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Re: Thank you for your help
9/7/2005 10:47:31 AM
Hello glad to hear things worked out for her. you should have her look at all the beneifits she can get with a membership that will help her save money for years to come. with gas prices so high we have the electronic engine ionizer that just clips on to your plug wires and it give you 50-80 more miles per tank of fuel from a 2 cylinder to a 12 cylinder and it warranty is good for 10 years. I have one on my 2 cylinder lawn mower and one on my Dodge Van. it took my Van from 17mpg to 24 mpg. I have been using it for 2 years and I have saved thousands of $$ in gas costs. so for the next 10 years she can save $500-$1,000 per year in fuel costs. 6,000,000 have been sold. any one that wants one email me at angelhug@netscape and i'll sent you info on it. Have a blessed day. Fredie DREAM TEAM (TEXAS)
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Re: Thank you for your help
9/7/2005 11:33:24 AM
Agnes! I am so happy to hear that! Praise God! I prayed that she would find a good job and she did. You just made my day. Please give her a big hug for me and tell her I said CONGRATS on the new job.
Veronica - Entrepreueur National Electronics Warranty- N.E.W. / Atlantic & Pacific Real Estate
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Re: Thank you for your help
9/7/2005 11:39:21 AM
Hi Bogdan great news. It just goes to show what positive belief and faith can do. Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe & enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass!" ~Paul J. Meyer
Len Berghoef

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Re: Thank you for your help
9/7/2005 2:27:57 PM
Hello Bogdan, Thank you for your post. Very glad that everything worked out for Sarah. I think its great how the community responded was able to help her find work. Best regards, Leonard
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Re: Thank you for your help
9/7/2005 4:09:54 PM
Hi Bogdan, Great to be back after some unfortunate days, and read so many good newas. Congrats to Sarah, and all the best of luck to her and Agnes. Thank you for letting us know about it. Wish you all the best of everything, Anamaria

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