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Warning, The Truth Can Be Frustrating...
1/3/2009 12:41:38 PM
I’ve been amazed this past year at all the emails I’ve received inviting me to join some kind of Internet program. Everyone tells me how great the program is and that they are making all kinds of money with it. You would think the economy is booming instead of sliding into a hole. Or, that the figures from the SBA claiming that 95% of businesses fail have been transposed and 95% of small business really succeed. I’m sure some people are making a lot of money with their programs, but I’m also sure a lot of people are simply saying what they hope will be.

Anyway, I don’t have any program that is guaranteed to make anyone wealthy, so if that is what you are looking for go ahead and delete this now. What I do offer are tools, systems and marketing advice that can help you succeed in any legitimate business of your choice on-line or off-line.

After more than 30 years in sales and marketing I’ve retired and now share my expertise with a few people that are interested in building solid business relationships. I don’t claim to know it all and I don’t personally need to make a lot of money So, if you would not be interested in communicating with me if you knew that I would NOT join your downline, matrix, or whatever... then please delete me from your list. No sense in wasting time for either one of us.

On the other hand, if you are looking to build a legitimate business, or expand on what you already have in 2009, I would be happy to share ideas with you from time to time.

To your success in 2009!

Rick Armstrong
