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Vi Shahan

201 Posts
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Re: Podcasting - is this lillypad tossing for toads?
1/9/2006 10:30:15 PM
Are you having a class on blogs?? I need help.
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
Re: Podcasting - is this lillypad tossing for toads?
1/9/2006 11:47:28 PM
Hello Vi, Just go to my profile and send me a messege. Let me know what it is you are having problems with. Kenneth R Sword Jr Copy this link to your RSS Reader:
Re: Podcasting - is this lillypad tossing for toads?
6/10/2007 8:34:56 PM
I really have to agree with you on this!  there's always something new popping pu!  Although I have heard of podcasts I have just now started making one of my own.  I actually have a test one that I'm having fun with and one that I just created for my Nailbiting Message board.

Re: Podcasting - is this lillypad tossing for toads?
6/10/2007 8:43:14 PM
Hi Rose,

Glad to see you getting started. I covered this topic over a year and a half ago and some people still have yet to put it to use.

Good luck.

Re: Podcasting - is this lillypad tossing for toads?
6/23/2007 10:15:08 PM

I'm not really surprised!  The internet is just like this great big giant library!

Like I mentioned before my podcast is still new but I'm getting lots and lots of ideas!

Having a podcast can be very useful even if you're not using it for business!  It could just be a "hobby" kind of thang!

But the possibilities are endless!
