your own life and perhaps spend more time with your family that a home business could give you.

2.  Next you need to make sure that you are willing to explore with your family.

Take the time to learn about who your family is and what they need from you.  You want to do this if you have children. You will see that you can become closer to your spouse and children just by finding out more about who they are and what they want in life. You will have a better relationship with them and you will see that you can communicate better when you know how they are feeling and what they are looking for in life. This is a great way to find out more about your life and what you need.

3.  Take time to have fun.

When you are ready to get out and take a break you will see that you will be able to go out there and enjoy life and all that it has for you. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily rush of life and everyone needs to take some time for themselves...and their family.  You need to find something that you like and go out there and have some fun. You will be able to find out more about yourself and get rid of the added stress that bothers you in the process. 

4.  You need to find out where you are spiritually too.

If you are not sure what you believe in or what you need to do for this, you should take the time to research the subject.  Think about what your spiritual side is, or could be, and what you want it to become.  When you are sure that you are able to feel good about who you are in this area, you will feel more secure and more stable.  You will feel better inside and this will reflect on the outside too.  You will find yourself through your spiritual side too.

5.  Be willing and open to trying new things

When you are stuck with doing the same old things, the same old ways, in the same old places, with the same old (figuratively) people, we call that "being stuck in a rut".  You may find it hard to move on to new and interesting things, however this is the only way that you will find out more about who you are and what you like. You will get to try new things and this will get you to find out more about your own life and the way that you feel. You should take the opportunity when they come up to get interested in new things. Take time and at least try them.  If you do not like it, you can always find something else.  You will be surprised at how much you can learn from different opportunities and how it will help you grow as a person. 


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