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Re: Blogs Are Like Transformers ...
11/7/2005 12:36:07 AM
Hi Kenneth, Thanks for your invite,makes me wonder if I should look into Blogging a bit more! I'll also check out Bill's forum! Thanks Leanne Busby
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Blogs Are Like Transformers ...
11/9/2005 11:05:53 PM
If you're going to be on the computin machine, you should be blogging, because that's where the action is. Fewer people would get into trouble if they put their ideas in a page that made them proud. You can do that with so many possibilities, the sky's the limit and people can be educated, entertained or simply use it to pass the time. Even if somone calls this blah-bla-blaha, it's still useful creativity.
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Blogs Are Like Transformers ...
12/2/2005 12:39:08 AM
Hi Kenneth and Thanks for The Information. It is Nice to Know that we can Use Our Blogs in so many different Ways. I have Much to Learn so I will Be Keeping up with Your Posts. :) Thanks Friend. Shelly Hargis
Re: Blogs Are Like Transformers ...
12/13/2005 7:26:31 AM
Thanks for the information. I will use your tutorial and make sure everything is set up correctly. I already have a blog set up and any comments or suggestions will beappreciated. Blog is at: Thanks again.
Have a great day. Philip Thompson God bless.