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Dean Beaty

447 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
The Miss Steps of Old Age
10/13/2008 8:52:43 AM


By Dean Beaty 10/9/08


How hard do you have to stub your toe

In order to break a rib?

I’ll tell you how hard if you’ll listen close.

I promise it will not be glib.

Since my stroke my whole left side

Has gone through a radical change.

With the slightest touch my left foot will jerk.

The whole thing is rather quite strange.

So walking one day in my stocking feet

I kicked a sturdy door frame.

Not able to control my jerking foot

I soon became all but lame.

No strength in my arm to break the fall,

I headed straight for the sink.

It happened so fast, the total event

Was over in less than a blink.

The edge of the cabinet broke my fall.

It sure was a very quick stop.

And in a flash I heard a noise,
It sounded just like a pop.

So what can you do with a broken rib?

Some how, your life must go on.

This whole accident was a series of events,

Really a phenomenon.

I’m better and wiser.  It’s all in the past,

With help from my good better half.

The whole thing was funny in a dumb way.

It only hurts now when I laugh.

The moral my friend is clear as a bell.

This lesson I won’t repeat.

If your habit is kicking door jams,

Don’t do it in stocking feet.

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