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Bogdan Fiedur

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Do not go where the path may lead ...
1/8/2005 8:31:25 PM
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." – Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet, philosopher
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Nan Kietzke

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Re: Do not go where the path may lead ...
1/8/2005 8:42:53 PM
Very good Bogdan. I also like the one that says to 'travel the road less traveled". I guess that should also mean "step out of your square" and try to do something unusual. Nan An Advantageously Contagious Business
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Monty Loree

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Re: Do not go where the path may lead ...
1/8/2005 9:10:53 PM
I agree Bogdan, We've made a great deal of money on the internet. Now we're blazing new trails using the same medium. Our next adventure is to fight the creditors, collection agencies, credit bureaus using the power of the internet. We are in the planning stages to put 250,000 pages up for our credit repair website in Canada. We're using all of the advertising and marketing lessons we've learned to date to make this successful. The neat thing is that we're the first ones in Canada to do credit repair using the internet. That's how we're blazing our trail. I like your adlandpro as you've proven to be successful and have given good customer service. Thanks, Monty Loree
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Re: Do not go where the path may lead ...
1/8/2005 10:03:25 PM

"An open hand travels faster than a closed fist, this is true with the mind." -Rick Tew Justin Rhoderick ------------------------------------------ The Million Dollar Challenge! >>>
Re: Do not go where the path may lead ...
1/8/2005 10:18:28 PM
Hi Bogdan, Hello! Thanks for your forum, Well in my opinion go with your instinct whatever the path may leads you probably into a more happier life its your choice whatever that is. Thanks, Eva Marie Farrell
Thanks, Eva Marie

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