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Bogdan Fiedur

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The best way to predict the future is to ...
10/6/2005 10:35:18 AM
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it. This suggests that the best way to know what is coming is to put yourself in charge of creating the situation you want." - Arnold H. Glasow
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Re: The best way to predict the future is to ...
10/6/2005 10:43:06 AM
Good treat my friend, thank You once again.
James Fussell

36 Posts
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Re: The best way to predict the future is to ...
10/6/2005 10:56:30 AM
Thanks again. James
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Re: The best way to predict the future is to ...
10/6/2005 10:57:19 AM
Thanks for the invite Bogdan. Good Day to you. Randy
"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11).
Marion Tucker

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Re: The best way to predict the future is to ...
10/6/2005 11:19:42 AM
Hi Bogdan, I love this quote! Create your own future. Blessings, Marion
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