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Bogdan Fiedur

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My father used to say to me...
10/29/2005 12:17:27 PM
"My father used to say to me, “Whenever you get into a jam, whenever you get into a crisis or an emergency . . .become the calmest person in the room and you’ll be able to figure your way out of it.” – Rudolph Giuliani, New York City mayor
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Chris Wiseman

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Re: My father used to say to me...
10/29/2005 12:27:37 PM
This is a powerful message and one close to my heart. Working in the ambulance service we really need people to stay calm in order to work effectively. Thanks for sharing Bogdan.
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Gene Tinney

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Re: My father used to say to me...
10/29/2005 12:54:16 PM
Hello Bogdan very good,being otherwise never works your friend Gene
Re: My father used to say to me...
10/29/2005 1:19:47 PM
Hello, Bogdan: Thank you very much for your quote. Calmness is very important in every crisis. I need to train myself to be calm in order to face any crisis that may occur ahead. Warmest regards, Stephanie
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: My father used to say to me...
10/29/2005 1:22:05 PM
Hi Bogdan, What a wise saying & so true. Thanks for sharing this quote from Rudy. He indeed showed this when NYC was in chaos. Hope you're having a terrific weekend, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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