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James Wright

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Mildred Lybeck
2/19/2007 2:39:49 PM
Hi Mildred, you live in one of the most beautiful places in the world..(British Columbia!) Believe it or not, I am into Mannatech also, but have not been actively promoting it lately although I do use their products. Best Wishes! Jim
Mildred Lybeck
3/26/2007 10:40:34 PM
hi mildred im glad we became friends im licensed also for the state of missouri
Alicia Banks guarantees you a 100% return of purchase price PLUS a £100/$200 profit every time. Yours in Huge Success Alicia Banks 314-867-1827
Mildred Lybeck
3/26/2007 10:40:34 PM
Hi Alicia: Thanks for the rating. You are doing well with your training. I really hope everything goes well for you. You know I'm here if there is any way I can help you with the new Optimal Skin Care Line that launches on Thursday. I'll send you some more info as it becomes available. Bye for now and take care. Check out my website and look for my wish for you. Click the blue banner. I like listening to the music while I do other things on the computer. Your online friend, Mildred.
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Mildred Lybeck
4/6/2007 6:25:28 PM
Hi Mildred ! Hope you are smiling ! Meant to include a note with acceptance ... Hit wrong button : ( Greetings ! Thanks ! JB
James M Booth
Tuxuyen Thitruong

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Mildred Lybeck
4/7/2007 10:07:58 PM
Can you more Supermarket blog web in Vietnam ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you more Supermarket blog web in Vietnam ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION In order to establish a specific E-commerce website of Vietnamese, the enterprises have already had the website and considered this was a extra-web for extending more distributed channel of product & supporting the small enterprises to establish a free-website following the path:! From July 1st 2006. We'll open the program of popular sales promotion and advantage for 5000 persons & domestic - oversea enterprises for free-registering the logo and product that would be existed at minimum of 20 years, auto-updating to the new product (or news) within editing. In the period of experiment, Our management board expect all the ideas of persons & enterprises for our website to be more abundant. the help :\?Id=Register ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ or : OPEN LETTER This is a e-commerce website of high-quality electronic products of Vietnamese, please fill out and send us, we will connect to and answer by email for you, all free : - Your login name: - Company name: - Your business (or the owner):: - Address: - Phone number: - Fax number: - Contact: - Your web: - Email: Please send us a logo with size <50kB.(100 x 100 pixel ) contact us :
INTRODUCTION In order to establish a specific E-commerce website of Vietnamese, the enterprises have already had the website and considered this was a extra-web for extending more distributed channel of product & supporting