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Mary Guariglia

126 Posts
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Mary Guariglia
3/29/2008 11:59:44 PM
Hi Standley, I am so busy building by MLM and helping those who want my help after reading the FREE e-book Success in 10 Steps that I have not checked anything out. Have you read that e-book yet? When you do, I will discuss your biz with you. Thanks and have a great weekend! To Your Success, Mary
Mary Guariglia 516-536-0750 “Our Character is our Fate." - Heraclitus.
Mary Guariglia
4/26/2008 12:18:38 AM
You are very pretty. I am very happily Married 5 years. 49 Years old. I like to run my own website and currently promoting I hope I'm not over the top with this one but my menter Sponsor has been doing this for 17 years I figure he makes $997 about 3 times a day. If you would like to join under me I can send you all the help he sends me. Thanks for being my new efriend. KENGO CHARAGMA my students call me Papa Kengo My wife calls me for dinner, but never late. Love Kengo. P.S. I'll pay the $47.00 if you take the EZ Tour and think you might like it. KENGO CHARAGMA
I have Many offers, Please Stop by
Mary Guariglia
5/2/2008 7:44:12 PM
Hi Mary, I would like to be your friend. I like your comments and we have similar interests. What program are you networking. Check mine out, I have something for everyone. Go to my site at Information about me, my picture and my contact information is all there. Best Wishes, Mary, and God Bless, Walter and Aurora Hayashida
Mary Guariglia
5/5/2008 3:23:06 PM
Hello from The UK... My Name is Colin Come and place a Free Ad on my CityLocal Business Directory: Click on the Logo Go to Stockton-on-Tees @ CitylocalGo to Stockton-on-Tees @ CitylocalGo to Stockton-on-Tees @ Citylocal

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Colin Jeffrey Citylocal Stockton
Mary Guariglia
8/19/2008 12:33:59 AM
She is a super kind of people. I love her.
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