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Gene Justinger
3/22/2005 7:38:44 AM
Hi Gene, Thanks for visiting my site at Adland Pro. Gene if you need advertising and want to make a good income at the same time you really do need to check out my biz op. Gene, the way it works is Every member purchases advertising credits and then they can advertise to to our whole group of members. The best part about are program is you can turn 10 bucks into 640 over and over again. This program has paid us members over 77 million dollars since jan/04,Please check it out here and let me know what you think of it ok. My Stop Work Soon site explains how... Talk Soon Jerry McIntosh 519-524-7659 [EST]
Are You Ambitious and Still Broke? The site below saved me from giving up. I can honestly say with my hand on my heart that this site really saved me!
Jeffrey Obrien

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Gene Justinger
3/24/2005 3:13:23 AM
Gene justinger, Thankyou for those words of support re our lives going into and out of Darkness spiritually speaking I too have once entered into that Realm, I can honestly say that it was the Lord and his only son jesus that turn my head to face the bright shining light of the future and never to look back at that time in my life however I always think of it only when the words of faith pop up maybe this is one of gods plans for us to hear and speak umunst ourselves like we do to keep positive and always remember just how easy it is to fall....... thankyou for your uplifting words of wisdom.Keep up gods work gene its very necessary.
Gene Justinger
3/26/2005 6:30:34 AM
Hello Gene looks like we have things in common. I too like indian stuff and marketing. We are in salmon idaho which is one of the headquater cities for Lewis and Clark. We hav a brand new 85 acker Lewis and Clark center. I too like shooting and camping and fishing i also do hand loading. Will be looking at your sight a bit later today. Take care
Fay Glenn

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Gene Justinger
4/7/2005 10:43:56 PM
I am happy to rate this a 10 because of his love for his family and his love for life and his experience in all types of circumstances. and most of all his values. I am delighted to give a response. Fay
Blessings Fay
Gene Justinger
6/21/2005 7:31:32 AM
Nice site.
May God bless you throughout the day. Do you need prayer? Chaplian, LTC Shirley Billingsley

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