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Dean Beaty

447 Posts
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Why Our Country has problems...
1/9/2009 10:18:06 AM


Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell,

and all the nations that forget God.”

By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/9/09


I love our constitution which gives us liberty.

I love what we have been; the land of brave and free.

But as I’m growing older, I look back where we’ve been,

And fear we’ve lost our way, for we’re led by greedy men.


Greed for power and money has brought us to the brink.

The debt they have produced will cause our land to sink.

We were once a mighty nation, the envy of the rest.

We’re now a debtor nation which once with wealth was blessed.


Our country once was rich in pride and dignity.

We fought for truth and justice and died to set men free.

Many are still dying in conflicts far abroad.

But I fear their lives are wasted for we’ve turned our hearts from God.


Our leadership is purchased by those with the most cash.

Integrity and honor were tossed out with the trash.

There are scandals and corruption in Washington D.C.

Till men of truth and honor won’t become the nominee.


Where is our country going if we don’t turn around?

A nation without God, God says, “For hell is bound.”

We won’t reverse this course until on God we call.

Without Him there’s no hope and we’re doomed for a down-fall.

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