
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: A genius is a talented person...
12/2/2005 7:50:11 PM
Hi Bogdan, While it is a "nice" quote, and Edison is one of my most famous fellow ATHEISTS, it is NOT true. A person is either a genius or they are not. And they (a genius) can either do their homework or they do not. Now IF the quote said: "The MOST SUCCESSFUL genius is one who does their homework." It would then be a TRUE and accurate quote. As it is, it is not.
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Re: A genius is a talented person...
12/8/2005 7:09:55 PM
Hello Bogdan! I had to agree with Neil's statement, "A person is either a genius or they are not. And they (a genius) can either do their homework or they do not. Now IF the quote said: "The MOST SUCCESSFUL genius is one who does their homework." It would then be a TRUE and accurate quote. As it is, it is not." ******* Before I read Neil's quote I was already thinking that Edison's quote wasn't a completely true statement. A genius has the gift of seeing the big picture in what ever situation he is working on. A genius can see a relationship or similarity in two or more completely different circumstances or things. A genius can use the knowledge he or she has in one subject and apply it to another subject to deduce something that has never been thought of. Someone who does his homework can accomplish great things but that doesn't make him a genius. Put a genius on the same project and a genius will accomplish the same thing in half the time. That's my two cents plus. LOL :-) John Forums Gdw Amb Frm Power Members
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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: A genius is a talented person...
12/9/2005 12:02:39 PM
Hi John, Usually genius is associated with high IQ. As this means that somebody has potential, I know of a such a genius who is a hotel clerk. He didn't use his potential. Does this mean that he is still genius because of his high IQ? He is a failure to me. IQ test is a test devised by humans and assumes that if you score well at certain tasks, you are highly intelligent. Since this test is designed by humans, it is not covering all possible aspects of what intelligence entails. I think that the best test for intelligence is life. If you are having happy, balanced and successful life, you were able to use your potential to its fullest and this makes you a genius. In fact Einstein or Edison never thought about themselves as geniuses although they might be considered as such today. Bogdan
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: A genius is a talented person...
12/9/2005 3:12:09 PM
Bogdan, Even though you are our "Leader", I love your quotes, greatly appreciate all your hard work and I think you are a super guy, I disagree. --------------- 1. Yes, most IQ tests are designed by humans FOR humans. (Some are devised for animals) What other "aspects" should be covered and for whom? Whose other IQ should it measure? Aliens? 2. While some people with millions of dollars may not spend their money wisely they are STILL Millionaires. A Genus IS a person who has a tested IQ above a certain level. PERIOD! END OF STORY! It makes no difference how effectively they use it. ---------------------------- I insert this note for information purposes: Dr. Charles Hern of Santa Monica, Ca. (maybe with others) has developed ways to test for how effectively people use the IQ they possess. He calls it their "Ability Quotient" (or A.Q.) ----------------------------- Next, a persons true success is NOT measured by others. It is measured by the person themselves. They know what they need to do, or be, to consider themselves successful. Thus, your friend, the hotel clerk, may consider himself successful because he is doing what he wants to do. In fact, to me, you contradict yourself. First, you say he is a failure. And then you say a genius is a person who leads a happy, balanced and successful life. Are you saying people can NOT lead a happy, balanced lives and consider themselves successful because they do not meet the standards OTHERS have chosen FOR them? Maybe all they wanted out of life was enough money to live on and spend time reading and/or whatever. After all, a person's real success is NOT a decision which is yours, or mine to decide for them. It is their's to make on if they think they are successful or not.
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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: A genius is a talented person...
12/9/2005 10:26:39 PM
Hi Neil and everybody, To add to the story of the guy with high IQ. He ended up in the hotel as a clerk because he didn't finish high school and had no credentials to be hired for any more complicated job than registering guests. High school was boring to him and this is why he dropped off. So even with high IQ, he wasn't able to cope with the reality of life. He couldn't foresee what he will face. What this tells me, there is more to human intelligence than IQ only. Person who thinks highly about himself and ignores all the rules because he has high IQ, ends up doing job requiring no qualifications. How satisfying is this? Being paid minimum salary and reminded about high IQ occasionally by others when joking. Intelligence is also the ability to adjust to social rules and being able to handle emotions. Intelligence is the ability to concentrate and stay on the task. Intelligence is the ability to listen to others and learn from them, because you can learn from everybody if you want. Intelligence is the courage to be able to stand up against all the odds where everybody else (including geniuses with high IQ) will tell you have no chances. Without those components no standard measured IQ is going to do anything in your life. The fact that people with no high IQ accomplish unusual things in their lives (most of the time ) proves that the test measuring IQs are covering only certain aspects of human intelligence. In fact many people doing well at school do poorly in life unless they stay at university and teach others. Some can't even do that. By the way I have finished two universities (one in 2.5 years while working full time last semester and learning the language) in case you were thinking that I support uneducated people. I have respect for education. There is no single day I didn't spend 3-4 hours on studying others. In addition research shows that average person uses 2% of their potential abilities. Einstein used 10%. In short if everybody who would attempt to increase usage of their abilities by only 1 or 2 percent, he/she would look like a genius to their environment. Bogdan Fiedur
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