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Immigration Test !
10/21/2005 6:11:02 PM
Hi Everyone this is so *********************** Mujibar was trying to get into the USA legally through Immigration. The Officer said, "Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except there is one more test. Unless you pass it you cannot enter the United States of America." Mujibar said, "I am ready." The officer said, "Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green" Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, "Mister Officer, I am ready." The Officer said, "Go ahead." Mujibar said, "The telephone goes green, green, green, and I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow, this is Mujibar.'" Mujibar now lives in a neighborhood near you and works at a Verizon help desk and with AOL tech support. Yep for sure, had a problem with my phone and talked to him yesterday. ************************* Thanks for Visiting my Jokes this morning! Leanne Busby
Re: Immigration Test !
10/22/2005 3:19:54 PM
Hello Leanne my friend Thank you that was great Mujibar is going to go far. Thomass
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