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Jill Bachman

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Jill Bachman
8/23/2005 3:19:16 AM
Thank you Minkailu, and I have really enjoyed communicating with you and getting to know you clear across the globe :-) I love Adlandpro, and it is people like you that make it such a success. Success to you always, Jill
Jill Bachman
8/29/2005 6:31:25 PM
awesome my friend indeed awesome Peace and Love Jeff
In Much Graditude and Love Namaste OWN A PIECE OF A LARGE INTERNET COMPANY FOR FREE: OWN THE INTERNET FOR FREE-Its that simple: To See My Art Work & Poetry Writi
Jill Bachman

8860 Posts
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Jill Bachman
8/29/2005 6:31:25 PM
Hi Jeff, Thank you so much for your kind words :-) Attitude is Everything is definitely a work in progress. I visited your web site and signed up for your newsletter. What a beautiful and inspiring site. I very much look forward to continuing our friendship in AdlandPro :-) Success always, Jill
Jill Bachman
9/22/2005 12:49:45 AM
Jill was so positive & outgoing when we met, it was a pleasure to meet her. She made me feel very welcome here. Jill lives in my old stomping grounds in California, so I know a lot about the area she's at. Her site is terrific too! Lorraine
Jill Bachman

8860 Posts
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Jill Bachman
9/22/2005 12:49:45 AM
Hi Lorraine, Thank you for the great comments and rating. If you decide to come back to your old stomping ground......we will definitely have to get together :-) God Bless, Jill