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Discover how good health lays the foundation for good living
6/27/2008 12:58:41 AM

Herba Green Tea

Not your ordinary green tea, HerbaGreen Teas contain a balanced antioxidant formula with standardized extracts of carefully selected, wild crafted herbs from the mountains of China for optimum therapeutic benefits for you and your entire family! Contains NO calories or caffeine.

Each bottle equals 60 servings. Choose from among Original flavor, Heavenly Honey Lemon, or Mandarin Mango Swirl. Then, simply add a dropper full to hot, warm, or cold water and stir for a naturally delicious, wonderfully healthy drink!


* Maintains healthy cells, cell growth and development.

* Supports a healthy cardiovascular system.

* Promotes healthy weight control by blocking carbohydrate absorption.

* Fights damaging free-radicals, which attack healthy cells and promote aging.

* Supports the immune system.

* Helps the body maintain its toxin-free condition.

* Promotes healthy blood sugar balance.

* Supports dental and optimal gum health.

Veriuni Antioxidant with Red Wine Extract

 Our Advanced Antioxidant with Red Wine Extract helps safeguard your immune system, retard the aging process, and protect your health. Research has shown antioxidants also support heart health and eye health - both important to older adults. One dose delivers 500 mg of Vitamin C, 400 IU of Vitamin E, and 30 mg of red wine extract.

Veriuni Advanced Joint Support

Veriuni Advanced Joint Support contains FOUR of today's best selling joint health neutraceuticals to promote better joint health, maintain strong muscles and muscle tone, increase connective tissue regeneration and repair, and help with muscular energy (ATP) levels and joint function and mobility.

Individuals taking Veriuni Advanced Joint Support will experience several positive effects such as:

- Increased synovial fluid production within joints, allowing for greater joint mobility and decreased pain.

- Increased connective tissue regeneration and repair, allowing for less stiffness of joints.

- Increased muscular energy (ATP) levels, allowing for increased muscle strength and decreased muscle fatigue.

Veriuni Ginseng Energy

* InThis formulation definitely will give you an energy boost and give you a heightened sense of awareness. The formulation is designed to improve circulation and promote oxygen levels in the brain. Tablets contain Siberian Ginseng, Kola Nut Extract, Lysine, Phenylalanine, Glycine, and Cyanocobalamincreases energy and alertness.
* Strengthens immune function.
* Relieves stress and improves oxygen levels.
* Acts as an antidepressant.
* Increases sexual interest.
* Mobilizes blood sugar from the liver.
* Promotes a healthy nervous system.

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