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Linda Harvey

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Ruby Buckley
1/6/2011 5:20:30 AM
Thanks for the invite, sorry I missed the conference. Happy New Year !
Ruby Buckley
1/13/2011 1:20:17 AM
Hi Ruby That was a nice suprise visit there. Thanks
Ruby Buckley
1/16/2011 6:05:24 PM
Hello Ruby, thanks for visiting my profile!
Ruby Buckley
2/7/2011 10:34:22 PM
Hi Ruby, Thank you for the friendship here. Talk soon.
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Ruby Buckley
2/8/2011 7:25:04 PM
Hi Ruby! Thank you for visiting my profile! It seems you and I share the same interests. Just wanted to pop in and say a big hello from Canada! Have a great day! Sincerely, Loretta

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