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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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KALEIDOSCOPE #6: CYPRUS - The Island of Aphrodite
7/20/2008 12:44:05 PM
The Island of Aphrodite

Botticelli, Birth of Venus
Botticell's Birth of Venus- Click above for a Video Clip


Partition:In 1974 Turkish troops invaded and occupied the northern 36% of the Republic of Cyprus. This area was later declared independent. The secession has not been recognized internationally, except by Turkey. The UN and Commonwealth have for many years protested about the occupation and tried to resolve the problem by negotiation.


Joined commonwealth:1961


Population:855,000 (2007)

GDP pc growth:2.3% p.a. 1990–2005

Official language:Greek, (Turkish at the occupied areas)

Time:GMT plus 2-3 hours

Currency:Euro (€)


Cyprus, according to Mythology, is the birthplace of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. The island is both an ancient land, with an eleven thousand year-old history and civilization as well as a young independent republic since 1960. Its geographic location at the crossroads of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa - and at the meeting point of great civilizations has been one of the factors influencing the course of the island's history throughout the centuries.


Click above: The Cypriot National Anthem (The Hymn to Freedom)
We Are Born And We Will Die Hellenes (Greeks)


Click above - The invation


WASHINGTON, D.C., May 18, 2007 -- For the first time in Hellenic-American history, three of the four leading American Presidential candidates from both parties, and others, made presentations regarding Hellenic and Orthodox matters to Greek-America's political leadership. It took place on Thursday, May 17, 2007 in Washington, D.C. at the 23rd Annual Cyprus, Hellenic and Orthodox Issues Conference organized by the Coordinated Effort of Hellenes (CEH). CEH leaders include Andrew Athens, Philip Christopher and Andy Manatos.

American Leaders Say

Click on the flag

Kouklia was the home to a cult of Aphrodite from at least 3,800 BC and was mentioned in many ancient texts, including Homer's Iliad. The temple complex is now largely in ruins but the many art treasures found there are now in museums in New York, Paris, London and Nicosia.
View Ken and Nyetta's map
34°40' 07" N, 32°50' 54" E
This is actually a copy of a 3rd century AD mosaic of Leda and the Swan at Kouklia. The original is in the museum but this copy was placed in the exact spot where the original was found.

Tomb of the Kings

These impressive underground tombs date from the 4th century. Carved deep into the ground, some tombs grand enough they represent the houses of the living with Doric columns and paintings on the walls. Despite the name, Tombs of the Kings, no kings were buried here, but aristocrats instead - the name is in reference to the majestic character of the tombs. Excavation works is still being carried out, but see the tombs which have already been uncovered just two kms north-west of Paphos Port.

More to be updated!

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Nick Sym

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Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #6: CYPRUS - The Island of Aphrodite
7/21/2008 6:08:48 PM
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #6: CYPRUS - The Island of Aphrodite
7/25/2008 3:06:53 PM
Hello Nick!

Thank you for the SMile and your support.

What about CYPRUS Mr Bush?
34 years of tyrannical Occupation!!!

© Georgios Paraskevopoulos

Thirty four years of democracy in Greece but h*ll i Cyprus.

Dear friends, I am open to discussion on facts. The President  of USA, Mr Bush is glorious and very proud when he talks about globalization, freedom of speech, democracy, human rights and USA's role to defend the world from terrorism.

What About Cyprus Mr Bush? Leader of the Earth, Planetarch, if you don't know where it is here is a map.
Not this

But This
The Cyprus matter is very sensitive and includes my personal feelings. In all my political articles there have been attacks without a reason. This time I will hit back very hard. I will not delete any reply or attack for having reasons to hit back and that will be in form of eye to eye.  

I condemn USA and NATO, the governments in Greece and Turkey, the United Nations and European Union, They are all involved. To have Cyprus separated in two parts was a common plan where USA, Great Britain and their information service together planed and they are also involved in this great conspiracy against the Cypriot People. In hundreds of generations from the ancient ages Cyprus was settled by Hellenic inhabitants and Greeks.

Both Greece and Turkey are full members of NATO and UN. Cyprus is strategically a perfect geographic area for militant actions controlling the whole Middle East and South East Mediterranean. USA knew that it was impossible for them to control the island as long as the Cypriots had free elections. The plans on changing Cyprus status are from early sixties. First there had to be a junta to control Greece, because free Greeks would never accept to give Cyprus to the Turks or to make Cyprus a legal center for American bases. Turkey is the American Police man in the area. They never had democracy and if they will have the whole country will collapse.
The USA government gave orders to the Greek Junta to make a military coup against the legal government in Cyprus to give Turkey the right to make an invasion. The result was the junta fell in Greece. Turkey made the invasion and Cyprus is still crying the loss areas and all killings, rapes, murders and relatives that strangely “disappeared”, properties they lost, memories, the bones of their ancestors.

