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Kathy Hamilton

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8/30/2005 12:30:59 PM
Hello my friends, Key to expressing charisma is expressing yourself. People who speak well are bearers of great power, and charisma. You do not need a bag full of 50 cent vocabulary, but you do need to use appropriate language for various situations. In fact, using language that is seen as too difficult will more likely get you labeled as a bore, rather than one of interest. Using proper and above average vocabulary will engage your listeners in two ways. First they will see you as knowing your topic better and grant you more of an authority status. Second, they will be forced to pay closer attention, listen more carefully, think more quickly. The more you engage them, the more they will be drawn to you. People who speak well are seen as more intelligent, more interesting, and more likeable. Hey, that's charisma, isn't it? Speaking well goes beyond vocabulary alone. Good speaking includes several other factors with vocabulary itself actually being of a lesser value. Think for a moment about those people who when they speak, you listen to. Really listen to. Is it because of the topic they are talking about? Is it their word choice? Is it because you consider them an authority on that topic? While those are certainly factors that might affect your desire to listen, you may realize by now that there is something else about them, the way they speak, that makes you want to listen, and makes listening to them interesting and engaging. Yes, that's right. It is the way they speak. Linguists believe that only 20% of understanding in communication comes from the words themselves. That leaves 80% to be defined by the remainder. That remainder includes: how we speak, where we speak, why we are speaking, who is speaking, when they are speaking, and what actions are occurring while the speaking is taking place. What makes a powerful speaker? Great vocabulary? No. What you have to say is important, but you need to have the proper delivery of the message as well. Good tone, usually a little lower than normal. Good, solid breath support that causes the voice to carry well though not be raised in volume or tone. Clear enunciation, but not clipped or stuffy. And a sense of energy and emotion matching the topic supported by proper gestures and facial expressions. Charisma comes through in those who know the power of words, proper speech, and putting yourself and emotion in to what you are talking about. So, we've seen that charisma is present in many types of people, not just one. These are actually only a few ways that people are seen to have charisma, and things that you can do to increase your own Charisma Quotient. I hope you have enjoyed and benefited from this course. While I have tried to give you some of the basics of developing and freeing the charisma within you, there is still much to be learned and shared. There will be more to follow,Many blessings, Kathy Martin
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Paul Davey

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Re: Charisma
8/30/2005 12:39:00 PM
Hi Kathy, Most if not all successful people ooze charisma, so it is well worth everyone re reading what it is you have said. Very informative thank you.. To Ya Paul
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Re: Charisma
8/30/2005 12:42:49 PM
You are so right and so..... I wish I could give you a big kiss and hug. Keep up the awsome work! Your Iowa buddy Corey. Anyone on this forum that want to add me to their friend list...I welcome the invite.
Craftie Linda

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Re: Charisma
8/30/2005 12:43:49 PM
Hi Kathy Wise words we all need to take notice of and learn from Thanks for the info. Linda
Re: Charisma
8/30/2005 12:44:18 PM
That's something that take a lot of confidence and belief in the words you are speaking as well. The gift of gab. You got it. Thanks Kathy. Randy
"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11).

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