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Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Ambassador John Sanchez
5/22/2005 11:34:52 AM
John, You are more than a 10 in my book, Thank you for open arms and for being my friend.Your site is of most important.Thanks for being there when we need a friend. Do not be afraid to jump in. thanks, kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Ambassador John Sanchez
5/22/2005 11:34:52 AM
Thanks for the kind words! You are one in a million Sweetie!
Eileen H

986 Posts
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Ambassador John Sanchez
6/11/2005 7:03:29 PM
John is a kind and caring person.He conducts himself in a very respecful manner when posting in others forums. I think given Time he will be a great asset for this community. Thanks for being a friend John. :)
Ambassador John Sanchez
6/11/2005 7:03:29 PM
Thank you for the kind words Eileen. I hope to learn from you; you are a great example of how people should conduct themselves when doing business. I enjoy reading your posts. Take care and thanks again.
Jeffrey Obrien

543 Posts
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Ambassador John Sanchez
6/11/2005 9:00:15 PM
Hello, my name is jeffrey OBrien from Sydney Australia and have become to know john through the community website,he strikes me as a very fair,honest strong type of character with very many special qualities of which I can understand that he is well liked.His business web site is amazing and I have submitted it to over 500 search engines in various languages I rate this guy a 10 because he is so much like myself and without looking like him at all I find his and my character very much the same,trust his word of mouth as this guy has what it takes to be a real leader. john you got my vote as my very good friend your community Auzzie mate. jeffrey OBrien 114374