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Re: Birds Chorale by Alain D
6/23/2009 4:00:47 PM
Judy, just had to come back and catch up on the bird stories.  Your post reminded of this one:

((youtube id="NoCO_1GcoV0"))((/youtube))

I found it when I was replying to post over at Expressions of Nature.  We have a bird story forum going also and invite you to take a look.

Enjoying the Outdoors and the Birds!!

You might get some more material for your Blog!!


Robert Vaughan

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Re: Birds Chorale by Alain D
6/23/2009 4:39:41 PM
Thank You Very Much for the Wonderful Bird Stories Judy. And Alain, I loved the Article, as you say its is very easy to get close to Nature Bird Watching. Thank you. Best Wishes Bob Vaughan U.K. Gold Member
Robert D Vaughan
Alain Deguire

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Re: Birds Chorale by Alain D
6/24/2009 9:23:10 PM

Hello Judy and Friends!

Hey Hey Robert!

Thank You for reading the article and your friendly comment...

With Much Friendship and Love,




Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Birds Corale by Alain D
7/8/2009 12:33:53 AM

Hey there Judy,

Just loved the story Alain shared on your blog.  That must have been wonderous.  We only get a few special moments like these & recognizing that they are 'just for us' is important...& I wonder... what if we recognized them as they were happening, would we have more of them?  Somehow I think we would.

I don't know if I would have done anything differently than Alain I would have sought to share the moment with friends...but then maybe his feathered friends were trying to do just that with him.  Isn't that just amazing, to have an interaction with these lovely creatures like that!

Alain, great story...thank you for sharing it.  I'm sure you felt amazed and excited once you realized what had happened.  I'm sorry you missed some of it...but I'll bet that next time you will stay in the moment and experience it fully.  It'll happen again...just wait and see.

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Alain Deguire

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Re: Birds Chorale by Alain D
7/11/2009 5:42:25 PM

Hello Dearest Judy!

Hello Dearest Cheryl!

THANK YOU for your time reading the article and for your kind and friendly comment...

You are so right... from that moment on, I had learned the lesson and, when I do get a chance to have another wonderful experience in Nature, I do not run anywhere... I stay right there, enjoy fully and let it in completely as a Free gift and say THANK YOU!

And, the more we appreciate and are grateful for the experiences, the more of them we get to experience in our daily lives... this is so Amazing!

With Lots of Friendship,



