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Our pets
8/16/2008 6:46:59 PM
We currently have 12 dogs in the house. Granted 8 of them are puppies we are looking to sell, it gets interesting some days. Hope we will have luck selling them soon.
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Cheryl Maples

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Re: Our pets
8/16/2008 7:08:46 PM

Hi Robyn,

Wow, 12 dogs is a lot. I currently have 3 cats. I've only had one dog in my life and she was 15 last October when I to put her to sleep. She was a 1/2 Pembroke Welsh Corgi/terrier mix. What kind of dogs do you have?

My cats are actually less work than the one dog. I have recently traveled by air with one cat in cabin and I will soon be bringing my other two out here with me. You cannot imagine my surprise, after reading their rules about pets in cabin, when I was asked to take my cat out of the carrier to go through security. I am glad I found out about that because one of my cats was originally feral and although she is pretty domesticated now, she is still not quite like the others. I am planning on putting a harness and leash on her and maybe the other one, too, until I am through security.

Good luck on selling your puppies. I can imagine the zoo at your house.


Cheryl Maples, LMT Catch Your Dream 727-504-4721
Dennis Turner

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Re: Our pets
8/17/2008 9:06:59 AM

Robyn, you must be very busy! We just have one dog and he helps keed us active.

Best wishes and good luck,


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Re: Our pets
8/17/2008 9:11:20 AM
It is always a zoo here but you get used to it after a while.  Though will be happy when we get done to our base 4 dogs.

I have never tried to fly with any of our animals.  We always need to get a house sitter when we are gone more than a day.  Guess it stops us from spending too much money on vacations lol
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Re: Our pets
8/17/2008 4:38:22 PM

Wow, 12 dogs .God bless you and your love for animals. Good luck selling them.

We have 1 dog named Phoebe, we adopted her in March of 07 after we lost our Ginger to liver disease ,she was 15 years old.

Phoebe came from Popcorn Park Zoo which is part of the Humane Society here in NJ. She was actually rescued from Georgia by them . She was also abused and had so many phobias and fears. Since both my kids were away in college  we decided to adopt her because I could give her the extra attention and  I was really afraid she would not find a home. She had such a sad story that when they told me I cried. Apparently she was dumped in a field because she was pregnant , she had the puppies but they froze to death. She also had broken ribs and tested with a weak positive for heart worms. When she was caught she kept pulling the guy in one direction and brought him to the puppies. I had my vet contact theirs so they could talk about her . Then I got the go ahead from him to adopt her. It took us 3 months to even get her to play with a ball. She was afraid of everything you can imagine and then some. If you opened a cabinet in the kitchen she would run and hide. The sun coming through the windows still bothers her when its on an angle , and forget about taking out the garbage.

Well I have to tell you , she came into our home and into our hearts forever. I don't have one regret about her. We are so lucky to have her in our lives. She has so much love to give and even though she had a bad start in life she still trusts people.  We will make sure that every day from now on is a great day for her.

I hope this isn't to long . Just wanted people to realize that adopting from a shelter or humane society can be a very rewarding experience for everyone.

P.S. She went through the treatments for the heart worm and received a clean bill of health.

T o our pets,


Wishing you the best, Alice Haberman IF IT'S TO BE, IT'S UP TO ME