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Beverly Kersey

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Re: URGENT PRAYERS Needed From All Of You (7/30/2008)
7/30/2008 6:32:39 PM

You absolutely have my husband and my prayers for your dear friend Payton.

My husband is living proof of the miracle of prayer and modern medicine.

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By Helen Steiner Rice

 Angel Glitter 

Beverly Kersey
Re: URGENT PRAYERS Needed From All Of You (7/30/2008)
7/30/2008 6:41:58 PM
I Mitchell Shelton pray that Payton Bradshaw will come through his surgary just fine and get well soon in the name of Jesus i pray Aman Mitchell Shelton
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Deborah Skovron

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Re: URGENT PRAYERS Needed From All Of You (7/30/2008)
7/30/2008 6:43:58 PM

Hi Marion,

Payton will be in my prayers and thoughts.

I hope the best for your friend.


Your Good Friend


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Phillip Black

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Re: URGENT PRAYERS Needed From All Of You (7/30/2008)
7/30/2008 7:37:13 PM

Hi Marion,

Thank You for letting us know.  Rest assured that Payton and his Family will be in my Thoughts & Prayers.

O Lord Jesus, You Who brought Light into a World of Darkness, grant unto our Brother Payton, peaceful acceptance of the surgery which awaits him and the assurance that this will be the relief and cure for which he is seeking.  As all knowledge and skills come only from You O Lord, make skilled the hands of the Surgeon and those of his Team, that they may be successful in removing all traces of Cancer from his body and that his recovery and healing may be speedy and complete, according to Your Will. Amen.

God Bless You My Friends,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Judy Smith

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Re: URGENT PRAYERS Needed From All Of You (7/30/2008)
7/30/2008 8:35:59 PM

Hi Marion,

You are so sweet to put this request out for Payton.  I am always happy to jump into a prayer chain, and I will pray for a completely successful surgery and immediate and complete healing for Payton. 

I love Myrna's graphic - but I brought my own!
