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Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Doris Shewchuk
5/23/2005 12:52:54 AM
Looks great to me. Advise everyone to check it out,
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Doris Shewchuk

127 Posts
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Doris Shewchuk
5/23/2005 12:52:54 AM
Thank you Kathy for your support. I definately recommend your page too. Doris
Our spiritual essence is what carries us through in life and in death. Love is the answer that we all seek and love is the only cure for a planet gone mad. ~~Doris Shewchuk
Ana Maria Padurean

4280 Posts
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Doris Shewchuk
5/28/2005 6:49:39 AM
Great site content. As if it were my own thoughts! For sure I'll come back to take a closer look at your prodrams! All the best Anamaria
Doris Shewchuk

127 Posts
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Doris Shewchuk
5/28/2005 6:49:39 AM
Anamaria, Feel free to ask me any questions if you have any. Thanks for the compliment. To our success, Doris
Our spiritual essence is what carries us through in life and in death. Love is the answer that we all seek and love is the only cure for a planet gone mad. ~~Doris Shewchuk
Doris Shewchuk
6/13/2005 10:11:32 PM
Doris is such a dear person. She recognizes the spiritual in all things. Always positive, she strives for success and is an inspiration to us all. I always look forward to her excellent posts in mine and others' forums. She is onpoint and to the point. Great friend.

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