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Jill Bachman

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Re: Something in human nature causes us to start ...
10/26/2005 8:39:02 PM
There is a message here I can definitely relate to fact, I am glad to see it in print by none other than Ross Perot :-) Thanks for sharing and I will up my focus on self-discipline :-) Success, Jill
Lisa Lomas

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Re: Something in human nature causes us to start ...
10/28/2005 4:20:10 AM
Hi Bogdan, Mr Perot is very wise. Thank you for sharing. Kindest Regards Lisa Lomas
Thinking of visiting New Zealand. A must see is Hawkes Bay, Hastings.
Manuel Davis

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Re: Something in human nature causes us to start ...
10/28/2005 5:35:37 AM
Bogdan, Again I thank you for the reading material that you send to us all, I will read this one more than likely when I go to the track for exersise, I have to lose some weight, more like a the weight od a small child, or a very slender femail...(90) pounds would be great but I will settle for 40... Have a nice day sir Sincerely, Manuel D.

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