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Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: Illness Stories
7/13/2009 6:47:01 PM
Oh Chris, not the carpet. lol. My brother once puked on the carpet and my dad got a little upset. "You had time to run to the bathroom" he said. Apparently not.
Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: Illness Stories
7/13/2009 6:49:48 PM
Hey mom. Ah, I remember THAT. Now we have a little tent resting over top of the new DVR. But does that stop those whisker-heads from plopping on top of it for a mid-day snooze? No way.
Jayson VanBeekom

796 Posts
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Re: Illness Stories
7/13/2009 6:53:35 PM
Oh Roger. I hope you've learned your lesson: Always puke in your lap lol. And lets hope the people sitting behind you weren't full, ro they'd have suffered the same fate.
Jayson VanBeekom

796 Posts
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Re: Illness Stories
7/13/2009 6:56:51 PM
Hey Robert. My brother was carsick on our way to the beach some years ago. My mom told him to hold it long enough to reach the beach's bathroom, but little bro just couldn't wait that long. We were only thirty or so feet away, too lol.
Re: Illness Stories
7/14/2009 10:47:02 PM
Hi Jayson,

Well these stories are making me feel a little green around the gills, lol, but I have to add in mine.

When I was about 5 yrs.old and living in London, I got onto a double decker bus with my Mum, and was sick right on the front of the bus, where you put the money in. My poor Mother was mortified, but I couldn't help it, the smell of the diesel engine did it! :-{

My Dad's car also made me queasy, it had a leather interior and when that mix with the smell of the engine, yuck. I only throw up once, but boy was my Dad mad, he and my grandmother scolded me but good. To this day, I dislike cars with a leather interior, LOL

And, now a tale from young adulthood, my friend and I had been at a party at our local beach, after, she got in my car and was sick. I was trying to clean up her and the car, when the cops came along. For once, I was glad to see them, figuring they would render some aide,but noooo, they ask what the problem was, and when I told them, they high taled it back to their cruiser and drove away! They didn't even ask if I had been drinking, too, or if I could drive,LOL. I was fine though, but the car was rank for awhile!

I hope you "enjoyed" these tales,

Andrea :-)
Have some fun reading A Curious Garden Talks. Great for children and fun loving adults,too! Who Let The Splashes Out??? Gillwho Did: