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La Nell !

3647 Posts
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Sherry Dossey
3/4/2012 10:10:41 PM
Hi Sherry, Nice to know you. LaNell
Roger Bjornerud

1658 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Sherry Dossey
3/11/2012 3:42:08 PM
Thank you for connecting with me Sherry :)
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

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Sherry Dossey
3/20/2012 12:06:17 AM
Sherry nice to meet you.Welcome from Hungary
Stop the world and change it better-We can do it -Together
Sherry Dossey
4/16/2012 2:31:27 AM
hi i am from india how do you do ? what kind of business you are doing and how much you are earning? tell me if possible..... Dr Harsh Vardhan Trivedi
Sherry Dossey
7/8/2012 3:30:26 PM
Hi Sherry nice to see you here and welcome back regards CD