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Terri Pattio

312 Posts
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Re: OK Folks it time to announce the winner of the BFA August 2008 !!!!
8/26/2008 7:21:38 AM
Congratulations Joe on your new position, you deserve it. I think you are a nice person. You always have a kind word to say. Well I only spoke with you once through an email, but you were very helpful.

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Joe Downing

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Re: OK Folks it time to announce the winner of the BFA August 2008 !!!!
8/26/2008 7:42:56 AM

Back to the party!!!  WhoooOoooOooooOoo!


This has been a wonderful forum and we are all certainly blessed in great friendships.  This is exactly the one thing that keeps me here at Adland, day in and day out... AND NIGHTS!  LOL!!!    People sharing encouraging words and their warm hearts to each other.  It is incredible!  The power of kindness!  I never would have imagined experiencing this when I was filling out that registration form to get into AdlandPro.  Can I hear a big "WOW"?

As usual as in all of your forums, you present back to everyone your heart, your care, your precious desire to see other's glowing with that sparkle in their eye of being noticed.  Congratulation for this much deserved win. 

I hope all of the other forum owners will continue in this election.  They all very much deserve to win this achievement because they too spread the goodness around Adland.

Thank you Pauline for considering me to be "good enough" to be part of the BFA Team.  After a few weeks helping you, I clearly understand a hard schedule and demanding organization you have to go through to make this BFA happen.  This community has certainly been blessed by your... I wanted to say dilligence, but more appropriately for your love you shine on every one of us.  Thank you!

May I express my gratitude towards all of you for accepting me as a new member to this team.  It is a great honor to serve in this function. 

My heart is warmed today after reading all of your posts back and forth to each other.  Looking at all of the beautiful graphics that I KNOW took many minutes for each of you to select just the right one for the purpose you intended.  Each color and design or character merged with every single word exploding with colors and beauty, simply tells us what is in your hearts.  It is incredible!

Thank you Sara for letting me share a part of your congratulatory forum.  You are so unselfish and full of joy.  Thank you Bogdan for allowing Pauline to choose me.  You are the great patient mentor.   Thank you Pauline for everything.  You are always full of surprises.  LOL!!  Thank you to all of our friends.  You are love.

Hugs to all!



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