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Holly Goodyer

171 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Living the Fear Once Again
12/1/2008 11:27:50 PM
Dearest Michael, my brother, another beautiful poem, as we have come to expect from you.

You lay open your soul,you have such a God given talent,

and know your words will live in our hearts forever.

It is my greatest joy on earth to be called your sister.
Love you.
Michael Derowin

770 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Living the Fear Once Again
12/19/2008 12:52:56 AM

Holly my Sister,

I am sorry for not responding to you here sooner as I have been away for sometime now. Holly you Honor me with your  praise of my poetry. Yes I do open my soul every time I write for all to see inside the meaning of the Poems.

Thank-you for stopping in as I do know you are very busy with your Business. Come by again and share with us all.

I am Honored to be called your Brother and Friend Holly.
