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Donald Rich

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Re: HIVE TEAM 2009
5/15/2009 3:42:25 PM

Hello Beezz , Thomas is Busting his hive getting Programs for us , but I see very little posting ?

1 question Why would I deposit in Larry's PP when I don't see His Post Here or the rest of the Leaders. WHERE ARE THEY ?????

Thomas Richmond

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Re: HIVE TEAM 2009
5/15/2009 4:07:37 PM
Welcome Back Donald!  3 leaders now, Sue, Larry and Me. Dennis is doing his offline summer job as per his usual self. Larrys been on a few times and Sue is around , mainly on skype at her CMU group. About Larrys Pay-Pal account Donald, its being used just like Dennis did for us awhile back, since Dennis cant get into his account Sue and Larry and I agreed on having this new account open for us, the programs i am giving you to advertise for HIVE, me included, has that PP account for receiving payments from the buyers, your not putting nothing in nor either the rest of us are. Thomas is around and promoting one of them already, Sammy probly not with us anymore and Steven has had some health problems so we are it Donald. I told Dennis im in until death do us part LOL. It was His idea and Larry and I to put a band of Bees together and it seems ego and honey making hoards lol have dwindled us down a bit , we may be little now but our programs are huge, having my online life changed for the better i am be able to carry on :)
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Donald Rich

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Re: HIVE TEAM 2009
5/15/2009 4:27:56 PM

Thank you Thomas, I just came back from AZ, Visiting Family There, So I've Been gone for a Mo.

Do we Have any Premade ADS? or do we write our own?

Thomas Richmond

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Re: HIVE TEAM 2009
5/15/2009 5:14:28 PM

Arizona? man its Hot over there lol. Pre-made ads hmmmm, you know what i do is simple, i take some of the text from the ad itself,

probly one of the bullet once, you know the ones with the dot and copy and paste -have at least 20 words just enough to put anywhere,

classifieds? or even Twitter which is a great traffic system but i would recomend Twitter only if you have a random marketers following you above 100 or more. 

Also the ads i have given you some are way to long to be advertising in TE's. If you know how or have somebody make a squeeze page then that would be fine for traffic exchanges cuz know one has time to read while they surf,

they just want those credits or that cash comming in LOL,

they would rather click once to a squeeze page,

8 out 10 times more than to sit there and waste time losing money.

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: HIVE TEAM 2009
5/18/2009 10:31:44 PM

Hey Bees you out there, let me hear you Buzzzzzz LOL . Got another sweet deal for you all again no signing up its just to advertise.

You know how we all need opt-in page so that we can get people on our lists? heres a program just made for that. 

Cheap but hey what do you want lol  

You can reach me here if you want some marketing ideas

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