Congratulations to the 191st POTW: Georgios Paraskevopoulos!

First of all I want to tell you that I am grateful to all those who are active nominators and voters in POTW. I cordially thank you for giving attention and giving me your confidence for this week (POTW#191).
For me it is an honor being a member in AdLandPro. Our CEO, Mr Bogdan Fiedur is a very generous man. He is always there to protect all members in their rights and advice them if that is needed. AdLandPro is my real home and I will severe this community as long as I can.
A dedication to all AdLandPro members
A journey to Shambala

click above
I have been lucky being surrounded by excellent people, friends who joined my friends circle either for a REASON, or a SEASON, but also for a LIFELONG time.
We live in a small world where people communicate for different reasons, to make friends, to give and get help, support, and advice and to promote their opportunities and e-business, but also to exchange knowledge and experience. I prefer to work on the social side.
I tried to follow some business opportunities without any success and to be honest I lost money in most of those opportunities. Today I don’t care to join any affiliations, or business opportunities because they are set up after a mathematical structure were very few win and all the others are just followers and losers. Of course there are programs, opportunities and business for everyone to winn and earn. For all of us it takes some time to find them.
My AdLandPro history in brief
I joined AdLandPro 22/07/2005 (First time I joined 1998).I redrew my membership for a period and came back in March 3rd, 2007 to never leave again if the above powers don’t request from me anything other. In matter of being a heavy poster in AdLandPro, I was attacked many times, which led to delete my three forums (circa 800 posts and 9.000 posts) in October 2007. I regret this action of mine because to create those posts I offered many hundreds of hours.
I restarted new forums under the keyword PHILOXENIA (hospitality). Today there is no possibility to make me delete anything. I am very sensitive and friendly. Several times I threw water in my wine but lately I decided to meet my fate straddling over the ridges and fight for what is common sense. I can bear many things on my yoke, and I can even swallow some problems. Always ready to stretch out a hand and give everything a new try. After all for those who are illogic I can be very hard and even rude if it is needed.
Having all this experience form this community it is easier for me to spoil a “so called” friend than to delete my work again.
1) POTW #46, POTW#191
2) JP AWARD January 2007
4) Article OF Virtue – Life is a dream to Work on
This honor belongs is due to all of you and wish to share it with all of you to those who had an different opinion to my replies and to all of them who supported me by posting and giving answering, advice and supplied interesting information to my quest and attitudes.
My name is Georgios C. Paraskevopoulos. I was born in a small village outside Thessaloniki, Greece, January 10th, 1955. A Capricorn I am in mind and behavior. Everything is set up after a plan and I always try to reach my goals. I am the eldest of four children.
My grandparents from both sides are Greek from Pontus Northern Turkey. They left Pontus just before the Greek Genocide began by the Kemalists in Turkey. First they settled down in Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraina, and later they moved to Stavropol in Russia. In the year 1922 they came to their motherland Greece, spread in different places. In WWII all my relatives joined the resistance from where only my grandfathers’ family survived.
Spirit they gave me the Christian "Orthodox". "Mother tongue they gave me the Hellenic" (Greek). I have to defend, to develop and keep it alive. I also speak Pontic also known as Romeika (an ancient Greek dialect) and Swedish. My dream has always been to be a linguist or a glossologist (linguist). Since 1972 I am working with words, names, definitions and etymology, ancient history and mythology, which is my hobby and I love it.
My parents decided to leave Greece in 1965 and emigrated to Sweden. As a 10 year old boy I followed them. The contrast between Greece and Sweden was big. A politically chaotic Greece compared to a peaceful democratic structured Sweden.
After three months I spoke fluently Swedish and very soon I was active, playing football, chess, I began to collect stamps, and on Sundays I went to Sunday’s School. My parents were quite strict. I had to be the good example for my brothers and little sister. I was obliged to be the best in school, excellent in behaviour and perfect in society. I grew up in Sweden with a traditional Greek way of thinking at home but with a "secret" opened me in the Swedish society. I knew that to survive I had to be Greek among Greeks and Swedish amongst the Swedes. I have never been discriminated as a foreigner, many others have. I did never give people a reason to discriminate me, and no one ever made me feel bad for what I am.
1971 I joined the FNL (an Anti-Vietnam War Community). At that time I stopped going to Sunday school. At same time besides my schooling I began to work as an interpreter and as a translator. I had to help economically or at least to earn my spending. That was positive for me. I learned how to stay in society.
In 1975 I had to do my duties for my motherland and I came back to Greece. At that time I had a big social and cultural confrontation. Even though Greek I could not feel like a Greek in my homeland. I had to learn many new things. I had to think more effectively, to be tougher, more charismatic, to show hospitality and mercy. I had to change my temperament. After one year I went back to Sweden to be with my family again and to go on with my studies. I studied International Migration Politics and System Science.
In 1978, May 6th I married Erophile. She gave us birth to two sons, Charalampos and Achilleus, who are now 30 and 24 correspondingly.
From 1973 to 1983 I was very active in the Greek Emigrant Community organizing them in groups of interest and to get them involved.
In 1983 I returned to Greece, and am working as an administrative / consultant for the Ministry of Education, section Adult Education and as a second occupation and am a part-time translator. Since 1983 I joined many organizations. I worked as volunteer, visiting elderly people helping them with all sorts of problems.

Kilkis Aerial Photo, (My house is somewhere in the middle)
In 1996 I joined internet groups such as Greek Mythology, Ancient World History. After 2003 I began to search for a retirement activity by joining e-business programs. I am NOT earning money at internet but I am trying to join something good, something human where people like to be and earn money honestly.
I am 54 years old. From my mother I learned since little boy One thing "NOTHING IS GIVEN FOR FREE". My motto is “Life is a Dream to Work for” I have ideas that I will structure and organize and in due time I will introduce them to my friends, where everyone can earn money.
I joined AdLandPro to make friends, to learn, to share their experience, and give if I have something to give them.

Central Image for my PHILOXENIA Ning Platform
Click above to visit PHILOXENIA NING
More information about me.
1) PROZ (Professional Translators):
2) Philoxenia (My Ning Platform):
Georgios C Paraskevopoulos
Jayson VanBeekom (Given NOTW by Georgios, 7th from last)
John Partington (10th from last)