On July 20, 1974 Turkey undertakes a military invasion of Cyprus which has as a consequence extensive destruction. On August 14 the Turkish plan was completed with the second assault that culminated with the occupation of 37% of Cyprus. The Turkish troops destroyed every hope that the end of the Second World War would mean the phasing out of the horror of war from Europe. Even worse, the extent of the destruction, the barbarity and plundering which has been continuing for many years now, are reminiscent of the dark days of the Middle Ages.

The misdeeds of the Turkish Attila are very similar to the works of peril and destruction of the notorious king of the Huns.

This is the story. Detailed information you may find if you use key words “Cyprus”, “Attila I”, Attila II, Greek Cypriots, Turk Cypriots, etc. If you want a bleeding corner in Europe then you nothing. If you really are a cultivated individual with free voice and speech raise your voice. Tell the world that these sorts of actions are barbaric and bring us back in time and memories to bore more hate more wars.

Briefly, in the aftermath of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus there are 4000 dead, 1619 missing, and 230,000 people displaced. The 37% of the island which the Turks take contain 70% of the industry and mineral wealth, 80% of the tourist attractions and 65% of the cultivated land.

For those who accuse the United States of being involved in the invasion it is interesting to note that on the 15th of July there are two intelligence reports at the State Department's SE Europe section office. One says that there is no imminent coup in Cyprus, the other that it has already begun. Still the belief of many is that Henry Kissinger is deeply involved in the calamity. But one can understand the confusion of the US administration during the crisis of Cyprus and the fall of the Athens Junta for even as all this is unfolding, Richard Nixon is resigning as President of the United States over the Watergate scandal and is replaced by Gerald Ford who had himself replaced disgraced vice-president Spiro Agnew.

Right spelled "Spyro", a nice name on a sold politician. I  would be very ashamed being you, a Greek-American involved  to sell  Greece and parts of its ethnically heritage to MONGOLS and TEUTONS. At that time Mr Bush you were a member of "Skull and Bones" you should also be ashamed.

Are you involved Mr Bush? No, well take a look here or here. I didn't write it but an American citizens did and Mr Bush keep your hands off Cyprus and Greece. Let the Cypriots and Greeks live as they consider best. The count down begun Mr Bush, for YOU and YOUR Turkish comrades. Greece will be glorious again without American help again. "Η ΡΩΜΑΝΙΑ ΚΙ ΑΝ ΕΠΕΡΑΣΕΝ ΑΝΘΗ ΚΑΙ ΦΕΡΕΙ ΚΙ ΑΛΛΟ" meaning if ROMANIA (Greece of Byzantine Ages) fell it is blooming and it is coming back..

Regardless of what the Americans knew or didn't know, the Athens Junta's failed coup against Makarios which led to the Turkish invasion of Cyprus is a tragedy that continues to this day. As of  2007 over 1500 Cypriot men, women and children are still missing.

Take your hands off Cyprus. Let the Cypriots live as they consider best for them without any involvement from out.


This article is not against the American People. You all sail in same boat as me and most of the victims of hard imperialistic and capitalistic policy. Capitalism has no fatherland but you and me we all have.

Updated 2007.07.15
Article THE SUN
London, Agust 8, 1974

Click above to get the article
The Result of the OCCUPATION
Tasos ISAAK Murderd

Cyprus history from an Official UNHRI report

This is not propaganda - Official UNHRI report

Greetings from Greece
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Jill Bachman

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Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #6: CYPRUS - The Island of Aphrodite
7/27/2008 4:01:19 AM

Hi Georgios,

As you know, I am very BIG on respecting everyone's individual truths!  BUT, I can also logically identiy with those who are furious with the United States....and rightfully so!

Here is some documented information that is ever so fast propelling us all toward the TRUTH!

The TRUTH we do NOT see or hear on television or radio!

An excellent segment from the Friday JUDICIAL COMMITTEE HEARINGS as recorded live on C-Span

Friday July 25, 2008 Vincent Bugliosi is heard by Congressman John Conyers, Chairman House Judiciary Committee Inquiry Hearing on Articles of Impeachment Former L.A. County Prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi - Author of "The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder" George W Bush knew and purposely lied to America and mislead The Congress........

Share this with all people you know.  Together we can strive to WAKE AMERICA and all the world UP before it is too late!

Cheers,  Jill

PS - ONE MORE!  Here is an eye-opening Financial Report Video from the Lyndon LaRouche web site.  We may all want to keep a little "cash" around (and not in the banks) til the big *N* kicks in very very soon. 

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #6: CYPRUS - The Island of Aphrodite
7/30/2008 10:44:44 AM
Hello Jill!

I am proud being your friend! There aren't many people the other side the big river daring to say their meaning.

I saw the clips! They are very informative. Thank you for sharing.


I am the voice - from a human view (click above)

Kindly Regards
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