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Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
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Some of me Poetry, from the heart
3/26/2009 1:34:27 PM

Hello Friends,
My little 'Kiwi' and I welcome you, to my poetry old and
new.  I have written in humour, sadness, the dark side
of life, my walk with the Lord.  My gift of poetry came
to me on my first trip to the States 10 years ago and I
was still writing when I went back to NZ for the year
when I returned to live here permanently.  Then for several
years I did not write anymore.  The middle of last year I  started writing again.

This poem was inspired by one of our very active
members and good friend whom did a thread called
'Adland is our Land' which I also submitted in his thread,
so I thought appropriate to start with this poem, to
welcome you in with..

Adland is Our Land

Adlandpro is our land
we are people from all around
over vast distances and countries
cultures and diversities

Some to just advertise and promote
while others are just here to gloat
about our photos, hobbies, families..
to share and show all our amenities

Many have been here a long while
others are very new and green
we come to gether to help each other
to make Adlandpro into our routine

a very warm welcome to our newbie members
I am sure you will be as bizzy as beavers
setting your profiles, websites and forum
ready for your visitors to come on in.

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©
22 March 2009

This next poem, was inspired by the drawing my daughter Kerie did in her first year of High School, in Art Class when
she was 13 of the New Zealand Icon, Buzzy Bee pull along
toy.  I cannot draw at all so was so proud of her accomplishments of many that she had displayed
on her bedroom wall.

Buzzy Bee

Oh Buzzy Bee little wooden toy
that gave many New Zealand kids hours of joy
Pulling you along behind with your string
Clickety Clack was the song you would sing

Your colours of red, yellow black and blue
were very bright when brand new
But with lots of love and play
These bright colours tended to fade

Like the memories that you once existed
When my generation were young and couldn't be resisted
Your manufacturers stopped making you
For a while there was none brand new

A revival has started once again
Where new buzzy bees are appearing again
Grandchildren and children are learning about
An icon of New Zealand's history to make one's heart melt

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©

Guide Me

Guide me Heavenly Father
through my tasks each day
guide me, show me and lead me
at my work and play

I surrender myself to You
In Your season and Your Will
I am nothing without my Guide
It's You I need at my side

I can rely on You
When I am true to You
Keep my feet upon the ground
don't let me stumble around

Guide me Heavenly Father
through my tasks each day
guide me, show me and lead me
at my work and play

Amanda Martin-Shaver

Jo Anne Green

1335 Posts
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Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/26/2009 1:49:19 PM

Sunny Greetings from California, Amanda!

Thank you very much for sharing your poetry with us!



I will back soon.

Have an Awesome Day!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor

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Sunburst International Risk Managementwww.InternationalRiskManagement.comSunburst Worldwide Insurance
Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/26/2009 2:43:38 PM


This is lovely.

We are becoming a real poetry network.

I really enjoyed these and look forward to more.


Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/26/2009 2:48:21 PM
Hello JoAnne,

Thank you for visiting, I appreciate you coming.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: Some of me Poetry,
3/26/2009 2:51:44 PM
Hello Roger,

Thank for visiting and enjoying what I have submitted so
far.  Just looking through to copy the next instalment.

Yes, Adlandpro is not just about advertising our business
but is a diverse community covering many topics and interests
