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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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GREECE -Destination Thessaloniki
8/2/2009 4:33:06 PM


The Capital Of Macedonia

 Thessaloniki, or Salonica is the second-largest city in Greece and the capital of Macedonia, the nation's largest region. It is officially the Symprotevousa (lit. co-capital) of Greece in much the same way as it was called the Symbasilevousa (co-queen) of the Byzantine Empire. It is the largest city in the wider geographical region of Macedonia, and also one of the largest cities in southeastern Europe. The Thessaloniki Urban Area extends around the Thermaic Gulf for approximately 17 kilometres (11 mi) and comprises 16 municipalities. According to the 2001 census, the municipality of Thessaloniki had a population of 363,987, while the metropolitan population approximates one million inhabitants.

The name Thessaloniki derives from a victory over Thessaly in Central Greece made by King Philip. The day he made this victory he got a daughter and named her after his triumph. She was half-sister to Alexander, wife to Kassander. who founded the town 315 BC by uniting 26 villages to honour his wife. Alex-andros, Kass-andros, Thesi-alos-niki, (micro-, meso-, macro-, declare measures [small, middle, big) there fore Makedonia is equal to the land of the great ones.

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Alain Deguire

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Re: GREECE -Destination Thessaloniki
8/2/2009 5:46:22 PM

Hello Dear Georgios!

Thank You for this great info about this nice city... That is beautiful!

Have a Wonderful Week back to work, it seems...



Nick Sym

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Re: GREECE -Destination Thessaloniki
8/2/2009 6:02:46 PM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: GREECE -Destination Thessaloniki
8/2/2009 6:16:14 PM

Hi Georgios,

It is very beautiful, I like living near water very much!  You always give all the extra information, your details are a learning experience. THANK YOU!!

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: GREECE -Destination Thessaloniki
8/2/2009 6:17:36 PM

Hi Alain

Thank you for the visit and your support. Thessaloniki is a beautiful metropolitan city. This city is my town. All my relatives live there and I am born in Thessaloniki. For the moment I live in Kilkis another Macedonian smal town 30 miles away.

Here is more of the Macedonian beauty! I visited this place tree days ago. The place is called Nymfopetra (rocks of the nymph). Those stones (rocks) were under the sea-surface once upon the time.


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Kindly Regards

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook