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Manuel Davis

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Re: A leader, once convinced that a particular course ....
9/24/2005 5:37:44 AM
Ronald Reagan” Yes, he was a great actor, played the President well; I believe that it was his greatest and final performance. Regardless, his changes to this great country set minorities and the middle class back forty years, it took Bill Clinton the entire second half of his first term in office to correct many of Reagan’s blunders. I know that I am going to generate a great deal of heat here with that comment, but it is the Gods honest truth. When Reagan left office there was a 12 or 16 billion dollar deficit, perhaps more maybe less, I haven’t any figures in front of me. During the era of Reaganomics the rate of unemployment was well over 10% again perhaps more I am not sure but I know that it was in no way less and using that point of reference I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, as I believe that unemployment was higher during the Reagan Administration. As I said I don't really want any heat over this but I know that I will get some, I hope that I didn't offend too many of my friends out there, and I want to immediately say to Beverly (forgive me) I had too much to drink :) LOL I believe that I mentioned this before I am a card carrying Republican but there has been a long time since the republicans have done anything to benefit the poor and middle class people in America and that is the truth and everyone knows it. Respectfully, Manuel D. Again, Beverly please accept my apology :( Below I have placed a quote, from the greatest book on the planet... "…and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us…"(Acts 17:26-27)
Eileen H

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Re: A leader, once convinced that a particular course ....
9/25/2005 11:27:43 AM
Thanks for sharing that Bogdan, Great president :)
Re: A leader, once convinced that a particular course ....
9/25/2005 10:34:43 PM
Hello Bogdan! That sounds like something Ronald Reagan would say. He was a great man and great president. John Forums Gdw Amb Frm